publication venue for
- A buyer behaviour framework for the development and design of software agents in e‐commerce 2000
- A relationship‐building model for the Web retail marketplace 2000
- Managing business‐to‐business relationships throughout the e‐commerce procurement life cycle 2000
- Not all IT addictions are handled equally: guilt-vs shame-driven coping with IT addiction. 35:152-177. 2025
- Potential treatments of technology addiction: insights for information systems scholars. ahead-of-print. 2024
- Unraveling threats in parasocial relationships: a study on social media influencers. ahead-of-print. 2024
- Personal use of smartphones in the workplace and work–life conflict: a natural quasi-experiment. 34:24-54. 2023
- The impact of ignorance and bias on information security protection motivation: a case of e-waste handling. 33:2244-2275. 2023
- SNS use reduction: a two-facet privacy concern perspective. 33:974-993. 2023
- Artificial intelligence and robots in individuals' lives: how to align technological possibilities and ethical issues. 31:1-10. 2021
- A decision paradox: benefit vs risk and trust vs distrust for online dating adoption vs non-adoption. 31:341-375. 2020
- Dealing with social networking site addiction: a cognitive-affective model of discontinuance decisions. 30:1427-1453. 2020
- Adoption and non-adoption motivational risk beliefs in the use of mobile services for health promotion. 29:846-869. 2019
- Panel report: the dark side of the digitization of the individual. 29:274-288. 2019
- Social motivation for the use of social technologies. 29:24-45. 2019
- Reviews’ length and sentiment as correlates of online reviews’ ratings. 28:544-563. 2018
- Understanding Chinese consumer engagement in social commerce. 28:2-22. 2018
- A trust-risk perspective on social commerce use: an examination of the biasing role of habit. 27:586-607. 2017
- Supply chain collaboration alternatives: understanding the expected costs and benefits. 12:348-364. 2002
- A model for Web‐based information systems in e‐retailing. 11:310-321. 2001
- Guest editorial. 11:93-100. 2001
- The influence of information ecology on e‐commerce initiatives. 11:286-295. 2001
- Exploring the application of mission statements on the World Wide Web. 11:360-368. 2001
- The Second World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce. 11:275-276. 2001
- Guest editorial. 10:1-9. 2000
- The First World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce: review and commentary. 10:365-374. 2000
- The evolution of software pricing: from box licenses to application service provider models. 10:246-255. 2000
- The First World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce - Guest editorial. 10:364-364. 2000