publication venue for
- Priority setting and equity in COVID-19 pandemic plans: a comparative analysis of 18 African countries. 37:297-309. 2022
- Can institutional entrepreneurship strengthen clinical governance and quality improvement: a case study of a district-based clinical specialist team in South Africa. 34:ii121-ii134. 2019
- Who is in and who is out? A qualitative analysis of stakeholder participation in priority setting for health in three districts in Uganda. 34:358-369. 2019
- Strengthening decentralized primary healthcare planning in Nigeria using a quality improvement model: how contexts and actors affect implementation. 33:715-728. 2018
- Assessing the influence of knowledge translation platforms on health system policy processes to achieve the health millennium development goals in Cameroon and Uganda: a comparative case study. 33:539-554. 2018
- Considering health equity when moving from evidence-based guideline recommendations to implementation: a case study from an uppermiddle income country on the GRADE approach. 32:1492-1492. 2017
- Privilege and inclusivity in shaping Global Health agendas. 32:czw146-czw146. 2017
- Considering health equity when moving from evidence-based guideline recommendations to implementation: a case study from an upper-middle income country on the GRADE approach. 32:1484-1490. 2017
- Why do policies change? Institutions, interests, ideas and networks in three cases of policy reform. 31:1200-1211. 2016
- Does treatment collection and observation each day keep the patient away? An analysis of the determinants of adherence among patients with Tuberculosis in South Africa. 31:454-461. 2016
- Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research: a conference impact evaluation. 30:612-623. 2015
- Community case management of malaria: exploring support, capacity and motivation of community medicine distributors in Uganda. 30:451-461. 2015
- 10 best resources for ... evidence-informed health policy making. 28:215-218. 2013
- Evaluating health systems strengthening interventions in low-income and middle-income countries: are we asking the right questions?. 27:iv9-iv19. 2012
- The evolution, etiology and eventualities of the global health security regime. 25:510-522. 2010
- Policy development in malaria vector management in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. 25:372-383. 2010
- Eliciting policymakers' and stakeholders' opinions to help shape health system research priorities in the Middle East and North Africa region. 25:15-27. 2010
- Public participation in health planning and priority setting at the district level in Uganda. 18:205-213. 2003