publication venue for
- Inequality, grievances, and the variability in homicide rates. 44:296-304. 2023
- An evolutionary approach to grief-related rumination: Construction and validation of the Bereavement Analytical Rumination Questionnaire. 42:441-452. 2021
- A Cinderella effect in the childcare assistance provided by European grandparents. 42:343-350. 2021
- Grandmaternal childcare and kinship laterality. Is rural Greece exceptional?. 40:385-394. 2019
- TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Are attractive female voices really best characterized by feminine fundamental and formant frequencies? 2019
- The form and function of depressive rumination. 39:277-289. 2018
- Effect of artificial surveillance cues on reported moral judgment: Experimental failures to replicate and two meta-analyses. 38:561-571. 2017
- Men's voice pitch influences women's trusting behavior. 38:293-297. 2017
- Artificial surveillance cues do not increase generosity: two meta-analyses. 38:144-153. 2017
- It’s the way he tells them (and who is listening): men’s dominance is positively correlated with their preference for jokes told by dominant-sounding men. 37:97-104. 2016
- Social dialect and men's voice pitch influence women's mate preferences. 35:368-375. 2014
- Evidence of a nesting psychology during human pregnancy. 34:390-397. 2013
- A sex difference in the context-sensitivity of dominance perceptions. 34:366-372. 2013
- Voice pitch influences voting behavior. 33:210-216. 2012
- Dissociating the perception of speed and the perception of animacy: a functional approach. 29:335-342. 2008
- Correlated preferences for men's facial and vocal masculinity. 29:233-241. 2008
- One woman's behavior affects the attractiveness of others☆. 28:145-149. 2007
- Looking for loss in all the wrong places: loss avoidance does not explain cheater detection. 27:417-432. 2006
- Production and appreciation of humor as sexually selected traits. 27:121-130. 2006
- The influence of humor on desirability. 27:29-39. 2006
- Women's physical and psychological condition independently predict their preference for apparent health in faces. 26:451-457. 2005
- The voice and face of woman: One ornament that signals quality?. 26:398-408. 2005
- The relationship between shape symmetry and perceived skin condition in male facial attractiveness. 25:24-30. 2004
- The influence of postreliance detection on the deceptive efficacy of dishonest signals of intent Understanding facial clues to deceit as the outcome of signaling tradeoffs. 23:103-121. 2002
- Two special issues on Risk. 23:1-2. 2002
- The psychology of social chess and the evolution of attribution mechanisms: explaining the fundamental attribution error. 22:11-29. 2001
- W.D. Hamilton (1936–2000). 21:75-77. 2000
- Special issue: Stepparental investment. 20:365-366. 1999
- Stepparental Behavior as Mating Effort in Birds and Other Animals. 20:367-390. 1999
- Offspring sex ratio and parental age difference - Editor's reply. 19:427-428. 1998
- Birth Order and Familial Sentiment. 19:299-312. 1998
- On the importance of kin relations to canadian women and men. 17:289-297. 1996
- Parents' knowledge of students' beliefs and attitudes: An indirect assay of parental solicitude?. 17:201-210. 1996
- Reproductive status, family interactions, and suicidal ideation: Surveys of the general public and high-risk groups. 16:385-394. 1995
- Some differential attributes of lethal assaults on small children by stepfathers versus genetic fathers. 15:207-217. 1994
- Evolutionary limits to self- preservation. 12:13-28. 1991
- Homicide and cultural evolution. 10:99-110. 1989
- Child abuse and other risks of not living with both parents. 6:197-210. 1985
- Competitiveness, risk taking, and violence: the young male syndrome. 6:59-73. 1985
- Experimental behavioral ecology and sociobiology in: Memoriam Karl von Frisch 1886–1982. 6:271-272. 1985
- Male sexual jealousy. 3:11-27. 1982
- Whom are newborn babies said to resemble?. 3:69-78. 1982