publication venue for
- Optimal sample size allocation for multi-level stress testing with exponential regression under type-I censoring 2016
- A New Measure of Leverage Cells in Multinomial Loglinear Models 2010
- A Skewed Sinh-Normal Distribution and Its Properties and Application to Air Pollution 2010
- Distributions of Ratios of Two Correlated Skew-Normal Variables and of Ratios of Two Linear Functions of Order Statistics from Bivariate Normal Distribution 2009
- Permanent Expansions and Distributions of Order Statistics in the INID Case 2009
- Inference for a Simple Step-Stress Model with Type-I Censoring and Lognormally Distributed Lifetimes 2009
- A Vectorial Notion of Skewness and Its Use in Testing for Multivariate Symmetry 2007
- On the distribution of a random variable involved in an independent ratio. 54:1-14. 2025
- Dispersion indices based on Kerridge inaccuracy measure and Kullback-Leibler divergence. 53:5574-5592. 2024
- HR and RHR orderings of extremes of dependent variables under Archimedean copula. 53:4776-4789. 2024
- Parametric and partially linear regressions for agricultural economy data. 53:2067-2091. 2024
- Theoretical results and modeling under the discrete Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. 53:1745-1759. 2024
- Reliability optimization for series and parallel systems with series subsystem and comprising of dependent components under random shock environment. 53:1188-1211. 2024
- Moments of doubly truncated multivariate normal mean-mixture distributions. ahead-of-print. 2024
- Comparing residual lifetimes and inactivity times of dependent random variables. 52:8738-8748. 2023
- Semi-blinded design in clinical trials. 52:7165-7183. 2023
- Likelihood ratio and dispersive orders of parallel and series systems consisting of dependent multiple-outlier components. 52:6695-6715. 2023
- On a length-biased Birnbaum-Saunders regression model applied to meteorological data. 52:6916-6935. 2023
- Orderings of fail-safe systems with components having Marshall-Olkin-Harris lifetime distributions. 52:7022-7040. 2023
- Cumulative and relative cumulative residual information generating measures and associated properties. 52:5260-5273. 2023
- State space splitting of a finite markov process and some discussions on related counting processes. 52:4021-4052. 2023
- Bayesian meta-elliptical multivariate regression models with fixed marginals on unit intervals. 52:918-938. 2023
- Ordering properties of the smallest and largest lifetimes in Gompertz–Makeham model. 52:643-669. 2023
- Stochastic comparisons of parallel systems with starting devices. 52:170-182. 2023
- Dispersion and variability orders of mixture exponential distributions and their sample spacings, and some associated characterizations. 51:8657-8670. 2022
- Information generating function for order statistics and mixed reliability systems. 51:7846-7855. 2022
- My musings on a pioneering work of Erich Lehmann and its rediscoveries on some families of distributions. 51:8066-8073. 2022
- Stochastic comparisons of finite mixture models with generalized Lehmann distributed components. 51:7767-7782. 2022
- A useful variance decomposition for destructive Waring regression cure model with an application to HIV data. 51:6978-6989. 2022
- On weighted extropies. 51:6250-6267. 2022
- How to analyze change in perception from paired Q-sorts. 51:5681-5691. 2022
- Usual stochastic and reversed hazard orders of parallel systems with independent heterogeneous components. 51:4781-4806. 2022
- Stochastic comparisons of series and parallel systems with dependent Burr type XII components. 51:2209-2230. 2022
- Progressively Type-II censored competing risks data from the linear exponential distribution. 51:1444-1460. 2022
- Orderings of extremes dependent modified proportional hazard and modified proportional reversed hazard variables under Archimedean copula. 50:5358-5379. 2021
- Testing linear hypotheses in logistic regression analysis with complex sample survey data based on phi-divergence measures. 50:5228-5247. 2021
- Copula models for one-shot device testing data with correlated failure modes. 50:3875-3888. 2021
- Survival model induced by discrete frailty for modeling of lifetime data with long-term survivors and change-point. 50:1161-1172. 2021
- On mean-based bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distributions: Properties, inference and application. 49:6032-6056. 2020
- Estimation of proportions by group testing with retesting of positive groups. 49:5587-5597. 2020
- A Conway Maxwell Poisson type generalization of the negative hypergeometric distribution. 49:2410-2428. 2020
- An improved and efficient biased estimation technique in logistic regression model. 49:2237-2252. 2020
- Fractional approaches for the distribution of innovation sequence of INAR(1) processes. 49:2205-2216. 2020
- Exponentiated models preserve stochastic orderings of parallel and series systems. 49:1592-1602. 2020
- Comparisons between parallel systems with exponentiated generalized gamma components. 48:1316-1332. 2019
- Ordering results for series and parallel systems comprising heterogeneous exponentiated Weibull components. 48:660-675. 2019
- Necessary and sufficient conditions for stochastic orders between (n − r + 1)-out-of-n systems in proportional hazard (reversed hazard) rates model. 47:5854-5866. 2018
- On the restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator in the logistic regression model. 47:4389-4401. 2018
- A weighted Poisson distribution and its application to cure rate models. 47:4297-4310. 2018
- On the distribution-free confidence intervals and universal bounds for quantiles based on joint records. 47:2969-2978. 2018
- Some new results on aggregate claim amounts from two heterogeneous Marshall–Olkin extended exponential portfolios. 47:2779-2794. 2018
- A note on the conditional residual lifetime of a coherent system under double monitoring. 47:2373-2378. 2018
- On the mean residual life of a generalized k-out-of-n system. 47:2362-2372. 2018
- Order statistics and their concomitants from multivariate normal mean–variance mixture distributions with application to Swiss Markets Data. 46:10991-11009. 2017
- Orderings for series and parallel systems comprising heterogeneous exponentiated Weibull-geometric components. 46:9869-9880. 2017
- A weighted stochastic restricted ridge estimator in partially linear model. 46:9274-9283. 2017
- Developing a restricted two-parameter Liu-type estimator: A comparison of restricted estimators in the binary logistic regression model. 46:6864-6873. 2017
- Multivariate Bayesian U-type asymmetric designs for non parametric response surface prediction under correlated errors. 46:4226-4239. 2017
- Conditional residual lifetimes of coherent systems under double monitoring. 46:3401-3410. 2017
- Bayesian prediction of order statistics with fixed and random sample sizes based onk-record values from Pareto distribution. 46:721-735. 2017
- Stochastic properties and parameter estimation for a general load-sharing system. 46:747-760. 2017
- A consistent method of estimation for the three-parameter lognormal distribution based on Type-II right censored data. 45:5693-5708. 2016
- Sign test based onk-tuple general ranked set samples. 45:3874-3883. 2016
- Stochastic comparisons of series and parallel systems with independent heterogeneous lower-truncated Weibull components. 45:540-551. 2016
- Likelihood Inference for Flexible Cure Rate Models with Gamma Lifetimes. 44:4007-4048. 2015
- A Recursive Algorithm For the Single and Product Moments of Order Statistics From the Exponential-geometric Distribution and Some Estimation Methods. 44:3576-3598. 2015
- Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Two-parameter Exponential Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring. 44:3001-3010. 2015
- The Generalized Pascal Triangle and the Matrix Variate Jensen-Logistic Distribution. 44:2738-2752. 2015
- Distribution of the Number of Observations Greater Than theith Dependent Progressively Type-II Censored Order Statistic and Its Use in Goodness-of-fit Testing. 44:2517-2529. 2015
- Improved Ordering Results for Fail-Safe Systems with Exponential Components. 44:2010-2023. 2015
- On a Bivariate Pólya-Aeppli Distribution. 43:5026-5038. 2014
- A Consistent Method of Estimation For The Three-Parameter Gamma Distribution. 43:3905-3926. 2014
- New Influence Measures in Polytomous Logistic Regression Models Based on Phi-Divergence Measures. 43:2311-2321. 2014
- Markov-Correlated Poisson Processes. 42:3696-3703. 2013
- Distribution-Free Comparison of Hazard Rates of Two Distributions Under Type-II Censoring. 42:1889-1898. 2013
- A Connection Between Two Nonparametric Tests for Perfect Ranking in Balanced Ranked Set Sampling. 42:191-193. 2013
- Nonparametric Prediction Intervals Based on Ranked Set Samples. 41:2256-2268. 2012
- One- and Two-Sample Bayesian Prediction Intervals Based on Type-II Hybrid Censored Data. 41:1511-1531. 2012
- Unification of Dirichlet Methodology. 41:1647-1662. 2012
- Relations for Moments of Progressively Type-II Censored Order Statistics from Log-Logistic Distribution with Applications to Inference. 41:880-906. 2012
- Pitman Closeness Comparison of Best Linear Unbiased and Invariant Predictors for Exponential Distribution in One- and Two-Sample Situations. 41:1-15. 2012
- A Distribution-Free Control Chart Based on Order Statistics. 39:3652-3677. 2010
- Bivariate Continuous Distributions with Specified Conditional Hazard Functions. 39:2473-2484. 2010
- Exact Likelihood Inference for Two Exponential Populations Under Joint Progressive Type-II Censoring. 39:2172-2191. 2010
- Truncated and Limited Skew-Normal and Skew-tDistributions: Properties and an Illustration. 38:2653-2668. 2009
- The Generalized Birnbaum–Saunders Distribution and Its Theory, Methodology, and Application. 37:645-670. 2008
- On a Generalization of Bivariate Cauchy Distribution. 37:469-474. 2008
- Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods: Editorial. 36:1. 2007
- Editorial. 35:2145-2145. 2006
- Use of Orthogonal Polynomial Approximations for Inference in Exponential Distribution Based on K-Sample Doubly Type-II Censored Data. 35:1671-1683. 2006
- Inference for Log-Gamma Distribution Based on Progressively Type-II Censored Data. 35:1271-1292. 2006
- Point and Interval Estimation for Bivariate Normal Distribution Based on Progressively Type-II Censored Data. 34:1297-1347. 2005
- Inference for the Scaled Half-Logistic Distribution Based on Progressively Type-II Censored Samples. 34:73-87. 2005
- Interval Estimation of Parameters of Log-Gamma Distribution Based on Progressively Censored Data. 33:2595-2626. 2004
- New Characterizations by Properties of Midrange and Related Statistics. 33:3133-3143. 2004
- Parameter Estimation for the Linear Hazard Rate Distribution Based on Records and Inter-record Times. 32:729-748. 2003
- Variance of a Winsorized Mean When the Sample Contains Multiple Outliers. 32:139-149. 2003
- Effect of dichotomizinlg a continuous variable on the model structure in multiple linear regression models. 29:643-654. 2000
- Estimation of the location and scale parameters of the extreme value distmbution based on multiply type-II censored samples. 24:2105-2125. 1995
- Order statistics from non-identical power function random variables. 24:1443-1454. 1995
- On order statistics from non-identical right-truncated exponential random variables and some applications. 23:3373-3393. 1994
- Recurrence relations for single and product moments of record values from generalized pareto distribution. 23:2841-2852. 1994
- Recurrence relations for moments of record values from generalized extreme value distribution. 22:1471-1482. 1993
- Moments of order statistics from a non-overlapping mixture model with applications to truncated laplace distribution. 21:1909-1928. 1992
- A kalman filter in the presence of outliers. 20:1803-1820. 1991
- A robust procedure for testing the equality of mean vectors of two bivariate populations with unequal covariance matrices. 18:3249-3265. 1989
- On the robust two wided tolerance limits based on MML estimators. 18:1135-1138. 1989
- Robust classification procedures based on the mml estimators. 18:1047-1066. 1989
- Bayesian approach to robust procedures based on censored samples. 17:2403-2418. 1988
- Generalization of the robust bivariate t2statistic to multivariate populations. 17:3899-3911. 1988
- Harmonic mean approach to uunbalanced random effects models under heteroscedasticity. 17:1261-1286. 1988
- Linear rank tests for radomazed block design. 17:2455-2470. 1988
- Recurrence Relations And Identities For Moments Of Order Statistics, II; Specific Continuous Distributions. 17:2657-2694. 1988
- Recurrence relations mid identities for moments of order statistics, i: arbitrary continuous distribution. 17:2623-2655. 1988
- Relations and identities for the moments of order statistics from a sample containing a single outlier. 17:2173-2190. 1988
- Relationships among moments of order statistics in samples from two related outlier models and some applications. 17:2327-2341. 1988
- Robust hotelling-type T2statistics based on the modified maximum likelihood estimators. 17:1789-1810. 1988
- A note on moments of order statistics from exchangeable variates. 16:855-861. 1987
- Best linear unbiased estimation of location and scale parameters of the log-logistic distribution. 16:3477-3495. 1987
- Selection procedures based on normal and nonnormal variables with single and multiple characters. 16:3007-3023. 1987
- Two identities involving order statistics in the presence of an outlier. 16:2385-2389. 1987
- Order statistics from discrete distributions. 15:657-675. 1986
- Order statistics from the linear-exponential distribution, part I: increasing hazard rate case. 15:179-203. 1986
- Robust two sided tolerance limits based on mml estimators. 14:175-184. 1985
- Robustness to nonnormality of the linear discriminant function: mixtures of normal distributions. 14:465-478. 1985
- Some general identities involving order statistics. 14:333-339. 1985
- Testing the equality of variance-covariance matrices the robust way. 14:3033-3051. 1985
- Robust multivariate classification procedures based on the mml estimators. 13:967-986. 1984
- Testing equality of population variances the robust way. 13:2143-2159. 1984
- Two sided acceptance sampling plans based on mml estimators. 13:3123-3131. 1984
- Maximam likelihood estimation with welbull models when the data are grouped. 11:199-207. 1982
- Estimating proportions by group retesting with unequal group sizes at each stage 2022