publication venue for
- Institutions of Care: A Qualitative Study with Ancestral Black Nova Scotian Nurses in Healthcare.. 8445621241313421. 2025
- A 2-Day Postpartum CBT-Based Training for Nurses.. 56:442-447. 2024
- Nurses Navigating Mental Health During Uncharted Times: Self, Others, Systems (S.O.S)!. 56:396-405. 2024
- A Multiphase Mixed Methods Study on the Integration of a Population Health Approach in Sexual Health Programs and Services in Ontario Public Health Units. 55:319-332. 2023
- The Association Between Frailty and a Nurse-Identified Need for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Referral from the Emergency Department. 55:404-412. 2023
- Formal Health and Social Services That Directly and Indirectly Benefit Stroke Caregivers: A Scoping Review of Access and Use. 54:211-233. 2022
- Recruitment of Community-Based Samples: Experiences and Recommendations for Optimizing Success. 54:101-111. 2022
- The Role of the Indigenous Patient Navigator: A Scoping Review. 54:199-210. 2022
- Facilitators and Barriers to Nurse Practitioners Prescribing Methadone for Opioid Use Disorder in Nova Scotia: A Qualitative Study. 54:15-26. 2022
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes among Incarcerated Women in Canada: A Scoping Review. 54:72-86. 2022
- Home Care Nursing Visits and Same-Day Emergency Department Use: Which Patients Are Most at Risk?. 53:376-383. 2021
- Who Are High Users of Hospitals in Canada? Findings From a Population-Based Study. 51:245-254. 2019
- Provider Perspectives on Facilitators and Barriers to Accessible Service Provision for Immigrant Women With Postpartum Depression: A Qualitative Study. 51:191-201. 2019
- Current Weight Management Approaches Used by Primary Care Providers in Six Multidisciplinary Healthcare Settings in Ontario. 50:169-178. 2018
- Betwixt and Between Well and Sick in Cervical Precancer: Canadian Women’s Experiences of Recurring HPV Infections and HPV Vaccination. 50:120-132. 2018
- Selection and Use of Health Services for Infants’ Needs by Indigenous Mothers in Canada: Integrative Literature Review. 50:89-102. 2018
- A Pain Education Intervention for Patients Undergoing Ambulatory Inguinal Hernia Repair. 49:108-117. 2017
- Direct Oral Anticoagulants in the Real World. 49:105-107. 2017
- The Hope Research Community of Practice. 49:127-136. 2017
- A Qualitative Study of Challenges and Opportunities in Mobilizing Research Knowledge on Violence Against Women. 49:5-15. 2017
- Strategic Workforce Planning for Health Human Resources. 48:93-99. 2016
- Nurse-Led Interventions to Promote Optimal Aging at Home for Older Adults With Multimorbidity and Their Caregivers. 48:4-6. 2016
- Attrition in Smoking Cessation Intervention Studies: A Systematic Review. 47:21-40. 2015
- Better Care and Better Value for Canadians: A Review of RCT Studies of Nurse Interventions. 47:41-60. 2015
- CJNR Bids a Fond Farewell to the Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University. 47:4-6. 2015
- Developing a Web Site: A Strategy for Employment Integration of Internationally Educated Nurses. 47:7-20. 2015
- Message from the Senior Editors. 47:3-3. 2015
- Article Commentary: Do as we say or do as we Do? Examining the Hidden Curriculum in Nursing Education. 47:7-17. 2015
- Honouring Stories: Mi'kmaq Women's Experiences with Pap Screening in Eastern Canada. 47:72-96. 2015
- Pain Assessment and Management in Canada: We've Come a Long Way but there are Challenges on the Road Ahead. 47:9-16. 2015
- Comparative Analysis of External Validity Reporting in Non-randomized Intervention Studies. 46:47-64. 2014
- A Scoping Review of the Literature on Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada: Mapping a Research Agenda. 46:26-45. 2014
- Acute Coronary Syndrome Pain and Anxiety in a Rural Emergency Department: Patient and Nurse Perspectives. 46:80-100. 2014
- Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Nursing Education and Research. 46:28-41. 2014
- Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination of Advanced Practice Nursing Information and Research to Acute-Care Administrators. 46:10-27. 2014
- Cultural Competence of Internationally Educated Nurses: Assessing Problems and Finding Solutions. 45:88-107. 2013
- The Road to Providing Quality Care: Orientation and Mentorship for New Graduate Nurses. 45:72-87. 2013
- Uncertainty and Alternate Level of Care: A Narrative Study of the Older Patient and Family Caregiver Experience. 45:12-29. 2013
- Medication management for nurses working in long-term care.. 44:128-149. 2012
- Indigenous Health Research: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives. 44:147-161. 2012
- Partnerships in Public Health: Lessons From Knowledge Translation and Program Planning. 44:94-119. 2012
- Partnerships in public health: lessons from knowledge translation and program planning.. 44:95-119. 2012
- Core aspects of "empowering" caregivers as articulated by leaders in home health care: palliative and chronic illness contexts.. 43:78-94. 2011
- Managing palliative care for adults with advanced heart failure.. 43:38-57. 2011
- "I can't imagine my life without it!" Curling and health promotion: a photovoice study.. 43:60-78. 2011
- Nursing inputs and outcomes of hospital care: an empirical analysis of Ontario's acute-care hospitals.. 43:126-146. 2011
- Nurses' Perceptions of and Satisfaction With the Medication Administration System in Long-Term-Care Homes. 42:59-79. 2010
- Nurses' perceptions of and satisfaction with the medication administration system in long-term-care homes.. 42:58-79. 2010
- Ontario's Nursing Health Services Research Unit marks the 20th anniversary of its founding.. 42:87-93. 2010
- Defining the role of primary health care nurse practitioners in rural Nova Scotia.. 42:30-47. 2010
- Resources to facilitate research in advanced practice nursing.. 42:105-111. 2010
- The clinical nurse specialist role in Canada: forecasting the future through research.. 42:19-25. 2010
- The long and winding road: Integration of nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists into the Canadian health-care system.. 42:3-8. 2010
- Will nurse practitioners achieve full integration into the Canadian health-care system?. 42:9-16. 2010
- Accessing health services while living with HIV: intersections of stigma.. 41:168-185. 2009
- Equitable health-care access: the experiences of refugee and refugee claimant mothers with an ill preschooler.. 41:186-206. 2009
- The costs and effects of addressing the needs of vulnerable populations: results of 10 years of research.. 41:193-203. 2009
- The feasibility of screening for intimate partner violence during postpartum home visits.. 40:150-170. 2008
- Gender Differences in Use and Availability of Home and Community-Based Services for People with Dementia. 40:38-59. 2008
- Gender differences in use and availability of home and community-based services for people with dementia.. 40:39-59. 2008
- Services for Seniors in Small-Town Canada: The Paradox of Community. 40:80-101. 2008
- Services for seniors in small-town Canada: the paradox of community.. 40:81-101. 2008
- The information transfer and knowledge acquisition geographies of family caregivers: an analysis of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit.. 39:36-54. 2007
- Determining the structure of acute pain responses in vulnerable neonates.. 39:32-47. 2007
- Optimizing the role of the nurse practitioner to improve pain management in long-term care.. 39:14-31. 2007
- Positive shifts in the perceived meaning of cardiac pain following a psychoeducation program for chronic stable angina.. 39:48-65. 2007
- Underestimation of pain by health-care providers: towards a model of the process of inferring pain in others.. 39:88-106. 2007
- Strategies for moving beyond the illness in early schizophrenia and in chronic kidney disease.. 38:10-30. 2006
- Critical analysis of the evolution of a Canadian nurse practitioner role.. 37:116-137. 2005
- Lives of rural women after myocardial infarction.. 37:54-67. 2005
- The effects of nursing turnover on continuity of care in isolated First Nation communities.. 37:86-100. 2005
- Homophobia and heterosexism in cancer care: the experiences of lesbians.. 36:170-188. 2004
- Program structure and continuity of mental health care.. 36:12-37. 2004
- Mediating complaints against nurses: a consumer-oriented educational approach.. 36:122-141. 2004
- Multilevel health promotion research: conceptual and analytical considerations.. 36:56-75. 2004
- A comparison of pain-assessment tools for use with elderly long-term-care residents.. 35:58-71. 2003
- A comparison of adolescent and adult mothers' satisfaction with their postpartum nursing care.. 34:117-127. 2002
- Burgeoning opportunities in nursing research.. 34:139-148. 2002
- Opening doors: factors influencing the establishment of a working relationship between paraprofessional home visitors and at-risk families.. 34:59-69. 2002
- Health human resource planning for the new millennium: inputs in the production of health, illness, and recovery in populations.. 33:109-114. 2002
- Perceived support needs of family caregivers and implications for a telephone support service.. 33:43-61. 2001
- Costs of postpartum care: examining associations from the Ontario mother and infant survey.. 33:19-34. 2001
- The costs and effects of addressing the needs of vulnerable populations: results of 10 years of research.. 33:65-76. 2001
- Willingness-to-pay (WTP): the new-old kid on the economic evaluation block.. 33:59-64. 2001
- "Special steps": an effective visiting/walking program for persons with cognitive impairment.. 31:57-71. 2000
- Music modulates behaviour of premature infants following heel lance.. 31:17-39. 2000
- An evaluation of WHA resolution 45.5: health human resource implications.. 31:51-67. 1999
- International nursing: the benefits of working together to improve nursing globally.. 31:7-14. 1999
- Student and faculty learning styles in a Canadian and a Chilean self-directed, problem-based nursing program.. 31:31-50. 1999
- Transferring public-health nursing research to health-system planning: assessing the relevance and accessibility of systematic reviews.. 31:23-36. 1999
- Shadow and substance: values and knowledge. 1996.. 30:239-242. 1999
- Applicants to B.Sc.N., R.N., and R.P.N. nursing programs: differences and predictors.. 29:113-121. 1997
- Patterns of caregiving following the institutionalization of elderly husbands.. 29:79-98. 1997
- Quality of life as an outcome measure in nursing research. "May you have a long and healthy life".. 28:49-68. 1996
- Shadow and substance: values and knowledge.. 28:3-11. 1996
- Evaluation of a home-based traction program for children with congenital dislocated hips and Legg Perthes disease.. 27:133-150. 1995
- Problem-solving counselling or phone-call support for outpatients with chronic illness: effective for whom?. 27:111-137. 1995
- A system-linked research unit on "health and social service utilization".. 26:97-101. 1994
- Correlates of well-being among caregivers of cognitively impaired relatives.. 26:27-39. 1994
- Methodological challenges in coping and adaptation research.. 26:89-96. 1994
- Nurses' work: balancing personal and professional caregiving careers.. 26:43-59. 1994
- Equity and health care: analysis of the relationship between need for care and the utilization of nursing services in Canada.. 25:27-46. 1993
- How to critique qualitative research articles.. 25:47-55. 1993
- Psychosocial adjustment in post-menopausal women.. 24:29-46. 1992
- The effect of routine vs. p.r.n. post-operative analgesia on pulmonary complications: a multicenter trial.. 23:7-22. 1991
- The use of an autobiographical letter in the nursing admissions process: initial reliability and validity.. 23:9-20. 1991
- Predictors of narcotic analgesic administration in the first 48 post-operative hours.. 22:61-73. 1990
- Testing the OSCE: a reliable measurement of clinical nursing skills.. 22:51-59. 1990
- Work technology and the motive profiles of nurses.. 22:51-65. 1990
- Nursing research at the baccalaureate level: a unique teaching/learning model.. 19:43-50. 1987
- Crisis decision making in coronary care: a replication study.. 17:4-19. 1986
- A comparison of two types of learning experience in a second year nursing course.. 9:12-19. 1977
- A multidimensional tool for clinical evaluation.. 8:25-30. 1976
- A process of curriculum analysis.. 7:5-9. 1976
- Position paper: expanded role of the nurse.. 6:30-31. 1974