publication venue for
- On a class of non‐linear transformation cure rate models. 62:1208-1222. 2020
- Skew‐normal random‐effects model for meta‐analysis of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies. 62:1223-1244. 2020
- Latent variable models for harmonization of test scores: A case study on memory. 62:34-52. 2020
- Bivariate random‐effects meta‐analysis models for diagnostic test accuracy studies using arcsine‐based transformations. 60:827-844. 2018
- Birnbaum–Saunders frailty regression models: Diagnostics and application to medical data. 59:291-314. 2017
- Parsimonious mixtures of multivariate contaminated normal distributions. 58:1506-1537. 2016
- Relaxed Poisson cure rate models. 58:397-415. 2016
- Asymptotics for Object Descriptors. 56:781-785. 2014
- A stochastic model for survival of early prostate cancer with adjustments for leadtime, length bias, and over‐detection. 54:20-44. 2012
- When should one adjust for measurement error in baseline variables in observational studies?. 53:28-39. 2011
- Homogeneity/Heterogeneity Hypotheses for Standardized Mortality Ratios Based on Minimum Power‐divergence Estimators. 51:819-836. 2009
- An Empirical Power Comparison of Three Tests of Exponentiality Under Mixture‐ and Outlier‐Models. 31:49-66. 1989
- The Wald Statistic in Proportional Hazards Hypothesis Testing. 31:203-211. 1989
- Bayesian Insight Into a Robust Two‐sample t‐Test Based on Asymmetric Censored Samples. 30:425-439. 1988
- Bayesian Insight into a Robust Test for Linear Contrast Based on Asymmetric Censored Samples. 30:517-532. 1988
- Recurrence Relations Among Moments of Order Statistics from Two Related Outlier Models. 30:741-746. 1988
- Robust Hotelling‐Type T2 Statistics. 30:283-293. 1988
- The Linear Discriminant Function: Sampling from the Truncated Normal Distribution. 29:131-139. 1987
- On the Performance of the SPRT for Correlation Coefficient: Normal and Mixtures of Normal Populations. 28:323-335. 1986
- Tolerance Limits which Control Percentages in Both Tails: Sampling from Mixtures of Normal Distributions. 28:209-217. 1986
- Robust Univariate Two‐Way Classification. 27:123-138. 1985
- On a Generalised Two‐Coin Tossing Problem. 8:266-272. 1966
- Methods to Simulate from Correlated Binomial Random Variables