publication venue for
- Multi-vehicle tracking with microscopic traffic flow model-based particle filtering. 105:28-35. 2019
- Hybrid cancellation of ripple disturbances arising in AC/DC converters. 77:344-352. 2017
- Robust MPC via min–max differential inequalities. 77:311-321. 2017
- Generalized derivatives of dynamic systems with a linear program embedded. 63:198-208. 2016
- Local optimization of dynamic programs with guaranteed satisfaction of path constraints. 62:184-192. 2015
- Isolation and handling of sensor faults in nonlinear systems. 50:1066-1074. 2014
- Lyapunov-based model predictive control of stochastic nonlinear systems. 48:2271-2276. 2012
- Cubature Kalman smoothers. 47:2245-2250. 2011
- A Zakai equation derivation of the extended Kalman filter. 46:620-624. 2010
- Perturbation analysis and condition numbers of symmetric algebraic Riccati equations. 45:1005-1011. 2009
- Isolation and handling of actuator faults in nonlinear systems. 44:53-62. 2008
- Robust hybrid predictive control of nonlinear systems. 41:209-217. 2005
- Uniting bounded control and MPC for stabilization of constrained linear systems. 40:101-110. 2004
- Performance assessment of multivariable feedback controllers. 32:1505-1518. 1996
- A novel iterative learning control formulation of generalized predictive control. 31:1483-1487. 1995
- Block bialternate sum and associated stability formulae. 31:1263-1274. 1995
- Identification for robust multivariable control. 30:1541-1554. 1994
- Integrated process control and automation. 30:365-366. 1994
- A new matrix decomposition for signal processing. 30:39-43. 1994
- One-step optimal saturation correction. 27:135-139. 1991
- Solving dynamic optimization problems on a personal computer using an electronic spreadsheet. 25:97-101. 1989
- Efficiency of rolling schedules for a class of stochastic control problems. 18:493-495. 1982