publication venue for
- Religious labels and food preferences, but not country of origin, support opposing face aftereffects. 247:104328-104328. 2024
- Development and validation of the SAFE (Socially Ascribed intersectional identities For Equity) questionnaire. 245:104235-104235. 2024
- Mental health of Canadian children growing up in military families: The parent perspective. 235:103887-103887. 2023
- Automatic imitation does not predict levels of prosocial behaviour in a modified dictator game. 204:103022-103022. 2020
- The repetition decrement effect in recognition memory: The influence of prime-target spacing. 197:94-105. 2019
- Examining the effect of state anxiety on compensatory and strategic adjustments in the planning of goal-directed aiming. 185:33-40. 2018
- The effects of freedom of choice in action selection on perceived mental effort and the sense of agency. 180:122-129. 2017
- The effect of modeled absolute timing variability and relative timing variability on observational learning. 176:71-77. 2017
- The real-time prediction and inhibition of linguistic outcomes: Effects of language and literacy skill. 171:72-84. 2016
- From the Bob/Kirk effect to the Benoit/Éric effect: Testing the mechanism of name sound symbolism in two languages. 169:88-99. 2016
- Atypical biological motion kinematics are represented by complementary lower-level and top-down processes during imitation learning. 163:10-16. 2016
- Common vs. independent limb control in sequential vertical aiming: The cost of potential errors during extensions and reversals. 163:27-37. 2016
- Perceptual blurring and recognition memory: A desirable difficulty effect revealed. 160:11-22. 2015
- Motion trajectory information and agency influence motor learning during observational practice. 159:76-84. 2015
- Gradual proportion congruent effects in the absence of sequential congruent effects. 149:78-86. 2014
- Visual online control processes are acquired during observational practice. 143:298-302. 2013
- Extending end-state comfort effect: Do we consider the beginning state comfort of another?. 136:347-353. 2011
- Task switching in video game players: Benefits of selective attention but not resistance to proactive interference. 134:70-78. 2010
- The processing of spatial information in short-term memory: Insights from eye tracking the path length effect. 132:136-144. 2009
- Learning a new human–computer alphabet: The role of similarity and practice. 120:267-287. 2005
- The effects of response priming on the planning and execution of goal-directed movements in the presence of a distracting stimulus. 119:123-142. 2005
- Online versus offline processing of visual feedback in the control of movement amplitude. 113:83-97. 2003
- Age-related differences and the role of augmented visual feedback in learning a bimanual coordination pattern. 110:247-263. 2002
- The effects of aging on visual memory: evidence for functional reorganization of cortical networks. 107:249-273. 2001
- The utilization of visual information in the control of rapid sequential aiming movements. 103:103-123. 1999
- Prefrontal cortex regulates inhibition and excitation in distributed neural networks. 101:159-178. 1999
- The effects of proactive and retroactive demonstrations on learning signed letters. 101:79-90. 1999
- The influence of intermittent vision on manual aiming. 85:1-13. 1994
- The preparation of actions and parameters of action: A fixed or variable process?. 66:83-102. 1987