selected scholarly activity
- Paradigms of Concurrency. Ed. 1020. 2022
- Preface. Ed. 12152 LNCS. 2020
- Specification and Analysis of Concurrent Systems 1992
- Preface. Ed. 1020. 1990
- On Efficacy of Approximating Arbitrary Relations by Partial Orders. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 310-320. 2024
- Relational Structures for Interval Order Semantics of Concurrent Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 153-174. 2024
- Interval Traces with Mutex Relation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 145-166. 2023
- Preventing Text Data Poisoning Attacks in Federated Machine Learning by an Encrypted Verification Key. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 612-626. 2023
- Conclusions. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 313-317. 2022
- Concurrency Paradigms. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 137-145. 2022
- Concurrency Traces. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 77-99. 2022
- Elementary Net Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 101-135. 2022
- Elementary Net Systems with Activator and Mutex Arcs. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 243-275. 2022
- General Structures. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 147-209. 2022
- Introduction. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 1-11. 2022
- Preliminaries. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 13-35. 2022
- Semantical Domains. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 37-75. 2022
- Step Traces. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 211-241. 2022
- Subclasses of Step Traces. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 277-312. 2022
- Algebraic Structure of Step Traces and Interval Traces 2020
- Generation and Corruption of Semi-Structured and Structured Data. 159-169. 2019
- Petri Nets: A Simple Language and Tool for Modeling Complex Ideas. 73-77. 2019
- Property-Driven Rough Sets Approximations of Relations. Intelligent Systems Reference Library. 333-357. 2013
- Quotient Monoids and Concurrent Behaviours. 313-385. 2010
- Tabular Representations in Relational Documents. 184-196. 1997
- Invariants and Paradigms of Concurrency Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 481-496. 1991
- An Introduction to the Macro Cosy Notation. 287-314. 1987
- A Hybrid Stochastic-Full Enumeration Approach to a Ranking Problem with Insufficient Information. 2024 58th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS). 2024
- On Multiplicative, Additive and Qualitative Pairwise Comparisons. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems. 247-251. 2022
- Similarity for Multisets and Heterogeneous Sets. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 332-344. 2022
- Towards modelling of cardiac pacemakers with timed coloured petri nets and related tools. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1-20. 2021
- A predictive resources management for clouds. Developments of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computation and Robotics. 421-428. 2020
- On relationships between imbalance and overlapping of datasets. EPiC Series in Computing. 141-150. 2020
- Modelling and analyzing electrocardiogram events using timed coloured petri nets. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 222-223. 2020
- Applications of mixed pairwise comparisons. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI 2015 - WORLDCOMP 2015. 414-420. 2019
- Local Search for Attribute Reduction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 102-117. 2019
- On Interval Semantics of Inhibitor and Activator Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 192-212. 2019
- Corroborating Quality of Data Through Density Information. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 1128-1146. 2018
- Modeling Operational Semantics with Interval Orders Represented by Sequences of Antichains. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 251-271. 2018
- datumPIPE. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2017. 589-592. 2017
- A permutation-based algorithm for computing covers from matchings. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, CATA 2017. 27-32. 2017
- On Synthesising Step Alphabets for Acyclic Invariant Structures.. ATAED@Petri Nets/ACSD. 76-88. 2017
- Yet Another Kind of Rough Sets Induced by Coverings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 140-153. 2017
- A density-based data cleaning approach for deduplication with data consistency and accuracy. 2016 SAI Computing Conference (SAI). 492-501. 2016
- On Approximation of Relations by Generalized Closures and Generalized Kernels. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 120-130. 2016
- On Optimal Approximations of Arbitrary Relations by Partial Orders. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 107-119. 2016
- On Interval Process Semantics of Petri Nets with Inhibitor Arcs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 77-97. 2015
- Order Structures for Subclasses of Generalised Traces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 689-700. 2015
- Converting Software Cost Reduction Tables into Tabular Expressions. Environment and Water Resource Management / 813: Modelling and Simulation / 814: Power and Energy Systems / 815: Health Informatics. 74-80. 2014
- On Pairwise Comparisons Based Internal and External Measures for Software Evaluation. Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WET ICE. 371-376. 2013
- Weighted Features Classification with Pairwise Comparisons, Support Vector Machines and Feature Domain Overlapping. Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WET ICE. 172-177. 2013
- Causal structures for general concurrent behaviours. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 193-205. 2013
- Optimal Approximations with Rough Sets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 87-98. 2013
- A Characterization of Rough Separability.. RSKT. 1-10. 2012
- A Color Image Segmentation Algorithm by Integrating Watershed with Region Merging.. RSKT. 167-173. 2012
- A Competition Strategy to Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees.. RSKT. 359-368. 2012
- A Fuzzy-Rough Sets Based Compact Rule Induction Method for Classifying Hybrid Data.. RSKT. 63-70. 2012
- A Granular Computing Perspective on Image Organization within an Image Retrieval Context.. RSKT. 320-328. 2012
- A Mixed Strategy Multi-Objective Coevolutionary Algorithm Based on Single-Point Mutation and Particle Swarm Optimization.. RSKT. 174-184. 2012
- A New Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set Approach for Decision Support.. RSKT. 71-80. 2012
- A New Rule Induction Method from a Decision Table Using a Statistical Test.. RSKT. 81-90. 2012
- A Novel Distributed Machine Learning Method for Classification: Parallel Covering Algorithm.. RSKT. 185-193. 2012
- A Rough Neurocomputing Approach for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition System.. RSKT. 91-100. 2012
- A Spatial Clustering Method for Points-with-Directions.. RSKT. 194-199. 2012
- An Approximation Decision Entropy Based Decision Tree Algorithm and Its Application in Intrusion Detection.. RSKT. 101-106. 2012
- An Argumentation Framework for Non-monotonic Reasoning in Description Logic.. RSKT. 200-206. 2012
- An Information-Theoretic Interpretation of Thresholds in Probabilistic Rough Sets.. RSKT. 369-378. 2012
- Analysis of Symmetry Properties for Bayesian Confirmation Measures.. RSKT. 207-214. 2012
- Application of Rough Set Theory to Prediction of Antimicrobial Activity of Bis-quaternary Ammonium Chlorides.. RSKT. 107-116. 2012
- Applying Verbal Decision Analysis in Selecting Specific Practices of CMMI.. RSKT. 215-221. 2012
- Axiomatic Granular Approach to Knowledge Correspondences.. RSKT. 482-487. 2012
- Belief Networks in Classification of Laryngopathies Based on Speech Spectrum Analysis.. RSKT. 222-231. 2012
- Classification and Decision Based on Parallel Reducts and F-Rough Sets.. RSKT. 117-122. 2012
- Comparing Similarity of Concepts Identified by Temporal Patterns of Terms in Biomedical Research Documents.. RSKT. 232-241. 2012
- Cost-Sensitive Classification Based on Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Model.. RSKT. 379-388. 2012
- Data-Driven Valued Tolerance Relation.. RSKT. 11-19. 2012
- Decision-Theoretic Rough Sets with Probabilistic Distribution.. RSKT. 389-398. 2012
- Definable and Rough Sets in Covering-Based Approximation Spaces.. RSKT. 488-495. 2012
- Evidential Clustering or Rough Clustering: The Choice Is Yours.. RSKT. 123-128. 2012
- Extracting Incidental and Global Knowledge through Compact Pattern Trees in Distributed Environment.. RSKT. 242-247. 2012
- Granular Approach in Knowledge Discovery - Real Time Blockage Management in Fire Service.. RSKT. 416-421. 2012
- Granular Computing in Opinion Target Extraction.. RSKT. 329-335. 2012
- Granular Covering Selection Methods Dependent on the Granule Size.. RSKT. 336-341. 2012
- Granularity Analysis of Fuzzy Soft Set.. RSKT. 409-415. 2012
- Heuristic for Attribute Selection Using Belief Discernibility Matrix.. RSKT. 129-138. 2012
- Hierarchical Path-Finding Based on Decision Tree.. RSKT. 248-256. 2012
- Human Activity Recognition with Trajectory Data in Multi-floor Indoor Environment.. RSKT. 257-266. 2012
- Hybrid: A New Multigranulation Rough Set Approach.. RSKT. 422-429. 2012
- Inclusion Degrees of Graded Ill-Known Sets.. RSKT. 430-439. 2012
- Incremental Rules Induction Based on Rule Layers.. RSKT. 139-148. 2012
- Information Granularity and Granular Structure in Decision Making.. RSKT. 440-449. 2012
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topologies in Crisp Approximation Spaces.. RSKT. 496-503. 2012
- Learning to Classify Service Data with Latent Semantics.. RSKT. 276-281. 2012
- Link Communities Detection via Local Approach.. RSKT. 282-291. 2012
- Maximizing Influence Spread in a New Propagation Model.. RSKT. 292-301. 2012
- Modeling Interval Order Structures with Partially Commutative Monoids. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 425-439. 2012
- Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis with Game-Theoretic Rough Sets.. RSKT. 399-408. 2012
- Oppositions in Rough Set Theory.. RSKT. 504-513. 2012
- Optimistic Multi-Granulation Fuzzy Rough Set Model Based on Triangular Norm.. RSKT. 20-27. 2012
- Optimization of Inhibitory Decision Rules Relative to Length and Coverage.. RSKT. 149-154. 2012
- Optimization of Quadtree Representation and Compression. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 198-205. 2012
- Parallelized Computing of Attribute Core Based on Rough Set Theory and MapReduce.. RSKT. 155-160. 2012
- Partial First-order Logic with Approximative Functors Based on Properties.. RSKT. 514-523. 2012
- Remote Sensing Image Data Storage and Search Method Based on Pyramid Model in Cloud.. RSKT. 267-275. 2012
- Rough Set Approximations in Incomplete Multi-scale Information Systems.. RSKT. 342-350. 2012
- Rough Set Model Based on Hybrid Tolerance Relation.. RSKT. 28-33. 2012
- Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology - 7th International Conference, RSKT 2012, Chengdu, China, August 17-20, 2012. Proceedings. RSKT. 2012
- Scalable Improved Quick Reduct: Sample Based.. RSKT. 34-39. 2012
- Semi-supervised Clustering Ensemble Based on Collaborative Training.. RSKT. 450-455. 2012
- Semi-supervised Clustering Ensemble Based on Multi-ant Colonies Algorithm.. RSKT. 302-309. 2012
- Semi-supervised Hierarchical Co-clustering.. RSKT. 310-319. 2012
- Semi-supervised Vehicle Recognition: An Approximate Region Constrained Approach.. RSKT. 161-166. 2012
- Soft Rough Sets Based on Similarity Measures.. RSKT. 40-48. 2012
- Soft Set Approaches to Decision Making Problems.. RSKT. 456-464. 2012
- The Models of Variable Precision Multigranulation Rough Sets.. RSKT. 465-473. 2012
- Theory of Truth Degrees in Three Valued Formed System RSL.. RSKT. 49-54. 2012
- Three Granular Structure Models in Graphs.. RSKT. 351-358. 2012
- Topological Properties of the Pessimistic Multigranulation Rough Set Model.. RSKT. 474-481. 2012
- Upper Approximation Reduction Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy $\mathcal{T}$ Equivalence Information Systems.. RSKT. 55-62. 2012
- Approximations of Arbitrary Binary Relations by Partial Orders: Classical and Rough Set Models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 17-38. 2011
- Remarks on Pairwise Comparison Numerical and Non-numerical Rankings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 290-300. 2011
- Selecting the best strategy in a software certification process. Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology. 53-58. 2010
- On Consistency in Pairwise Comparisons Based Numerical and Non-Numerical Ranking.. FCS. 183-186. 2010
- Preserving Consistency and Properties in Pairwise Comparisons Based Non-Numerical Ranking.. Software Engineering Research and Practice. 589-592. 2010
- Table-based specification techniques. 2009 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. 1520-1525. 2009
- Benefits of Using Tabular Expressions in Planning Health Services.. Software Engineering Research and Practice. 99-102. 2009
- Closure Operators for Order Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 217-+. 2009
- Closure Operators for Order Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 217-229. 2009
- On Closure Operator for Interval Order Structures.. FCS. 108-114. 2009
- On Rough Sets with Structures and Properties. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 109-116. 2009
- Proving Properties of Programs with Theorem Provers - Experiments with Z3 and Simplify.. Software Engineering Research and Practice. 10-16. 2009
- Tabular Expressions vs Software Cost Reduction.. Software Engineering Research and Practice. 403-407. 2009
- Modelling Concurrency with Quotient Monoids. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 251-269. 2008
- Ranking with Partial Orders and Pairwise Comparisons. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 442-451. 2008
- Some Remarks on Approximations of Arbitrary Binary Relations by Partial Orders. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 81-91. 2008
- Attacking the Web Cancer with the Automatic Understanding Approach. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 136-141. 2007
- Pairwise comparisons, incomparability and partial orders. ICEIS 2007: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 297-302. 2007
- Specifying module interfaces with finitely defined automata. PROCEEDING OF THE 11TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS: COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL 4. 108-+. 2007
- On a Parthood Specification Method for Component Software. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 537-546. 2006
- A Generalisation of a Relational Structures Model of Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 84-98. 2005
- Basic Mereology with Equivalence Relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 507-519. 2005
- Verification of the WAP Transaction Layer.. SEFM. 366-375. 2004
- Verification of the WAP transaction layer. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 2004. SEFM 2004.. 366-375. 2004
- Verifying protocols by model checking: a case study of the wireless application protocol and the model checker SPIN.. CASCON. 174-188. 2004
- On tabular expressions.. CASCON. 92-106. 2003
- A simplistic Mereological System for Relations.. IC-AI. 1206-1212. 2002
- Modelling Concurrent Behaviours by Commutativity and Weak Causality Relations*. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 178-191. 2002
- On Concurrency Control in Object-oriented Databases.. PDPTA. 956-962. 2002
- On a Mereological System for Relational Software Specifications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 375-386. 2002
- Towards a Mereological System for Direct Products and Relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 113-122. 2002
- On Trace Assertion Method of Module Interface Specification with Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 632-641. 2001
- Remarks on Mereology of Relations.. RelMiCS. 133-140. 2000
- Towards a formal semantics of Parnas tables. Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering. 231-240. 1995
- Deriving histories of nets with priority relation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 623-634. 1994
- Order structures and generalisations of Szpilrajn's theorem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 348-357. 1993
- Invariant semantics of nets with inhibitor arcs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 317-331. 1991
- Invariants and paradigms of concurrency theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 59-74. 1991
- Optimal simulations, nets and reachability graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 205-226. 1991
- Structure of Concurrency.. AMAST. 98-107. 1991
- A simple realization of a parallel device recognizing regular trace languages. Proceedings of the 1990 ACM annual conference on Cooperation - CSC '90. 147-153. 1990
- On Some Implementation of Optimal Simulations.. CAV (DIMACS/AMS volume). 231-250. 1990
- Complete sequential specification allows for concurrent execution. Proceedings of the seventeenth annual ACM conference on Computer science : Computing trends in the 1990's Computing trends in the 1990's - CSC '89. 221-231. 1989
- On the semantics of priority systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops. 150-156. 1988
- How to relieve a programmer from synchronization details. Proceedings of the 1988 ACM sixteenth annual conference on Computer science - CSC '88. 438-446. 1988
- ON THE DESIGN OF CONCURRENT SYSTEMS.. Proceedings of International Wire and Cable Symposium. 455-466. 1981
- An algebraic structure of petri nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 177-192. 1980
- On atomic nets and concurrency relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 320-333. 1980
- A characterization of concurrency-like relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 109-122. 1979
- Analysis of vectors of coroutines by means of components.. FCT. 207-213. 1979
- Synthesis of concurrent schemes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 298-307. 1978
- Vectors of coroutines over blikle nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 113-119. 1977
- Vectors of coroutines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 377-384. 1976
journal articles
- On some generalization of rough sets. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 163:109046-109046. 2023
- Preventing Image Data Poisoning Attacks in Federated Machine Learning by an Encrypted Verification Key. Procedia Computer Science. 225:2723-2732. 2023
- Data repair of density-based data cleaning approach using conditional functional dependencies. Data Technologies and Applications. 56:429-446. 2022
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 183:i-ii. 2022
- Relational structures for concurrent behaviours. Theoretical Computer Science. 862:174-192. 2021
- Algebraic Structure of Step Traces and Interval Traces. Fundamenta Informaticae. 175:253-280. 2020
- A novel test-cost-sensitive attribute reduction approach using the binary bat algorithm. Knowledge-Based Systems. 186:104938-104938. 2019
- Operational Semantics, Interval Orders and Sequences of Antichains. Fundamenta Informaticae. 169:31-55. 2019
- Classifying invariant structures of step traces. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 104:297-322. 2019
- Approximations of arbitrary relations by partial orders. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 98:177-195. 2018
- Interval semantics for Petri nets with inhibitor arcs. Theoretical Computer Science. 727:1-23. 2018
- A Precise Characterisation of Step Traces and Their Concurrent Histories. Scientific Annals of Computer Science. 2018:237-267. 2018
- Finding consistent weights assignment with combined pairwise comparisons. International Journal of Management and Decision Making. 17:322-322. 2018
- Invariant Structures and Dependence Relations. Fundamenta Informaticae. 155:1-29. 2017
- Alphabets of Acyclic Invariant Structures. Fundamenta Informaticae. 154:207-224. 2017
- Computing covers from matchings with permutations. International Journal of Computers and their Applications. 24:72-80. 2017
- Modeling concurrency with interval traces. Information and Computation. 253:78-108. 2017
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 144:i-iii. 2016
- Optimal approximations with Rough Sets and similarities in measure spaces. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 71:1-14. 2016
- Step traces. Acta Informatica. 53:35-65. 2016
- Characterising Concurrent Histories. Fundamenta Informaticae. 139:21-42. 2015
- On Classification with Pairwise Comparisons, Support Vector Machines and Feature Domain Overlapping. Computer Journal. 58:416-431. 2015
- On a pairwise comparison-based consistent non-numerical ranking. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 20:667-676. 2012
- Modelling concurrency with comtraces and generalized comtraces. Information and Computation. 209:1355-1389. 2011
- Modelling concurrency with comtraces and generalized comtraces.. Inf. Comput.. 209:1355-1389. 2011
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 108:v-vii. 2011
- Pairwise Comparisons and Visual Perceptions of Equal Area Polygons. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 108:37-42. 2009
- Application of Concurrency to System Design, the Seventh Special Issue. Fundamenta Informaticae. 95:i-iv. 2009
- Pairwise Comparisons Based Non-Numerical Ranking. Fundamenta Informaticae. 94:197-217. 2009
- Special Issue on Stringology. Fundamenta Informaticae. 97:i-ii. 2009
- Relational structures model of concurrency. Acta Informatica. 45:279-320. 2008
- A Categorical Approach to Mereology and Its Application to Modelling Software Components. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 5084:146-174. 2008
- Application of Concurrency to System Design, the Sixth Special Issue Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 88:I-iii. 2008
- The Fifth Special Issue on Application of Concurrency to System Design. Fundamenta Informaticae. 86:I-ii. 2008
- Computing properties of numerical imperative programs by symbolic computation. Fundamenta Informaticae. 80:125-146. 2007
- The fourth special issue on applications of concurrency to system design - Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 78:V-VI. 2007
- Towards a pragmatic mereology. Fundamenta Informaticae. 75:295-314. 2007
- Special issue on Application of Concurrency to System Design - Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 70:V-VI. 2006
- Preface: Special Issue on Application of Concurrency to System Design. Fundamenta Informaticae. 70:V-VI. 2006
- Tabular expressions and their relational semantics. Fundamenta Informaticae. 67:343-370. 2005
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 62:i-ii. 2004
- Special Issue on Application of Concurrency to System Design. Fundamenta Informaticae. 62:I-II. 2004
- Special issue on Application of Concurrency to System Design. Fundamenta Informaticae. 50:I-II. 2002
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 50:i-ii. 2002
- Foundations of the trace assertion method of module interface specification. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 27:577-598. 2001
- On a formal semantics of tabular expressions. Science of Computer Programming. 39:189-213. 2001
- On Causality Semantics of Nets with Priorities. Fundamenta Informaticae. 38:223-255. 1999
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 40:i-ii. 1999
- A weak order solution to a group ranking and consistency-driven pairwise comparisons. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 94:227-241. 1998
- Fundamentals of modelling concurrency using discrete relational structures. Acta Informatica. 34:367-388. 1997
- A weak order approach to group ranking. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 32:51-59. 1996
- Semantics of Inhibitor Nets. Information and Computation. 123:1-16. 1995
- Representations of Discrete Interval Orders and Semi-Orders.. J. Inf. Process. Cybern.. 30:161-168. 1994
- Structure of concurrency. Theoretical Computer Science. 112:5-52. 1993
- Invariants and paradigms of concurrency theory. Future generations computer systems. 8:423-435. 1992
- INVARIANT SEMANTICS OF NETS WITH INHIBITOR ARCS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 527:317-331. 1991
- INVARIANTS AND PARADIGMS OF CONCURRENCY THEORY. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 506:59-74. 1991
- OPTIMAL SIMULATIONS, NETS AND REACHABILITY GRAPHS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 524:205-226. 1991
- Using optimal simulations to reduce reachability graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 531:166-175. 1991
- Transformations of sequential specifications into concurrent specifications by synchronization guards. Theoretical Computer Science. 77:97-129. 1990
- Towards a theory of simulation for verification of concurrent systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 366:73-88. 1989
- A formal semantics for concurrent systems with a priority relation. Acta Informatica. 24:33-55. 1987
- On equivalent execution semantics of concurrent systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 266:89-103. 1987
- Concurrent and maximally concurrent evolution of nonsequential systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 43:213-238. 1986
- An Equivalence Notion for Path Expressions Systems.. J. Inf. Process. Cybern.. 21:283-295. 1985
- Maximally concurrent evolution of non-sequential systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 197:268-280. 1985
- Transforming sequential systems into concurrent systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 36:27-58. 1985
- A method for developing concurrent systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 167:155-166. 1984
- Nets, sequential components and concurrency relations. Theoretical Computer Science. 29:87-121. 1984
- A construction of concurrent systems by means of sequential solutions and concurrency relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 107:327-334. 1981
- Some remarks on deterministic Mazurkiewicz algorithms and languages associated with them. Fundamenta Informaticae. 3:65-75. 1980
- Analysis of coroutines by means of vector of coroutines. Fundamenta Informaticae. 2:289-316. 1979
- An algebraic approach to the theory of recursive coroutines. Fundamenta Informaticae. 1:131-145. 1977