selected scholarly activity
- Forward. 123-127. 2016
- Pay-for-Performance, Cost Containment and Quality. 35-64. 2014
- Welfarism and Extra-Welfarism. 483-489. 2014
- Issues in Evaluating Equity. 285-298. 2008
- Medical Savings Accounts: Promises and Pitfalls. 125-147. 2007
- Chapter 2 An Overview of the Normative Economics of the Health Sector * * Helpful comments were received from R. Cookson, A.J. Culyer, J.P. Newhouse, T. Rice, T. Scott and G. Stoddart. I would like to acknowledge financial support of the Ontario Ministry of Health to the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis.. Handbook of Health Economics. 55-118. 2000
- Chapter 2 An overview of the normative economics of the health sector. Handbook of Health Economics. 55-118. 2000
community engaged research
- Societal Values and Child Health Priorities: Empirical Evidence for Paediatric Cancer Drug Policy. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. S69-S69. 2018
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness in Canada: Effect on service utilization, type of provider and medication use. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S30-S31. 2007
- Estimating the price elasticity of expenditure for prescription drugs in the presence of non‐linear price schedules: an illustration from Quebec, Canada. Health Economics. 909-923. 2005
- Changing Patterns of Physician Services Utilization in Ontario, Canada, and their Relation to Physician, Practice, and Market-Area Characteristics. Medical Care Research and Review. 179-206. 1996
- Implications of Basing Health Care Resource Allocations on Cost-utility Analysis in the Presence of Externalities. RESTRUCTURING CANADAS HEALTH SERVICES SYSTEM. 245-262. 1992
- What does economics have to offer risk-benefit analysis?. Canadian Journal of Public Health. S21-S53. 1991
journal articles
- Equal Opportunity and Luck: Empirical Exploration Using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Social Indicators Research. 2024
- Trajectories of the socioeconomic gradient of mental health: Results from the CLSA COVID-19 Questionnaire Study. Health Policy. 131:104758-104758. 2023
- When the technical is also normative: a critical assessment of measuring health inequalities using the concentration index-based indices. Population Health Metrics. 20:21. 2022
- Economic Evaluation of Early Psychosis Interventions From A Canadian Perspective. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 67:768-777. 2022
- Borderline personality disorder: resource utilisation costs in Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. 38:169-176. 2021
- Unrecognized assets created by public-sector investments in health and social services. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management. 33:409-426. 2021
- Cautionary tails of grip strength in health inequality studies: An analysis from the Canadian longitudinal study on aging. Social Science and Medicine. 265:113382-113382. 2020
- Does moral reasoning influence public values for health care priority setting?: A population-based randomized stated preference survey. Health Policy. 124:647-658. 2020
- Inequality aversion in income, health, and income-related health. Journal of Health Economics. 70:102276-102276. 2020
- Here comes the SUN: Self‐assessed unmet need, worsening health outcomes, and health care inequity. Health Economics. 28:727-735. 2019
- Moral Hazard in Health Insurance. OEconomia. 8:367-405. 2018
- Health inequalities and inequities by age: Stability for the Health Utilities Index and divergence for the Frailty Index. SSM - Population Health. 5:17-32. 2018
- Investing in Health: A Macroeconomic Exploration of Short-Run and Long-Run Trade-Offs. Atlantic Economic Journal. 46:121-133. 2018
- Investing in Health: A Macroeconomic Exploration of Short-Run and Long-Run Trade-Offs. Atlantic Economic Journal. 46:121-133. 2018
- A Behavioral Economic Study of Tax Rate Selection by the Median Voter: Can the Tax Rate be Influenced by the Name of the Publicly Provided Private Good?. Theoretical Economics Letters. 8:485-501. 2018
- Effect of incentive payments on chronic disease management and health services use in British Columbia, Canada: Interrupted time series analysis. Health Policy. 122:157-164. 2018
- Non-market resource allocation and the public’s interpretation of need: an empirical investigation in the context of health care. Social Choice and Welfare. 49:117-143. 2017
- The Interpretation of Health Care Need Among the General Public: An Empirical Investigation using a Discrete-Choice Approach. Social Choice and Welfare. 49:117-143. 2017
- The authors respond to: letters by Catherine Clelland and Shelley Ross. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 189:E251-E251. 2017
- Should I stay or should I go? Exit options within mixed systems of public and private health care finance. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 131:62-77. 2016
- A population-based analysis of incentive payments to primary care physicians for the care of patients with complex disease. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 188:E375-E383. 2016
- Mandatory universal drug plan, access to health care and health: Evidence from Canada. Journal of Health Economics. 44:80-96. 2015
- Unexplained health inequality – is it unfair?. International Journal for Equity in Health. 14:11. 2015
- Reflecting on ‘Equity in health care: the Irish perspective’. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 10:443-447. 2015
- Support for public provision of a private good with top-up and opt-out: A controlled laboratory experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 111:177-196. 2015
- A three-stage approach to measuring health inequalities and inequities. International Journal for Equity in Health. 13:98. 2014
- Fair reckoning: a qualitative investigation of responses to an economic health resource allocation survey. Health Expectations. 17:174-185. 2014
- User charges for health care services: some further thoughts. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 8:537-541. 2013
- Health-related externalities: Evidence from a choice experiment. Journal of Health Economics. 32:671-681. 2013
- An experimental investigation of mixed systems of public and private health care finance. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 84:713-729. 2012
- The cost-effectiveness of cash versus lottery incentives for a web-based, stated-preference community survey. European Journal of Health Economics. 13:789-799. 2012
- The role of proximity to death in need-based approaches to health care. Health Policy. 106:291-302. 2012
- MATHEMATICAL MODELING: THE CASE OF EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT WAITING TIMES. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 28:93-109. 2012
- Public and private health‐care financing with alternate public rationing rules. Health Economics. 21:83-100. 2012
- Willingness‐to‐pay for parallel private health insurance: evidence from a laboratory experiment. Canadian Journal of Economics, The. 45:137-166. 2012
- A discrete choice experiment investigating preferences for funding drugs used to treat orphan diseases: an exploratory study. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 6:405-433. 2011
- Judgments regarding the fair division of goods: the impact of verbal versus quantitative descriptions of alternative divisions. Social Choice and Welfare. 37:341-372. 2011
- Inequity in a market-based health system: Evidence from Canada's dental sector. Health Policy. 98:81-90. 2010
- Physician Resource Planning in Canada: The Need for a Stronger Behavioural Foundation. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 36:359-375. 2010
- Inequity in publicly funded physician care: what is the role of private prescription drug insurance?. Health Economics. 18:1218-1232. 2009
- Physician labour supply in Canada: a cohort analysis. Health Economics. 18:437-456. 2009
- Distributional consequences of the transition from age‐based to income‐based prescription drug coverage in British Columbia, Canada. Health Economics. 17:1379-1392. 2008
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness: effect on medication and provider use. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 11:177-199. 2008
- Selecting effective incentive structures in health care: A decision framework to support health care purchasers in finding the right incentives to drive performance. BMC Health Services Research. 8:66. 2008
- Publicly funded medical savings accounts: expenditure and distributional impacts in Ontario, Canada. Health Economics. 17:1129-1151. 2008
- Parallel Payers and Preferred Access: How Canada's Workers' Compensation Boards Expedite Care for Injured and Ill Workers. Healthcare Papers. 8:6-14. 2008
- The Authors Respond. Healthcare Papers. 8:52-54. 2008
- Parallel Lines Do Intersect: Interactions between the Workers' Compensation and Provincial Publicly Financed Healthcare Systems in Canada. Healthcare Policy. 3:100-112. 2008
- On the radial distribution of white dwarfs in the globular cluster NGC 6397. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. 383:L20-L24. 2008
- The White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of NGC 6397. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 671:380-401. 2007
- The Relationship Between Physician Hours of Work, Service Volume and Service Intensity. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 33:S17-S29. 2007
- Income and equity of access to physician services. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 174:187-188. 2006
- Your Money or Your Life: Strong Medicine for America's Health Care System. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 30:764-770. 2005
- Regionalization and the Allocation of Healthcare Resources to Meet Population Health Needs. Healthcare Papers. 5:34-39. 2004
- Health care at a premium. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 170:1906-1907. 2004
- Internet pharmacy: prices on the up-and-up. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 170:945-946. 2004
- US Medicare reform: why drug companies and private insurers are smiling.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 170:461-462. 2004
- The policy analysis of ‘values talk’: lessons from Canadian health reform. Health Policy. 67:15-24. 2004
- Physician and Practice Characteristics Associated with the Early Utilization of New Prescription Drugs. Medical Care. 41:895-908. 2003
- Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae endocarditis: A preventable zoonosis?. Irish Journal of Medical Science. 172:81-82. 2003
- Predictive genetic tests and health system costs.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 168:989-991. 2003
- A Review of the Comprehensiveness of Provincial Drug Coverage for Canadian Seniors. Canadian Journal on Aging. 22:33-44. 2003
- Geographic disparity in premature mortality in Ontario, 1992-1996.. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2:7-7. 2003
- Medical Savings Accounts will not advance Canadian health care objectives.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 167:152-153. 2002
- Parallel Private Health Insurance in Australia: A Cautionary Tale and Lessons for Canada 2002
- Health economic consequences of an aging population. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 2:81-83. 2002
- Examining the Role of Health Services Research in Public Policymaking. Milbank Quarterly. 80:125-154. 2002
- Ethics, economics, and public financing of health care. Journal of Medical Ethics. 27:234-239. 2001
- Cost-Sharing for Prescription Drugs. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 285:2328-2328. 2001
- Devolution to democratic health authorities in Saskatchewan: an interim report.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 164:343-347. 2001
- Adverse Events Associated With Prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Among Poor and Elderly Persons. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 285:421-421. 2001
- Commentary on "Health-related quality-of-life research and the capability approach of Amartya Sen". Quality of Life Research. 10:57-58. 2001
- Medical Savings Accounts: Approach with Caution. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 5:130-132. 2000
- The many meanings of deinsuring a health service: the case of in vitro fertilization in Ontario. Social Science and Medicine. 50:1485-1500. 2000
- Needs-based primary medical care capitation: development and evaluation of alternative approaches.. Health Care Management Science. 3:89-99. 2000
- Risk of a New Benzodiazepine Prescription in Relation to Recent Hospitalization. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society. 47:184-188. 1999
- Medical Necessity, Benefit and Resource Allocation in Health Care. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 2:223-230. 1997
- Physician Responses to Global Physician Expenditure Budgets in Canada: A Common Property Perspective. Milbank Quarterly. 75:343-364. 1997
- Defining the practice population in fee-for-service practice.. Health Services Research (HSR). 32:55-70. 1997
- Understanding Economic Evaluation: A Policy Perspective for Clinicians. Canadian Respiratory Journal. 4:190-199. 1997
- Global physician budgets as common-property resources: some implications for physicians and medical associations.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 154:1161-1168. 1996
- Do physician-payment mechanisms affect hospital utilization? A study of Health Service Organizations in Ontario.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 154:653-661. 1996
- Sex differences in physicians activity level - Respond. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 154:446-&. 1996
- Relative fees and the utilization of physicians' services in Canada. Health Economics. 4:419-438. 1995
- Comparison of activity level and service intensity of male and female physicians in five fields of medicine in Ontario.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 153:1097-1106. 1995
- National health care: Lessons for the United States and Canada - Lemco,J. Canadian Public Administration. 38:496-497. 1995
- Geographically-decentralized planning and management in health care: Some informational issues and their implications for efficiency. Social Science and Medicine. 41:3-11. 1995
- Is small really beautiful? Some thoughts on the 1995 federal budget.. Leadership in Health Services. 4:12-18. 1995
- Anorectal functional deficit in the brown bowel syndrome. Irish Journal of Medical Science. 163:404-405. 1994
- When tinkering is not enough: provincial reform to manage health care resources. Canadian Public Administration. 37:490-514. 1994
- Controlling Drug Expenditure in Canada: The Ontario Experience. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 19:223-223. 1993
- A Needs-Based Approach to Resource Allocation in Health Care. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 19:68-68. 1993
- Implications of basing health-care resource allocations on cost-utility analysis in the presence of externalities. Journal of Health Economics. 11:259-277. 1992
- The Effects of Co-Payments within Drug Reimbursement Programs. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 17:473-473. 1991
- A needs-based methodology for allocating health care resources in Ontario, Canada: Development and an application. Social Science and Medicine. 33:489-500. 1991
- Physicians' Choices of Specialty, Location, and Mode: A Reexamination within an Interdependent Decision Framework. The Journal of human resources. 26:47-47. 1991
- Assessing the effects of the Medicare Prospective Payment System on the demand for VA inpatient services: an examination of transfers and discharges of problem patients.. Health Services Research (HSR). 25:239-255. 1990
- Simulated Effects of Incomes-Based Policies on the Distribution of Physicians. Medical Care. 28:221-238. 1990
- Clinical rounds for non-clinicians: Some impressions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 43:613-618. 1990
- The relationship between physician fees and the utilization of medical services in Ontario.. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research. 11:49-78. 1990
- Private health insurance in Canada. 99-141. 2020
- Existence and magnitude of health-related externalities [electronic resource] 2011
- Geographic equity in hospital utilization [electronic resource] 2008
- Inequity in publicly funded physician care [electronic resource] 2008
- Inequity in publicly funded physician care [electronic resource] 2008
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness [electronic resource] 2007
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness [electronic resource] 2007
- Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness [electronic resource] 2007
- Parallel lines do intersect [electronic resource] 2007
- Parallel lines do intersect [electronic resource] 2007
- Parallel payers and preferred access [electronic resource] 2007
- Parallel payers and preferred access [electronic resource] 2007
- Parallel payers and preferred access [electronic resource] 2007
- Publicly funded medical savings accounts [electronic resource] 2007
- Publicly funded medical savings accounts [electronic resource] 2007
- Publicly funded medical savings accounts [electronic resource] 2007
- Economic evaluation across the four faces of prevention [electronic resource] 2006
- Physician labour supply in Canada [electronic resource] 2006
- Developing needs-based funding formulae using individual-level linked survey and utilization data [electronic resource] 2004
- relationship between physician labour supply, service volume and service intensity 2004
- Needs-based funding for home care and community support services in Ontario [electronic resource] 2003
- Needs-based funding for home care and community support services in Ontario [electronic resource] 2003
- Predictive genetic tests and health care costs [electronic resource] 2003
- relationship between health care need and standardized mortality ratios in Ontario 2002
- Medical savings accounts in publicly financed health care systems 2001
- Parallel private health insurance in Australia 2001
- Policy considerations in implementing capitation for integrated health systems 1999
- Variation in pharmacare coverage across Canada 1998
- Variation in pharmacare coverage across Canada 1998
- Defying definition 1996
- Tale of two provinces 1996
- Is small really beautiful? 1995
- Is the wolf finally at the door? 1993
- Information, efficiency and decentralization within health care systems 1992
- effects of co-payments in the prescription drug market 1991
- Financial incentives and medical practice 1990
- Financial incentives and medical practice 1990
- Comments on Selected Issues Pertaining to Response to further Amended Civil Claim 2013
- The Response of Ontario Primary Care Physicians to Pay-for-Performance Incentives 2011
- Willingness-to-Pay for Parallel Private Health Insurance: Evidence from Laboratory Experiment 2010
- Preferences over the Fair Division of Goods: Information, Good, and Sample Effects in a Health Context 2009
scholarly editions