selected scholarly activity
- Compactifying infinite group actions. Contemporary Mathematics. 203-211. 2000
- A Survey of Bounded Surgery Theory and Applications. 57-80. 1994
- Cancellation Results for 2-Complexes and 4-Manifolds and Some Applications. 281-308. 1993
- An Introduction to Calculations in Surgery. 81-115. 1988
- Balanced splitings of semi-free actions on homotopy spheres. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 196-205. 1979
- The surgery group L 3 h (Z(G)) for G a finite 2-group. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 73-89. 1979
- Finite group actions on 4-manifolds and equivariant bundles. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 49-70. 2024
- Non-Linear Similarity Revisited. Annals of Mathematics Studies. 157-174. 1996
journal articles
- Existence of mASD connections on 4-manifolds with cylindrical ends. Communications in Analysis and Geometry. 32:2187-2269. 2024
- Topological four-manifolds with right-angled Artin fundamental groups (vol 11, pg 777, 2019). Journal of Topology and Analysis. 2024
- A stability range for topological 4-manifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 376. 2023
- Quotients of S2×S2$S^2\times {S^2}$. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 108:1393-1416. 2023
- Minimal Euler characteristics for even-dimensional manifolds with finite fundamental group. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 11. 2023
- Rank conditions for finite group actions on 4-manifolds. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 74:550-572. 2022
- Topological 4-manifolds with right-angled Artin fundamental groups. Journal of Topology and Analysis. 11:777-821. 2019
- Two remarks on Wall's D2 problem. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 167:361-368. 2019
- Orientable $4$-dimensional Poincaré complexes have reducible Spivak fibrations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 147:3177-3179. 2019
- On the classification of topological 4-manifolds with finite fundamental group: corrigendum. Mathematische Annalen. 372:527-530. 2018
- Quotients of $S^2\times{S^2}$ 2017
- Group actions on spheres with rank one prime power isotropy. Mathematical Research Letters. 24:379-400. 2017
- Group actions on spheres with rank one isotropy. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 368:5951-5977. 2016
- Cyclic group actions on contractible 4–manifolds. Geometry and Topology. 20:1127-1155. 2016
- Finite group actions on Kervaire manifolds. Advances in Mathematics. 283:88-129. 2015
- Recognizing products of surfaces and simply connected 4-manifolds. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 143:2253-2262. 2015
- Topological spherical space forms. Handbook of Group Actions (Vol. II), ALM 32 (2014), 151-172. International Press, Beijing-Boston. 2014
- Homotopy representations over the orbit category. Homology, Homotopy and Applications. 16:345-369. 2014
- More examples of discrete co-compact group actions. Contemporary Mathematics. 620:133-143. 2014
- Equivariant CW-complexes and the orbit category. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 88:369-425. 2013
- ON CERTAIN 5-MANIFOLDS WITH FUNDAMENTAL GROUP OF ORDER 2. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 64:149-175. 2013
- Assembly Maps for Group Extensions in K-Theory and L-Theory With Twisted Coeffcients. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 8:175-198. 2012
- Induction and Computation of Bass Nil Groups for Finite Groups. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 8:199-220. 2012
- Surgery obstructions on closed manifolds and the inertia subgroup. Forum Mathematicum. 24:911-929. 2012
- Conjugation spaces and 4-manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 269:521-541. 2011
- A remark about dihedral group actions on spheres. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 43:75-78. 2011
- Coarse geometry and P. A. Smith theory. Homology, Homotopy and Applications. 13:73-102. 2011
- Mackey functors and bisets. Geometriae Dedicata. 148:157-174. 2010
- Acyclic chain complexes over the orbit category. M�nster Journal of Mathematics. 3:145-161. 2010
- Equivariant bundles and isotropy representations. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics. 4:127-162. 2009
- Manifold Perspectives. Oberwolfach Reports. 6:1487-1546. 2009
- Free actions of finite groups on $S^n \times S^n$. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 362:3289-3317. 2009
- EXAMPLES OF FREE ACTIONS ON PRODUCTS OF SPHERES. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 60:461-474. 2009
- Acyclic Chain complexes over the Orbit Category. M\"unster J. Math. 3 (2010), 145--161. 2009
- Homotopy self-equivalences of 4-manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 262:473-474. 2009
- Dress induction and the Burnside quotient Green ring. Algebra & Number Theory. 3:511-541. 2009
- The signature of a fibre bundle is multiplicative mod 4. Geometry and Topology. 11:251-314. 2007
- Free Actions of Extraspecial $p$-Groups on $S^n \times S^n$ 2007
- Non-smoothable Four-manifolds with Infinite Cyclic Fundamental Group. International mathematics research notices. 2007. 2007
- Erratum: (Revista de Saúde Pública (2006) vol. 40 (4) (740-741)). Revista de Saude Publica. 40:946. 2006
- Some examples of free actions on products of spheres. Topology. 45:735-749. 2006
- Topological equivalence of linear representations for cyclic groups: II. Forum Mathematicum. 17:959-1010. 2005
- Topological equivalence of linear representations for cyclic groups: I. Annals of Mathematics. 161:61-104. 2005
- Homotopy Self-Equivalences of 4-Manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 248:147-172. 2004
- Permutations, isotropy and smooth cyclic group actions on definite 4–manifolds. Geometry and Topology. 8:475-509. 2004
- Identifying assembly maps in K - and L -theory. Mathematische Annalen. 328:27-57. 2004
- EQUIVARIANT PRINCIPAL BUNDLES OVER SPHERES AND COHOMOGENEITY ONE MANIFOLDS. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 86:250-272. 2003
- Projective splitting obstruction groups for one-sided submanifolds. Sbornik Mathematics. 190:1465-1485. 1999
- Rational permutation modules for finite groups. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 231:707-726. 1999
- Проективные группы препятствий к расщеплению вдоль односторонних подмногообразий. Matematicheskii Sbornik. 190:65-86. 1999
- A non-extended hermitian form over ℤ[ℤ]. Manuscripta Mathematica. 93:435-442. 1997
- A non-extended hermitian form over ℤ[ℤ]. Manuscripta Mathematica. 93:435-442. 1997
- Smooth group actions on definite 4-manifolds and moduli spaces. Duke mathematical journal. 78:715-732. 1995
- Nonorientable 4-Manifolds with Fundamental Group of Order 2. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 344:649-649. 1994
- A SPECTRAL SEQUENCE IN SURGERY. Sbornik Mathematics. 77:1-9. 1994
- Nonorientable $4$-manifolds with fundamental group of order $2$. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 344:649-665. 1994
- Cancellation, elliptic surfaces and the topology of certain four-manifolds.. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 1993:79-100. 1993
- On the computation of the projective surgery obstruction groups. K-Theory: interdisciplinary journal for the development, application and influence of K-theory in the mathematical sciences. 7:537-574. 1993
- Cancellation of hyperbolic forms and topological four-manifolds.. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 1993:21-48. 1993
- Cancellation of lattices and finite two-complexes.. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 1993:91-110. 1993
- Perturbation of equivariant moduli spaces. Mathematische Annalen. 293:17-37. 1992
- Bounded surgery and dihedral group actions on spheres. Journal of The American Mathematical Society. 4:105-126. 1991
- Smooth structures on algebraic surfaces with finite fundamental group. Inventiones Mathematicae. 102:109-114. 1990
- Detection theorems for K-theory and L-theory. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 63:247-299. 1990
- Rigidity of certain finite group actions on the complex projective plane. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 64:618-638. 1989
- On the discriminants of forms with Arf invariant one.. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 1989:142-166. 1989
- On Gn(RG) for G a finite nilpotent group. Journal of Algebra. 116:466-470. 1988
- Finite group actions on P2(C). Journal of Algebra. 116:227-242. 1988
- On the classification of topological 4-manifolds with finite fundamental group. Mathematische Annalen. 280:85-104. 1988
- Surgery with Finite Fundamental Group. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-56:349-379. 1988
- Smooth structures on algebraic surfaces with cyclic fundamental group. Inventiones Mathematicae. 91:53-59. 1988
- Round L-theory. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 47:131-154. 1987
- Actions of Finite Groups on Rn+k with Fixed Set Rk. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 38:781-860. 1986
- Local surgery obstructions and space forms. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 193:191-214. 1986
- Acyclic maps and Poincare spaces. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1051:222-245. 1984
- An introduction to maps between surgery obstruction groups. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1051:49-127. 1984
- Projective surgery obstructions on closed manifolds. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 967:101-131. 1982
- Balanced splittings of Semi-free actions of finite groups on homotopy spheres. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 55:130-158. 1980
- The surgery obstruction groups for finite 2-groups. Inventiones Mathematicae. 61:33-52. 1980
- Poincaré Transversality for Double Covers. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 30:1319-1330. 1978
- Splitting of hermitian forms over group rings. Inventiones Mathematicae. 45:19-33. 1978
- . Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 26:777-777. 1977
- FREE INVOLUTIONS ON 6-MANIFOLDS. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 22:141-149. 1975
- Finite group actions on 4-manifolds and equivariant bundles 2023
- Cyclic Branched Coverings of Brieskorn Spheres Bounding Acyclic 4-Manifolds 2019
- Rank conditions for finite group Actions on 4-Manifolds 2019
- Two remarks on Wall's D2 problem 2017
- Group actions on spheres with rank one prime power isotropy 2015
- Cyclic Group Actions on Contractible 4-Manifolds 2014
- Topological 4-manifolds with right-angled Artin fundamental groups 2014
- Homotopy Representations over the Orbit Category 2014
- Finite group actions on Kervaire manifolds 2013
- Recognizing products of surfaces and simply connected 4-manifolds 2013
- Group actions on spheres with rank one isotropy 2013
- More examples of discrete co-compact group actions 2013
- Coarse Geometry and P. A. Smith Theory 2010
- A remark about dihedral group actions on spheres 2009
- Equivariant CW-Complexes and the Orbit Category 2008
- Topological 4-manifolds with geometrically 2-dimensional fundamental groups 2008
- Free Actions of Finite Groups on $S^n \times S^n$ 2007
- Examples of Free Actions on Products of Spheres 2007
- Non-smoothable four-manifolds with cyclic fundamental group 2006
- The signature of a fibre bundle is multiplicative mod 4 2005
- Homotopy self-equivalences of 4-manifolds 2003
- Permutations, isotropy and smooth cyclic group actions on definite 4-manifolds 2003
- Topological Equivalence of Linear Representations for Cyclic Groups, I & II 2001