selected scholarly activity
- Partnering for Social Infrastructure: Investigating the Co-Location of a Public Library in an Affordable Housing Building. 219-229. 2023
- Animal studies and healthcare. 1-6. 2023
- Adoption, Custody, and Protection. 35-52. 2017
- Adoption, Custody, and Protection The Childhood of Pets as a Critique of Legal Classification Systems. 21-36. 2017
- The Aging of Canadian Equestrian Sport. 155-169. 2017
- The Aging of Canadian Equestrian Sport. 155-169. 2017
- Disciplinarity in Health Studies 2016
- Ethical Issues in Health and Health Care 2016
- Globalization and Health 2016
- Identity, Intersectionality, and Health 2016
- Introduction to Critical Health Studies 2016
- An early grave or the fountain of youth: Sport and the malleability of chronological age. 131-145. 2014
- An early grave or the fountain of youth sport and the malleability of chronological age. 131-146. 2014
- Sport, Older Adults and the Malleability of Chronological Time. 133-146. 2014
- Bodybuilding and Health Work: A Life Course Perspective. 91-106. 2013
- Women in Equestrian Polo: Cultural Capital and Sport Trajectories. 111-125. 2013
- Women in Equestrian Polo: Cultural Capital and Sport Trajectories. 111-125. 2013
- Gendered Experiences of HIV and Complementary Therapy Use. 177-188. 2005
- Media Activism and Internet Use by People with HIV/AIDS. 68-79. 2004
community engaged research
- Aging in Place with Public Libraries: Mobilizing Social Infrastructures for Social Inclusion
- COVID-19 - Emotions Matter: Skill Building, Emotional Resilience and Social Support for Care Workers
- Community Research Platform
- Investigating the Role of Peer Support in Reducing the Harms of Substance Use and Advancing Recovery: A Qualitative Analysis of CMHA Hamilton’s Community Mental Health Peer Support Initiatives
- Nurturing Good Beginnings: Evaluating and Assessing the YWCA’s community care program for new mothers/birthing parents
- SPCA Research
- Self-care for students: community engaged research for better well-being
- Toward the development of a framework for research collaboration between public libraries and universities
- Toward the development of a framework for research collaboration between public libraries and universities
- Navigating the Stigma of Surgery: Experiences of Older Adults Undergoing Spinal Surgery. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 91-91. 2021
journal articles
- Designing Peer-Led Strategies Meeting the Needs of People With Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders.. Healthcare Quarterly. 27:36-42. 2024
- Cognitive and social well-being in older adulthood: The CoSoWELL corpus of written life stories. Behavior Research Methods. 55:2885-2909. 2023
- Team approach to polypharmacy evaluation and reduction: feasibility randomized trial of a structured clinical pathway to reduce polypharmacy. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 9:84. 2023
- Parent Survey Identifies Low-Cost Emotional and Educational Supports in NICU and Beyond. Advances in Neonatal Care. 23:E14-E21. 2023
- Towards a research platform: partnering for sustainable and impactful research in public libraries. Public Library Quarterly. 42:71-91. 2023
- #AccessibleYoga for whom? The non-performativity of accessibility and inclusion on Instagram. Leisure/ Loisir. ahead-of-print:1-26. 2023
- Writing as/about Leisure: Connecting with Oneself and Others through Creative Practice. Leisure Sciences. 44:862-880. 2022
- Is #YogaForEveryone? The idealised flexible bodymind in Instagram yoga posts. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 14:827-842. 2022
- Personhood and aging: Exploring the written narratives of older adults as articulations of personhood in later life. Journal of Aging Studies. 62:101040-101040. 2022
- The World Mental Health International College Student Survey in Canada: Protocol for a Mental Health and Substance Use Trend Study. JMIR Research Protocols. 11:e35168-e35168. 2022
- Team approach to polypharmacy evaluation and reduction: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 22:746. 2021
- Aging in a Digital Society: Exploring How Canadian and Australian Public Library Systems Program for Older Adults. Public Library Quarterly. 40:521-539. 2021
- Forms of trust and polypharmacy among older adults. Ageing and Society. 41:2583-2598. 2021
- Mitigating the Challenges and Capitalizing on Opportunities: A Qualitative Investigation of the Public Library’s Response to an Aging Population. Canadian Journal on Aging. 40:475-488. 2021
- A Web-Based Social Network Tool (GENIE) for Supporting Self-management Among High Users of the Health Care System: Feasibility and Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research. 5:e25285-e25285. 2021
- A Web-Based Social Network Tool (GENIE) for Supporting Self-management Among High Users of the Health Care System: Feasibility and Usability Study (Preprint) 2020
- Confronting Medicine’s Dichotomies: Older Adults’ Use of Interpretative Repertoires in Negotiating the Paradoxes of Polypharmacy and Deprescribing. Qualitative Health Research. 30:448-457. 2020
- Aging in (Third) Place with Public Libraries.. Public Libraries. 59:24-32. 2020
- Comparing Australian and Canadian public library systems: A qualitative investigation of older adult public library programming and services 2019
- “At 80 I Know Myself”: Embodied Learning and Older Adults’ Experiences of Polypharmacy and Perceptions of Deprescribing. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 5:233372141989561-233372141989561. 2019
- Making the Virtual Rounds: The Use of Blogs by Health-Care Professionals. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 42:48-66. 2018
- Reconstructing Aboriginal Identity and the Meaning of the Body in Blood Donation Decisions. Journal of Religion and Health. 54:1286-1301. 2015
- PAWSing student stress : A pilot study of the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog program on three Canadian campuses. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 49:332-359. 2015
- Into the mountains and across the country: emergent forms of equine adventure leisure in Canada. Loisir et Societe. 37:313-325. 2014
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Radiotherapy: What Are Patients Using?. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 18:1014-1020. 2012
- Equine athletes and interspecies sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 47:632-643. 2012
- Culture, bodies and the sociology of health. Health Sociology Review. 21:135-136. 2012
- What Do People Living With HIV/AIDS Expect From Their Physicians? Professional Expertise and the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. 9:341-345. 2010
- Internet Web Logs as Cultural Resistance: A Study of the SARS Arts Project. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 31:28-43. 2007
- The Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury Community Outreach Program (PABICOP) – An innovative comprehensive model of care for children and youth with an acquired brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation. 19:207-218. 2004
- The relationship between HIV seroconversion illness, HIV test interval and time to AIDS in a seroconverter cohort. Epidemiology and Infection. 131:1117-1123. 2003
- Media activism and Internet use by people with HIV/AIDS. Sociology of Health and Illness. 25:608-624. 2003
- The Challenges of Institutionalization for AIDS Media Activism. Media, Culture and Society. 25:607-624. 2003
- Moving beyond the Biomedical: The Use of Physical Activity to Negotiate Illness. Sociology of Sport Journal. 19:370-384. 2002
- How People With HIV/AIDS Manage and Assess Their Use of Complementary Therapies: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 13:17-27. 2002
- Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis in Children. New England Journal of Medicine. 345:417-423. 2001
- Capitation and Primary Care in Canada: Financial Incentives and the Evolution of Health Service Organizations. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. 31:583-603. 2001
- Complementary approaches to healthcare: Diverse perspectives among people living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS and Public Policy Journal. 16:18-27. 2001
- Lay constructions of HIV and complementary therapy use. Social Science and Medicine. 51:251-264. 2000
- Bodywork as a Moral Imperative: some Critical Notes on Health and Fitness. Loisir et Societe. 18:159-181. 1995
- Reading the Muscular Body: A Critical Decoding of Advertisements in Flex Magazine. Sociology of Sport Journal. 11:18-39. 1994
- GENETIC STABILITY OF ENGINEERED MICROORGANISMS .3.. Environmental Management. 10:488-493. 1986
- Aging in a Digital Society: Exploring How Canadian and Australian Public Library Systems Program for Older Adults Public.. Library Quarterly. 1-19.
- Mitigating the Challenges and Capitalizing on Opportunities: A Qualitative Investigation of the Public Library's Response to an Aging Population.. Canadian Journal on Aging. 1-14.