selected scholarly activity
- Practical guidelines and recent advances in the Itrax XRF core-scanning procedure. Quaternary International. 16-29. 2019
- The iBox-FC: A new containment vessel for Itrax X-ray fluorescence core-scanning of freeze cores. Quaternary International. 76-84. 2019
- EXPLORING SEDIMENT PATHWAYS IN HIDDEN RIVER CAVE, KENTUCKY. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 2016
- Climate cyclicity in late Holocene anoxic marine sediments from the Seymour–Belize Inlet Complex, British Columbia. Marine Geology. 123-140. 2007
journal articles
- Closure of Khor Al Balid and Khor Rori harbours/estuaries with coastal uplift and aridity in the 12th – 15th c. CE and evidence for an extreme overwash event in the 18th – 19th c. CE: Implications for ancient port sites in southern Oman. Marine Geology. 471:107282-107282. 2024
- Anthropogenic structure emplacement and sediment transport at King Herod's harbour, Israel: ED-μXRF (Itrax) data and foraminifer Pararotalia calcariformata as proxies of coastal development over millennia. Marine Geology. 469:107245-107245. 2024
- Dual carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47-Δ48) measurements constrain different sources of kinetic isotope effects and quasi-equilibrium signatures in cave carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 366:95-112. 2024
- Evidence of recent sea-level rise and the formation of a classic Maya canal system inferred from Boca Paila cave sediments, Sian Ka'an biosphere, Mexico. Quaternary Science Reviews. 310:108117-108117. 2023
- Minimally Invasive High-Resolution Investigation of Site Form and Disturbance at Rat Island (AhGx-7), Cootes Paradise, Ontario. Journal of Field Archaeology. 48:144-160. 2023
- Author Correction: Northeast Yucatan hurricane activity during the Maya Classic and Postclassic periods. Scientific Reports. 13:1669. 2023
- The importance of effective moisture and landscape controls on diatom assemblages and primary production in Roche Lake, British Columbia, Canada over the past ca. 1800 years. Quaternary Research. 111:53-67. 2023
- Hydroclimate variability in the Caribbean during North Atlantic Heinrich cooling events (H8 and H9). Scientific Reports. 12:20719. 2022
- Northeast Yucatan hurricane activity during the Maya Classic and Postclassic periods. Scientific Reports. 12:20107. 2022
- End‐Member Mixing Analysis as a Tool for the Detection of Major Storms in Lake Sediment Records. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 37. 2022
- Foraminifera and testate amoebae morphogroup analysis and biofacies of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Ferron-Notom Delta, Utah, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 601:111146-111146. 2022
- Coastal palaeoenvironmental record of Late Bronze to Iron Age harbour development at Liman Tepe-Clazomenae, western Anatolia, Turkey. Marine Geology. 450:106842-106842. 2022
- Application of μXRF analysis on the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale: A comparison with ICP-OES/MS. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 140:105662-105662. 2022
- Palaeoshoreline reconstruction and underwater archaeological potential of Liman Tepe: A long-occupied coastal prehistoric settlement in western Anatolia, Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews. 276:107293-107293. 2022
- Postglacial hydroclimate in the southern interior of British Columbia (Canada): Lake ecosystem response to the Holocene Thermal Maximum and drivers of mid-to-late Holocene climate variability. Quaternary Science Reviews. 276:107302-107302. 2022
- Climate driven declines in terrestrial input over the middle and late Holocene of perched boreal lakes in northeast Ontario (Canada) and teleconnections to the North Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews. 265:107056-107056. 2021
- Inland Tidal Oscillations Within the Yucatan Peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters. 48. 2021
- Multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental record of coastal uplift and abandonment (ca. 6th c. CE) of Lechaion’s inner harbour, ancient Corinth (Greece). Quaternary Science Reviews. 267:107080-107080. 2021
- The impact of cyclical, multi-decadal to centennial climate variability on arsenic sequestration in lacustrine sediments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 565:110189-110189. 2021
- A novel protocol for mapping the spatial distribution of storm derived sediment in lakes. SN Applied Sciences. 2. 2020
- Paleoindian ochre mines in the submerged caves of Quintana Roo. Arqueologia Mexicana. 28:28-33. 2020
- Paleoindian ochre mines in the submerged caves of the Yucatán Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Science Advances. 6:eaba1219. 2020
- Anthropogenic events captured within sediment in Hidden River Cave, Kentucky. Quaternary Science Advances. 1:100001-100001. 2020
- Interaction of mangrove surface coverage and groundwater inputs on the temperature and water level near Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico: Observations and modelling. Journal of Hydrology. 583:124566-124566. 2020
- Using marine deposits to understand terrestrial human environments: 6000-year old hyperpycnal flash-flood events and their implications. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 30:102176-102176. 2020
- Water-level change recorded in Lake Pac Chen Quintana Roo, Mexico infers connection with the aquifer and response to Holocene sea-level rise and Classic Maya droughts. Journal of Paleolimnology. 62:373-388. 2019
- The effect of seasonal rainfall on nutrient input and biological productivity in the Yax Chen cave system (Ox Bel Ha), Mexico, and implications for μXRF core studies of paleohydrology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 534:109289-109289. 2019
- Publicity waves based on manipulated geoscientific data suggesting climatic trigger for majority of tsunami findings in the Mediterranean – Response to 'Tsunamis in the geological record: Making waves with a cautionary tale from the Mediterranean' by Marriner et al. (2017). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 62:7-45. 2019
- An evaluation of methodologies for calibrating Itrax X-ray fluorescence counts with ICP-MS concentration data for discrete sediment samples. Chemical Geology. 521:12-27. 2019
- Feature identification in time series data sets. Trials in Vaccinology. 5:e01708-e01708. 2019
- Coastal foraminifera from the Iranian coast of Makran, Oman Sea (Chabahar Bay to Gawater Bay) as an indicator of tsunamis. 2019
- Mangroves modulate the mixing response of the Yucatan aquifer: observations and modelling. 2019
- A multi-proxy reconstruction of tropical cyclone variability during the past 800 years from Robinson Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Geology. 406:84-97. 2018
- An Assessment of Sub-Meter Scale Spatial Variability of Arcellinida (Testate Lobose Amoebae) Assemblages in a Temperate Lake: Implications for Limnological Studies. Microbial Ecology. 76:680-694. 2018
- Seasonal trends in calcite-raft precipitation from cenotes Rainbow, Feno and Monkey Dust, Quintana Roo, Mexico: Implications for paleoenvironmental studies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 497:157-167. 2018
- Calcite raft geochemistry as a hydrological proxy for Holocene aquifer conditions in Hoyo Negro and Ich Balam (Sac Actun Cave System), Quintana Roo, Mexico. Quaternary Science Reviews. 175:97-111. 2017
- Hurricane Ingrid and Tropical Storm Hanna’s effects on the salinity of the coastal aquifer, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Journal of Hydrology. 551:703-714. 2017
- Hurricanes Ingrid and Manuel (2013) and their impact on the salinity of the Meteoric Water Mass, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Journal of Hydrology. 551:715-729. 2017
- Multistage 8.2 kyr event revealed through high‐resolution XRF core scanning of Cuban sinkhole sediments. Geophysical Research Letters. 44:7374-7381. 2017
- Extreme waves in the British Virgin Islands during the last centuries before 1500 CE. Geosphere. 13:301-368. 2017
- Sequential sample reservoirs for Itrax-XRF analysis of discrete samples. Journal of Paleolimnology. 57:287-293. 2017
- The Influence of Morphology on Sinkhole Sedimentation at Little Salt Spring, Florida. Journal of Coastal Research. 332:359-371. 2017
- Hurricanes Rina (2011) and Ingrid (2013), and their impact on the stability of the aquifer, Quintana Roo, Mexico 2017
- Tapping the Paleoanthropological and Paleoecological Potential of a Deeply Submerged, Underground Chamber on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.. Hoyo Negro. 119-129. 2017
- Late Holocene mangrove development and onset of sedimentation in the Yax Chen cave system (Ox Bel Ha) Yucatan, Mexico: Implications for using cave sediments as a sea-level indicator. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 438:124-134. 2015
- Regional response of the coastal aquifer to Hurricane Ingrid and sedimentation flux in the Yax Chen cave system (Ox Bel Ha) Yucatan, Mexico. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 438:226-238. 2015
- Late-Holocene record of lagoon evolution, climate change, and hurricane activity from southeastern Cuba. Holocene. 25:1483-1497. 2015
- Reconstructing water level in Hoyo Negro, Quintana Roo, Mexico, implications for early Paleoamerican and faunal access. Quaternary Science Reviews. 124:68-83. 2015
- Middle–late Holocene Caribbean aridity inferred from foraminifera and elemental data in sediment cores from two Cuban lagoons. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 426:229-241. 2015
- Low‐frequency storminess signal at Bermuda linked to cooling events in the North Atlantic region. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 30:52-76. 2015
- Late Pleistocene Human Skeleton and mtDNA Link Paleoamericans and Modern Native Americans. Science. 344:750-754. 2014
- Autoecological Approaches to Resolve Subjective Taxonomic Divisions within Arcellacea. Protist. 165:305-316. 2014
- A Coastal Yucatan Sinkhole Records Intense Hurricane Events. Journal of Coastal Research. 294:418-428. 2014
- Late Holocene sedimentation and hydrologic development in a shallow coastal sinkhole on Great Abaco Island, The Bahamas. Quaternary International. 317:118-132. 2013
- Climate change and decadal to centennial-scale periodicities recorded in a late Holocene NE Pacific marine record: Examining the role of solar forcing. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 386:669-689. 2013
- Multi-proxy lake sediment record of prehistoric (Paleoindian–Archaic) archaeological paleoenvironments at Rice Lake, Ontario, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews. 73:77-92. 2013
- Geological investigation and optical dating of Quaternary siliciclastic sediments near Apalachicola, North‐west Florida, USA. Sedimentology. 59:1836-1849. 2012
- Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence for an unusual tsunami or storm a few centuries ago at Anegada, British Virgin Islands. Natural Hazards. 63:51-84. 2012
- Homotrema rubrum (Lamarck) taphonomy as an overwash indicator in Marine Ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands. Natural Hazards. 63:85-100. 2012
- Probable tsunami origin for a Shell and Sand Sheet from marine ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands. Natural Hazards. 63:101-117. 2012
- Testing foraminiferal taphonomy as a tsunami indicator in a shallow arid system lagoon: Sur, Sultanate of Oman. Marine Geology. 295-298:128-136. 2012
- Assessing surficial foraminiferal distributions as an overwash indicator in Sur Lagoon, Sultanate of Oman. Marine Micropaleontology. 80:62-73. 2011
- Quartz flakes in lakes: Microdebitage evidence for submerged Great Lakes prehistoric (Late Paleoindian–Early Archaic) tool-making sites. Geology. 39:631-634. 2011
- Geologic investigation and optical dating of the merritt island sand ridge sequence, Eastern Florida, USA. Southeastern Geology. 47:175-190. 2010
- Linkages between Holocene paleoclimate and paleohydrogeology preserved in a Yucatan underwater cave. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29:2788-2798. 2010
- Recovery estimates for the Río Cruces after the May 1960 Chilean earthquake. Marine Geology. 269:18-33. 2010
- Multi-proxy paleoenvironmental record of colonial land-use change in the lower Rideau Canal system (Colonel By Lake), Ontario, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology. 42:515-532. 2009
- Tsunami waves generated by the Santorini eruption reached Eastern Mediterranean shores. Geology. 37:943-946. 2009
- Palaeoenvironmental evolution of Cenote Aktun Ha (Carwash) on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and its response to Holocene sea-level rise. Journal of Paleolimnology. 42:199-213. 2009
- Magnetic detection of ship ballast deposits and anchorage sites in King Herod's Roman harbour, Caesarea Maritima, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science. 36:1516-1526. 2009
- Influence of Host-Rock Texture on the Morphology of Carbonate Concretions in a Meteoric Diagenetic Environment. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 79:377-388. 2009
- Multi‐proxy geoarchaeological study redefines understanding of the paleocoastlines and ancient harbours of Liman Tepe (Iskele, Turkey). Terra Nova. 21:97-104. 2009
- Foraminifera and tidal notches: Dating neotectonic events at Korphos, Greece. Marine Geology. 257:41-53. 2009
- Particle-size distribution of inferred tsunami deposits in Sur Lagoon, Sultanate of Oman. Marine Geology. 257:54-64. 2009
- Foraminifera and testate amoebae (thecamoebians) in an anchialine cave: Surface distributions from Aktun Ha (Carwash) cave system, Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. 54:391-396. 2009
- Evidence for Holocene Marine Transgression and Shoreline Progradation Due to Barrier Development in Iskele, Bay of Izmir, Turkey. Journal of Coastal Research. 245:1269-1280. 2008
- Identifying tsunami deposits using bivalve shell taphonomy. Geology. 36:199-199. 2008
- Changing sedimentation patterns due to historical land-use change in Frenchman’s Bay, Pickering, Canada: evidence from high-resolution textural analysis. Journal of Paleolimnology. 37:603-618. 2007
- High-resolution paleosalinity reconstruction from Laguna de la Leche, north coastal Cuba, using Sr, O, and C isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 245:535-550. 2007
- A 6000-year record of ecological and hydrological changes from Laguna de la Leche, north coastal Cuba. Quaternary Research. 67:69-82. 2007
- The tsunami of 13 December A.D. 115 and the destruction of Herod the Great's harbor at Caesarea Maritima, Israel. Geology. 34:1061-1061. 2006
- Arcellacean (thecamoebian) evidence of land-use change and eutrophication in Frenchman?s Bay, Pickering, Ontario. Environmental Geology: international journal of geosciences. 47:729-739. 2005
- Marine Magnetic Survey of a Submerged Roman Harbour, Caesarea Maritima, Israel. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology. 33:122-136. 2004
- Regional Considerations of Coastline Change, Tsunami Damage and Recovery along the Southern Coast of the Bay of Izmit (The Kocaeli (Turkey) Earthquake of 17 August 1999). Natural Hazards. 31:233-252. 2004
- ISOTOPIC (Sr, O, C) INDICATORS OF SALINITY AND TAPHONOMY IN MARGINAL MARINE SYSTEMS. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 33:262-272. 2003
- Utility of arcellacean morphotypic variants as pollution indicators in mine tailing contaminated lakes near Cobalt, Ontario, Canada (vol 44, pg 131, 1998). Micropaleontology. 47:95-95. 2001
- Human-induced desalinization of Manzala lagoon, Nile delta, Egypt: Evidence from isotopic analysis of benthic invertebrates. Journal of Coastal Research. 17:431-442. 2001
- Differential diagenesis of sedimentary components and the implication for strontium isotope analysis of carbonate rocks. Chemical Geology. 164:331-343. 2000
- Destruction of Herod the Great's harbor at Caesarea Maritima, Israel—Geoarchaeological evidence. Geology. 27:811-811. 1999
- Paleoenvironmental evolution of the inner absin of the ancient harbor at Caesarea Maritima, Israel; foraminiferal and Sr isotopic evidence. Revue de Paleobiologie. 17:1-21. 1998
- Assessment of a Sr isotope vital effect (87Sr/86Sr) in marine taxa from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Geo-Marine Letters. 18:241-246. 1998
- Arcellaceans as Pollution Indicators in Mine Tailing Contaminated Lakes near Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. Micropaleontology. 44:131-131. 1998
- Strontium isotopic-paleontological method as a high-resolution paleosalinity tool for lagoonal environments. Geology. 26:1003-1003. 1998
- Evidence for rapid avian-mediated foraminiferal colonization of Lake Winnipegosis, Manitoba, during the Holocene Hypsithermal. Journal of Paleolimnology. 18:131-143. 1997
- Foraminiferal Evidence of Late Holocene Sea-Level Change and Amerindian Site Distribution at Montague Harbour, British Columbia. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50:35-46. 1996
- Geoarchaeology of the ancient harbor site of Caesarea Maritima, Israel; evidence from sedimentology and paleoecology of benthic foraminifera. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 24:37-48. 1994
- Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Ferron-Notom Delta, Central Utah, USA.