selected scholarly activity
- Interactions Between Sediment and Water: Perspectives on the 10th International Association for Sediment Water Science Symposium. 1-5. 2006
- Understanding the distribution, structure and behaviour of urban sediments and associated metals towards improving water management strategies.. 272-286. 2006
- Use of an in Situ Erosion Flume for Measuring Stability of Sediment Deposits in Hamilton Harbour, Canada. 193-203. 2006
- Suspended Sediment Transport – Flocculation and Particle Characteristics 2005
- Interactions between sediments and water. 1-4. 2003
- The need and means to characterize sediment structure and behaviour prior to the selection and implementation of remediation plans. 313-317. 2003
- Filtration in Particle Size Analysis 2000
- The Freshwater Floc: A Functional Relationship of Water and Organic and Inorganic Floc Constituents Affecting Suspended Sediment Properties. 43-53. 1997
- Cohesive sediment transport: emerging issues for toxic chemical management. 177-187. 1992
- The symbiotic relationship of suspended sediment and pathogenicity in freshwater ecosystems. Goldschmidt2021 abstracts. 2021
- Erodibility and transport behavior of dreissenid mussel deposits in an annular flume. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 3448-3462. 2018
- Assessing riverine sediment-pathogen dynamics: implications for the management of aquatic and human health risk. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 245-+. 2010
- Potential Risk of Suspended Particulate Matter in Aquatic Ecosystems. 21st Century Watershed Technology: Improving Water Quality and Environment Conference Proceedings, 21-24 February 2010, Universidad EARTH, Costa Rica. 2010
- Use of an In Situ Erosion Flume for Measuring Stability of Sediment Deposits in Hamilton Harbour, Canada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 557-567. 2006
- River sediment/pathogen interactions: importance for policy development on safe water practices. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 314-321. 2006
- Impacts of wildfire on effective sediment particle size: implications for post-fire sediment budgets. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 143-150. 2005
- Opportunities, Needs, And Strategic Direction For Research On Flocculation In Natural And Engineered Systems. FLOCCULATION IN NATURAL AND ENGINEERED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS. 407-412. 2004
- Overview Of Flocculation Processes In Freshwater Ecosystems. FLOCCULATION IN NATURAL AND ENGINEERED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS. 25-46. 2004
- Surface Thermodynamics And Hydrophobic Properties Of Microbial Flocs. FLOCCULATION IN NATURAL AND ENGINEERED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS. 397-404. 2004
- Sediment-contaminant interactions and transport: a new perspective. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 429-436. 2004
- The need and means to characterize sediment structure and behaviour prior to the selection and implementation of remediation plans. Hydrobiologia. 313-318. 2003
- A new definition of suspended sediment: implications for the measurement and prediction of sediment transport. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 3-12. 2003
- The influence of floc size, density and porosity on sediment and contaminant transport. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 141-147. 2000
- Consideration of CSO floc characteristics for modeling the removal of solids in a detention tank. NEW APPLICATIONS IN MODELING URBAN WATER SYSTEMS, MONOGRAPH 7. 181-201. 1999
- Annual loading estimates of selected metals and PAHs in CSOs, using a continuous PCSWMM approach. ADVANCES IN MODELING THE MANAGEMENT OF STORMWATER IMPACTS, VOL 6. 383-398. 1998
- Composition of extracellular polymeric substances in the activated sludge floc matrix. Water Science and Technology. 325-333. 1998
- Suspended sediment structure: implications for sediment and contaminant transport modelling. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 437-444. 1998
- The relationship between the structure of activated sludge flocs and the sorption of hydrophobic pollutants. Water Science and Technology. 353-357. 1998
- The freshwater floc: A functional relationship of water and organic and inorganic floc constituents affecting suspended sediment properties. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 43-53. 1997
- Microbial floc stabilization and preparation for structural analysis by correlative microscopy. Water Science and Technology. 155-162. 1996
- In situ particle size distributions resulting from flocculation of suspended sediment. NEARSHORE AND ESTUARINE COHESIVE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. 60-74. 1993
- Cohesive sediment transport: emerging issues for toxic chemical management. Hydrobiologia. 177-187. 1992
journal articles
- Biogeochemical Processes and Microbial Dynamics Governing Phosphorus Retention and Release in Sediments: A Case Study in Lower Great Lakes Headwaters. Environmental Management. 72:932-944. 2023
- Integrating microbial DNA community analyses into time-integrated suspended sediment sampling methods. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 23:3574-3588. 2023
- Microbe–sediment interactions in Great Lakes recreational waters: Implications for human health risk. Environmental Microbiology. 25:1605-1623. 2023
- Spatial variability of the erodibility of fine sediments deposited in two alpine gravel-bed rivers: The Isère and Galabre. Catena. 212:106084-106084. 2022
- Identifying chemolithotrophic and pathogenic-related gene expression within suspended sediment flocs in freshwater environments: A metatranscriptomic assessment. Science of the Total Environment. 807:150996-150996. 2022
- Assessment of the sediment and associated nutrient/contaminant continuum, from permafrost thaw slump scars to tundra lakes in the western Canadian Arctic. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 33:32-45. 2022
- Impact of sample collection on prokaryotic and eukaryotic diversity of niche environments of the oil-sand mining impacted Athabasca River. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 67:813-826. 2021
- A structure–function based approach to floc hierarchy and evidence for the non-fractal nature of natural sediment flocs. Scientific Reports. 11:14012. 2021
- Ecological effects and causal synthesis of oil sands activity impacts on river ecosystems: water synthesis review. Environmental Reviews. 29:315-327. 2021
- Development of novel 2D and 3D correlative microscopy to characterise the composition and multiscale structure of suspended sediment aggregates. Continental Shelf Research. 200:104112-104112. 2020
- Exploring bacterial pathogen community dynamics in freshwater beach sediments: A tale of two lakes. Environmental Microbiology. 22:568-583. 2020
- Tracking functional bacterial biomarkers in response to a gradient of contaminant exposure within a river continuum. Water Research. 168:115167-115167. 2020
- The Alberta oil sands eroded bitumen/sediment transitional journey: Influence on sediment transport dynamics, PAH signatures and toxicological effect. Science of the Total Environment. 677:718-731. 2019
- Microbial metabolic strategies for overcoming low-oxygen in naturalized freshwater reservoirs surrounding the Athabasca Oil Sands: A proxy for End-Pit Lakes?. Science of the Total Environment. 665:113-124. 2019
- Edwin David Ongley (1941–2015). Journal of Soils and Sediments. 18:3364-3364. 2018
- Modelling the potential effects of Oil-Sands tailings pond breach on the water and sediment quality of the Lower Athabasca River. Science of the Total Environment. 642:1263-1281. 2018
- Effects of projected climate on the hydrodynamic and sediment transport regime of the lower Athabasca River in Alberta, Canada. River Research and Applications. 34:417-429. 2018
- Novel insights into freshwater hydrocarbon-rich sediments using metatranscriptomics: Opening the black box. Water Research. 136:1-11. 2018
- Temporal and spatial trends in riverine suspended sediment and associated polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) within the Athabasca oil sands region. Science of the Total Environment. 626:1382-1393. 2018
- Assessment of erosion and settling properties of fine sediments stored in cobble bed rivers: the Arc and Isère alpine rivers before and after reservoir flushing. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 43:1295-1309. 2018
- A numerical framework for modelling sediment and chemical constituents transport in the Lower Athabasca River. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 17:1140-1159. 2017
- Surfactant-Assisted Sono-breakage of Wastewater Particles for Improved UV Disinfection. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 228. 2017
- Two-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment and chemical constituent transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:2286-2303. 2017
- Modeling of hydrophobic cohesive sediment transport in the Ells River Alberta, Canada. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 16:2753-2765. 2016
- The symbiotic relationship of sediment and biofilm dynamics at the sediment water interface of oil sands industrial tailings ponds. Water Research. 100:337-347. 2016
- Microbial interactions with naturally occurring hydrophobic sediments: Influence on sediment and associated contaminant mobility. Water Research. 92:121-130. 2016
- Using an optical settling column to assess suspension characteristics within the free, flocculation, and hindered settling regimes. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 15:1991-2003. 2015
- Influence of wave action on the partitioning and transport of unattached and floc-associated bacteria in fresh water. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 61:584-596. 2015
- Fine-sediment dynamics: towards an improved understanding of sediment erosion and transport. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 15:467-479. 2015
- Integration and Proliferation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01 in Multispecies Biofilms. Microbial Ecology. 68:121-131. 2014
- From soil aggregates to riverine flocs: a laboratory experiment assessing the respective effects of soil type and flow shear stress on particles characteristics. Hydrological Processes. 28:4141-4155. 2014
- Iron cycling in a littoral freshwater beach: Implications for floc trace metal dynamics. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 40:47-57. 2014
- Collaborative microbial Fe-redox cycling by pelagic floc bacteria across wide ranging oxygenated aquatic systems. Chemical Geology. 366:90-102. 2014
- Examining thin layer cap behaviour in a freshwater industrial harbour. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 13:1515-1526. 2013
- UV disinfection of wastewater flocs: the effect of secondary treatment conditions. Water Science and Technology. 67:2719-2723. 2013
- Spatial and temporal variations in the erosion threshold of fine riverbed sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 12:1174-1188. 2012
- Diversity of Integron- and Culture-Associated Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Freshwater Floc. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78:4367-4372. 2012
- Hydrodynamic Treatment of Wastewater Effluent Flocs for Improved Disinfection. Water Environment Research. 84:387-395. 2012
- Comparative Floc-Bed Sediment Trace Element Partitioning Across Variably Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental Science and Technology. 46:209-216. 2012
- Numerical modeling of fine particle plume transport in a large lake. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 37:411-425. 2011
- Total and size-fractionated mass of road-deposited sediment in the city of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada: implications for air and water quality in an urban environment. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 11:1040-1051. 2011
- Erosion characteristics and floc strength of Athabasca River cohesive sediments: towards managing sediment-related issues. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 11:679-689. 2011
- Modelling sediment-microbial dynamics in the South Nation River, Ontario, Canada: Towards the prediction of aquatic and human health risk. Water Research. 45:3797-3809. 2011
- A novel tracer technique for the assessment of fine sediment dynamics in urban water management systems. Water Research. 45:2595-2606. 2011
- Erodibility of cohesive sediment: The importance of sediment properties. Earth-Science Reviews. 105:101-120. 2011
- Physical and Ecological Controls on Freshwater Floc Trace Metal Dynamics. Environmental Science and Technology. 45:2157-2164. 2011
- Experimental assessment of Athabasca River cohesive sediment deposition dynamics. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 46:87-96. 2011
- Biostabilization and erodibility of cohesive sediment deposits in wildfire-affected streams. Water Research. 45:521-534. 2011
- Estimation of critical shear stress from cohesive strength meter‐derived erosion thresholds. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 8:678-685. 2010
- Dynamic interactions between cohesive sediment tracers and natural mud. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 10:1401-1414. 2010
- Estimation of critical shear stress from cohesive strength meter-derived erosion thresholds. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 8:678-685. 2010
- Metal levels in street sediment from an industrial city: spatial trends, chemical fractionation, and management implications. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 9:328-341. 2009
- Effects of ultrasound on suspended particles in municipal wastewater. Water Research. 43:2251-2259. 2009
- Dynamic Existence of Waterborne Pathogens within River Sediment Compartments. Implications for Water Quality Regulatory Affairs. Environmental Science and Technology. 43:1737-1743. 2009
- Biofilm structure and bed stability of five contrasting freshwater sediments. Marine and Freshwater Research. 60:690-690. 2009
- Sediment aggregation and water quality in wildfire-affected river basins. Marine and Freshwater Research. 60:653-653. 2009
- Variation in PAH inputs and microbial community in surface sediments of Hamilton Harbour: Implications to remediation and monitoring. Environmental Pollution. 153:60-70. 2008
- Effects of chemical amendments on aquatic floc structure, settling and strength. Water Research. 42:169-179. 2008
- Aquaculture Waste Sediment Stability: Implications for Waste Migration. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 183:59-68. 2007
- Structural characteristics and behavior of fire‐modified soil aggregates. Journal of Geophysical Research. 112. 2007
- Biostabilization of cohesive sediment beds in a freshwater wave‐dominated environment. Limnology and Oceanography. 52:577-589. 2007
- Interactions between Sediment and Water: Perspectives on the 10th International Association for Sediment Water Science Symposium. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 6:365-369. 2006
- The settling behavior and benthic transport of fish feed pellets under steady flows. Estuaries and Coasts. 29:810-819. 2006
- Effect of solids retention time on structure and characteristics of sludge flocs in sequencing batch reactors. Water Research. 40:2583-2591. 2006
- Evaluation of a laser-assisted particle sizing/settling velocity determination technique. Hydrological Processes. 20:1885-1893. 2006
- Can flocs and water stable soil aggregates be differentiated within fluvial systems?. Catena. 60:1-18. 2005
- Impact of chemical oxidation on sludge properties and membrane flux in membrane separation bioreactors. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 79:1342-1348. 2004
- Structural controls on floc strength and transport. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 31:569-578. 2004
- Compartmentalization of Metals within the Diverse Colloidal Matrices Comprising Activated Sludge Microbial Flocs. Journal of Environmental Quality. 32:2100-2108. 2003
- Preserving the Pascagoula. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 57:1197-1198. 2003
- Interactions between sediments and water. Hydrobiologia. 494:1-4. 2003
- The stability of a remediated bed in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada. Sedimentology. 50:149-168. 2003
- Hydrology of stockpiled industrial coal exposed to rainfall. Hydrological Processes. 16:2781-2790. 2002
- Conference Reports. Episodes. 25:196-202. 2002
- Effect of solids retention time on floc structure. Water Science and Technology. 46:431-438. 2002
- Interparticle Interactions Affecting the Stability of Sludge Flocs. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 249:372-380. 2002
- Flocculation/Aggregation of Cohesive Sediments in the Urban Continuum: Implications for Stormwater Management. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom). 23:27-41. 2002
- Structure, Stability, and Transformation of Contaminated Lacustrine Surface Fine-Grained Laminae. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 71:717-726. 2001
- Sequential erosion/deposition experiments—demonstrating the effects of depositional history on sediment erosion. Water Research. 35:2767-2773. 2001
- Rethinking what constitutes suspended sediment. Hydrological Processes. 15:1551-1564. 2001
- The effect of depositional history on contaminated bed sediment stability. Science of the Total Environment. 266:7-13. 2001
- Surface properties of sludge and their role in bioflocculation and settleability. Water Research. 35:339-350. 2001
- Bound Water Content of Activated Sludge and Its Relationship to Solids Retention Time, Floc Structure, and Surface Properties. Water Environment Research. 72:722-730. 2000
- Influence of antecedent conditions on critical shear stress of bed sediments. Water Research. 34:663-667. 2000
- Bound Water Content of Activated Sludge and Its Relationship to Solids Retention Time, Floc Structure, and Surface Properties. Water Environment Research. 72:722-730. 2000
- Suspended Solids, Trace Metal and PAH Concentrations and Loadings from Coal Pile Runoff to Hamilton Harbour, Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 26:18-30. 2000
- The Prevalence of Freshwater Flocculation in Cold Regions: A Case Study from the Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic. 51:155-164. 1998
- Composition of extracellular polymeric substances in the activated sludge floc matrix. Water Science and Technology. 37:325-333. 1998
- The relationship between the structure of activated sludge flocs and the sorption of hydrophobic pollutants. Water Science and Technology. 37:353-357. 1998
- Suspended sediment structure: implications for sediment and contaminant transport modelling. Modelling soil erosion, sediment transport and closely related hydrological processes. 437-444. 1998
- Sediment Resuspension and Dissolved Oxygen Levels Associated with Ship Traffic: Implications for Habitat Remediation. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 32:421-438. 1997
- Floc stabilization for multiple microscopic techniques. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 62:3508-3515. 1996
- Microbial floc stabilization and preparation for structural analysis by correlative microscopy. Water Science and Technology. 34:155-162. 1996
- Distribution of lead, copper and zinc in size-fractionated river bed sediment in two agricultural catchments of southern Ontario, Canada. Environmental Pollution. 93:353-362. 1996
- Floc Architecture in Wastewater and Natural Riverine Systems. Environmental Science and Technology. 30:680-686. 1996
- Reply to Comment. Environmental Science and Technology. 29:2168-2168. 1995
- Investigation of a Sequential Filtration Technique for Particle Fractionation. Environmental Science and Technology. 29:546-550. 1995
- Comment on “Linked sediment/contaminant transport model for rivers with applications to the Buffalo River, New York” (J. Great Lakes Res. 20:671–682). Journal of Great Lakes Research. 21:402-404. 1995
- Impact of River Transport Characteristics on Contaminant Sampling Error and Design. Environmental Science and Technology. 29:161-170. 1995
- Indicator Bacteria-Sediment Relationships: Implications for Water Quality Modeling and Monitoring. Journal of Water Management Modeling. 1995
- Flocculation of suspended sediment in rivers of southeastern Canada. Water Research. 28:1799-1809. 1994
- In‐channel surficial fine‐grained sediment laminae. Part I: Physical characteristics and formational processes. Hydrological Processes. 8:101-111. 1994
- In‐channel surficial fine‐grained sediment laminae. Part II: Chemical characteristics and implications for contaminant transport in fluvial systems. Hydrological Processes. 8:113-124. 1994
- Concentrating suspended sediment samples by filtration: effect on primary grain-size distribution. Environmental Science and Technology. 26:1655-1658. 1992
- The state of suspended sediment in the freshwater fluvial environment: a method of analysis. Water Research. 26:65-72. 1992
- Freshwater Bacterial Aggregate Development: Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 26:163-172. 1991