selected scholarly activity
- A Multifaceted Intervention Improves Functional Fitness in Pre-frail/frail Seniors: Results from the TAPESTRY-TRIAGE Study.. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. S287-S287. 2017
journal articles
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of health tapestry, a complex primary care program for older adults: a post-hoc analysis. BMC Primary Care. 25:235. 2024
- Understanding collaborative implementation between community and academic partners in a complex intervention: a qualitative descriptive study. BMC Health Services Research. 23:606. 2023
- Health TAPESTRY Ontario: A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Implementation and Reproducibility. Annals of Family Medicine. 21:132-142. 2023
- Understanding how context and culture in six communities can shape implementation of a complex intervention: a comparative case study. BMC Health Services Research. 22:221. 2022
- Understanding volunteer retention in a complex, community‐centred intervention: A mixed methods study in Ontario, Canada. Health and Social Care in the Community. 30:2259-2269. 2022
- Impact of Integrated Care Pathways Within the Framework of Collaborative Care on Older Adults With Anxiety, Depression, or Mild Cognitive Impairment. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 30:834-847. 2022
- Lessons Learned Through Two Phases of Developing and Implementing a Technology Supporting Integrated Care: Case Study. JMIR Formative Research. 6:e34899-e34899. 2022
- Community Volunteers and Primary Care Providers Supporting Older Adults in System Navigation: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Integrated Care. 22:18. 2022
- Lessons Learned Through Two Phases of Developing and Implementing a Technology Supporting Integrated Care: Case Study (Preprint) 2021
- Disconnected relationships between primary care and community-based health and social services and system navigation for older adults: a qualitative descriptive study. BMC Primary Care. 21:69. 2020
- Examining Interprofessional teams structures and processes in the implementation of a primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY) for older adults using normalization process theory. BMC Primary Care. 21:63. 2020
- Experiences of integrating community volunteers as extensions of the primary care team to help support older adults at home: a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care. 21:92. 2020
- Health TAPESTRY Ontario: protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test reproducibility and implementation. Trials. 21:714. 2020
- Delphi consensus on core criteria set selecting among health-related outcome measures (HROM) in primary health care. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 127:105-116. 2020
- Health TAPESTRY Ontario: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial to Test Reproducibility and Implementation 2020
- Exploration of volunteers as health connectors within a multicomponent primary care‐based program supporting self‐management of diabetes and hypertension. Health and Social Care in the Community. 28:734-746. 2020
- Health TAPESTRY Ontario: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial to Test Reproducibility and Implementation 2020
- Health TAPESTRY: Exploring the Potential of a Nursing Student Placement Within a Primary Care Intervention for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. SAGE Open Nursing. 6:237796082090967-237796082090967. 2020
- Health TAPESTRY Ontario: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial to Test Replicability and Implementation 2019
- Health TAPESTRY: co-designing interprofessional primary care programs for older adults using the persona-scenario method. BMC Primary Care. 20:122. 2019
- Perceptions of older adults in Ontario, Canada on the implementation and impact of a primary care programme, Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY): a descriptive qualitative study. BMJ Open. 9:e026257-e026257. 2019
- Combining volunteers and primary care teamwork to support health goals and needs of older adults: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 191:E491-E500. 2019
- Patient trade-offs between continuity and access in primary care interprofessional teaching clinics in Canada: a cross-sectional survey using discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open. 9:e023578-e023578. 2019
- Feasibility study of goal setting discussions between older adults and volunteers facilitated by an eHealth application: development of the Health TAPESTRY approach. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 4:184. 2018
- Protocol for a Delphi consensus exercise to identify a core set of criteria for selecting health related outcome measures (HROM) to be used in primary health care. BMC Primary Care. 19:152. 2018
- A Volunteer Program to Connect Primary Care and the Home to Support the Health of Older Adults: A Community Case Study. Frontiers in Medicine. 5:48. 2018
- Sustainability and scalability of a volunteer-based primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY): a mixed-methods analysis. BMC Health Services Research. 17:514. 2017
- A protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial using the Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY) platform approach to promote person-focused primary healthcare for older adults. Implementation Science. 11:49. 2015
- Minding the gap: Prioritization of care issues among nurse practitioners, family physicians and geriatricians when caring for the elderly. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 29:401-403. 2015
- Persona-scenario exercise for codesigning primary care interventions.. Canadian Family Physician. 60:294-296. 2014
- Letters. Occupational Therapy Now. 14:5. 2012
- Monitoring physical functioning as the sixth vital sign: evaluating patient and practice engagement in chronic illness care in a primary care setting--a quasi-experimental design. BMC Primary Care. 13:29. 2012
- Nurturing Charge Nurses for Future Leadership Roles. Journal of Nursing Administration. 42:461-466. 2012
- Education in long-term care for family medicine residents: description of an integrated program.. Canadian Family Physician. 57:e288-e291. 2011
- Teaching medical learners to appreciate “difficult” patients.. Canadian Family Physician. 57:506-508. 2011
- Teaching medicine students to appreciate "difficult" patients. Canadian Family Physician. 57:E148-E150. 2011
- An Exemplar of Team Competence. Critical Care Nurse. 27:144-142. 2007
- An exemplar of team competence.. Critical Care Nurse. 27:144-143. 2007
- Evaluation of innovations in nursing practice: report and discussion. British Journal of Nursing. 15:520-523. 2006
- Acute cardiovascular responses to leg-press resistance exercise in heart transplant recipients. International Journal of Cardiology. 81:61-74. 2001
- Motivational factors for medical oncologists' participation in cancer treatment protocols.. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 8:212-230. 1986
- Participation of community medical oncologists in clinical research trials.. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. 216:269-280. 1986