selected scholarly activity
- Sediment and chemical transport modeling of a hypothetical tailings dam breach spill in the lower Athabasca River. 915-919. 2024
- Arctic Wetlands and Lakes-Dynamics and Linkages. 349-377. 2021
- Cold Region Hydrologic Models and Applications. 763-794. 2021
- Precipitation Characteristics and Changes. 25-59. 2021
- Pipe Failure Prediction with Consideration of Climate Change. 1-15.
- An Ontology-Based Semantic Model of Mid-Winter Breakup of Ice Cover on Canadian Rivers. IAHR International Symposium on Ice. 2022
- Climate Sensitivity of Ice Cover and Water Temperature in some Canadian Lakes. IAHR International Symposium on Ice. 2022
- Numerical modelling of dissolved-oxygen in a cold-region river. Proceedings - 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Bold Visions for Environmental Modeling, iEMSs 2014. 2060-2067. 2014
- Response of Northern Hemisphere lake‐ice cover and lake‐water thermal structure patterns to a changing climate. Hydrological Processes. 2942-2953. 2011
- Modelling climate impacts on hydrologic processes in the Lake Winnipeg watershed. Modelling for Environment's Sake: Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, iEMSs 2010. 885-893. 2010
- Temperature change signals in northern Canada: convergence of statistical downscaling results using two driving GCMs. International Journal of Climatology. 1623-1641. 2007
- Temporal neural networks for downscaling climate variability and extremes. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 1636-1641. 2005
- On the representation of processes in the postsymbolic era. HYDROINFORMATICS '98, VOLS 1 AND 2. 1177-1184. 1998
- The symbolic representation of hydroinformatics processes using elements of category theory. HYDROINFORMATICS '98, VOLS 1 AND 2. 1185-1192. 1998
journal articles
- Towards a Canadian National River Water Quality-Modelling System: State of Science and Future Prospects. Environmental Reviews. 33. 2025
- Climatic sensitivity of seasonal ice-cover, water temperature and biogeochemical cycling in Lake 239 of the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA), Ontario, Canada. Ecological Modelling. 489:110621-110621. 2024
- Effects of Climate Change on Navigability Indicators of the Lower Athabasca River, Canada. Water (Switzerland). 15:1373-1373. 2023
- Machine-learning approach for predicting the occurrence and timing of mid-winter ice breakups on canadian rivers. Environmental Modelling & Software. 152:105402-105402. 2022
- Snowpack driven streamflow predictability under future climate: contrasting changes across two western Canadian river basins. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 23:1113-1129. 2022
- Assessing and predicting the severity of mid-winter breakups based on Canada-wide river ice data. Journal of Hydrology. 607:127550-127550. 2022
- Special Issue: Past and Future Trends and Variability in Hydro-Climatic Processes. Water (Switzerland). 13:2199-2199. 2021
- Application of dynamic contributing area for modelling the hydrologic response of the Assiniboine River Basin to a changing climate. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 47:663-676. 2021
- Assessing Climatic Drivers of Spring Mean and Annual Maximum Flows in Western Canadian River Basins. Water (Switzerland). 13:1617-1617. 2021
- Ecological effects and causal synthesis of oil sands activity impacts on river ecosystems: water synthesis review. Environmental Reviews. 29:315-327. 2021
- Snowpack response in the Assiniboine-Red River basin associated with projected global warming of 1.0 °C to 3.0 °C. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 47:677-689. 2021
- Runoff Projection from an Alpine Watershed in Western Canada: Application of a Snowmelt Runoff Model. Water (Switzerland). 13:1199-1199. 2021
- Climatic Controls on Mean and Extreme Streamflow Changes Across the Permafrost Region of Canada. Water (Switzerland). 13:626-626. 2021
- Effects of Climatic Drivers and Teleconnections on Late 20th Century Trends in Spring Freshet of Four Major Arctic-Draining Rivers. Water (Switzerland). 13:179-179. 2021
- The Canadian Water Resource Vulnerability Index to Permafrost Thaw (CWRVIPT). Arctic Science. 6:437-462. 2020
- Western Canadian freshwater availability: current and future vulnerabilities. Environmental Reviews. 28:528-545. 2020
- Effects of univariate and multivariate statistical downscaling methods on climatic and hydrologic indicators for Alberta, Canada. Journal of Hydrology. 588:125065-125065. 2020
- A Canadian River Ice Database from the National Hydrometric Program Archives. Earth System Science Data. 12:1835-1860. 2020
- Recent Trends in Freshwater Influx to the Arctic Ocean from Four Major Arctic-Draining Rivers. Water (Switzerland). 12:1189-1189. 2020
- Numerical modelling of oil-sands tailings dam breach runout and overland flow. Science of the Total Environment. 703:134568-134568. 2020
- Correction to: Modeling the effects of land cover change on sediment concentrations in a gold-mined Amazonian basin. Regional Environmental Change. 19:2141-2141. 2019
- Modeling the effects of land cover change on sediment concentrations in a gold-mined Amazonian basin. Regional Environmental Change. 19:1801-1813. 2019
- Projected Changes in the Frequency of Peak Flows along the Athabasca River: Sensitivity of Results to Statistical Methods of Analysis. Climate. 7:88-88. 2019
- Modelling the potential effects of Oil-Sands tailings pond breach on the water and sediment quality of the Lower Athabasca River. Science of the Total Environment. 642:1263-1281. 2018
- Modelling the Effects of Historical and Future Land Cover Changes on the Hydrology of an Amazonian Basin. Water (Switzerland). 10:932-932. 2018
- Effects of projected climate on the hydrodynamic and sediment transport regime of the lower Athabasca River in Alberta, Canada. River Research and Applications. 34:417-429. 2018
- Modelling the Athabasca watershed snow response to a changing climate. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 15:134-148. 2018
- Spatial and temporal characteristics in streamflow-related hydroclimatic variables over western Canada. Part 1: 1950–2010. Nordic Hydrology. 48:915-931. 2017
- Spatial and temporal characteristics in streamflow-related hydroclimatic variables over western Canada. Part 2: future projections. Nordic Hydrology. 48:932-944. 2017
- Implications of future climate on water availability in the western Canadian river basins. International Journal of Climatology. 37:3247-3263. 2017
- A numerical framework for modelling sediment and chemical constituents transport in the Lower Athabasca River. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 17:1140-1159. 2017
- Climate-induced alteration of hydrologic indicators in the Athabasca River Basin, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Hydrology. 544:327-342. 2017
- Two-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment and chemical constituent transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:2286-2303. 2017
- Comparative evaluation of the effects of climate and land-cover changes on hydrologic responses of the Muskeg River, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 8:198-221. 2016
- An integrated numerical framework for water quality modelling in cold-region rivers: A case of the lower Athabasca River. Science of the Total Environment. 569-570:634-646. 2016
- Arctic terrestrial hydrology: A synthesis of processes, regional effects, and research challenges. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences. 121:621-649. 2016
- Modeling the Arctic freshwater system and its integration in the global system: Lessons learned and future challenges. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences. 121:540-566. 2016
- Inter‐comparison of high‐resolution gridded climate data sets and their implication on hydrological model simulation over the Athabasca Watershed, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 28:4250-4271. 2014
- Uncertainty in modelling the hydrologic responses of a large watershed: a case study of the Athabasca River basin, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 28:4272-4293. 2014
- Simulation of North American lake‐ice cover characteristics under contemporary and future climate conditions. International Journal of Climatology. 32:695-709. 2012
- Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Nutrient Loading in the Upper Assiniboine Catchment1. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 48:74-89. 2012
- Modelling of climate-induced hydrologic changes in the Lake Winnipeg watershed. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:83-94. 2012
- Observed trends and future projections of precipitation and air temperature in the Lake Winnipeg watershed. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:72-82. 2012
- Assessing the Need for Downscaling RCM Data for Hydrologic Impact Study. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE. 16:534-539. 2011
- Changing spring air‐temperature gradients along large northern rivers: Implications for severity of river‐ice floods. Geophysical Research Letters. 37. 2010
- TDNN with logical values for hydrologic modeling in a cold and snowy climate. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 10:289-300. 2008
- Uncertainty analysis of statistically downscaled temperature and precipitation regimes in Northern Canada. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 91:149-170. 2008
- Assessing the Effect of Climate Change on River Flow Using General Circulation Models and Hydrological Modelling – Application to the Chaudière River, Québec, Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal. 33:73-94. 2008
- Validation of hydrological models for climate scenario simulation: the case of Saguenay watershed in Quebec. Hydrological Processes. 21:3123-3135. 2007
- Uncertainty analysis of statistical downscaling methods using Canadian Global Climate Model predictors. Hydrological Processes. 20:3085-3104. 2006
- Temporal neural networks for downscaling climate variability and extremes. Neural Networks. 19:135-144. 2006
- Uncertainty analysis of statistical downscaling methods. Journal of Hydrology. 319:357-382. 2006
- Downscaling Precipitation and Temperature with Temporal Neural Networks. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 6:483-496. 2005
- Hydrologic impact of climate change in the Saguenay watershed: comparison of downscaling methods and hydrologic models. Journal of Hydrology. 307:145-163. 2005
- Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems in Model Based Control of the Overwaard Polder. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 131:135-145. 2005
- Developing generic hydrodynamic models using artificial neural networks. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 40:183-190. 2002
- Model Induction with Support Vector Machines: Introduction and Applications. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 15:208-216. 2001
- River flow forecasting using artificial neural networks. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 26:1-7. 2001
- Automatic calibration of groundwater models using global optimization techniques. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 44:879-894. 1999
- Application of artificial neural networks to the simulation of a two dimensional flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 37:435-446. 1999
- On the encapsulation of numerical-hydraulic models in artificial neural network. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 37:147-161. 1999
- Applications of artificial neural networks to the generation of wave equations from hydraulic data. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 37:81-97. 1999