selected scholarly activity
- Zero Hours and Near Zero Hours Work in Canada. 137-157. 2019
journal articles
- Feedback, training, goal-setting, planning and performance: understanding the pathway to improved organizational outcomes. International Journal of Manpower. 45:1797-1815. 2024
- Differential Relationships Between Work-Life Interface Constructs and Intention to Stay in or Leave the Profession: Evidence From Midwives in Canada. Psychological Reports. 127:1381-1407. 2024
- Life Satisfaction and the Roles of Work, Family, and Social Factors in a Social Production Function Framework. Journal of Happiness Studies. 25. 2024
- Automation and the future of work: An intersectional study of the role of human capital, income, gender and visible minority status. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 44:703-727. 2023
- Workload, work–life interface, stress, job satisfaction and job performance: a job demand–resource model study during COVID-19. International Journal of Manpower. 44:653-670. 2023
- Talent management: four “buying versus making” talent development approaches. Personnel Review. 51:2181-2200. 2022
- The role of work intensification in intention to stay: A study of personal support workers in home and community care in Ontario, Canada. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 42:917-936. 2021
- Will the Robots Take Our Jobs? An Intersectional Study of Human Capital and Automation. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021:10978-10978. 2021
- Work-life interface and intention to stay in the midwifery profession among pre- and post-clinical placement students in Canada. Human Resources for Health. 18:68. 2020
- Positive and Negative Work/Personal Life Interface and Intention to Stay in the Profession. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2019:11403-11403. 2019
- Work intensification and health outcomes of health sector workers. Personnel Review. 48:342-359. 2019
- Determinants of Personal Support Workers’ Intention to Stay in Community Care Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018:11256-11256. 2018
- An ill-informed choice: empirical evidence of the link between employers’ part-time or temporary employment strategies and workplace performance in Canada. International Journal of Human Resource Management, The. 28:2713-2737. 2017
- Demographic Structure, Intersecting Identities, and Employment Inequalities. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017:17398-17398. 2017
- Persistent innovation and the role of human resource management practices, work organization, and strategy. Journal of Management and Organization. 23:456-471. 2017
- Persistent innovation and the role of human resource management practices, work organization, and strategy. Journal of Management and Organization. 23:456-471. 2017
- Unmet Needs Reported by Adults with Chronic Conditions:An Analysis of Data from the Canadian Community Health Survey. International Journal of Physiotherapy. 3:613-623. 2016
- Forecheck, backcheck, health check: the benefits of playing recreational ice hockey for adults in Canada. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34:2121-2129. 2016
- Immigrants and job satisfaction: Do high performance work systems play a role?. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 37:690-715. 2016
- Unpacking the black box: understanding the relationship between strategy, HRM practices, innovation and organizational performance. Human Resource Management Journal. 26:112-133. 2016
- Understanding the Mediating Role of Symptoms of Stress on the Perceived Access to Training and Job Satisfaction Relationship. Business and Management Studies. 2:12-12. 2016
- Associations between workers' health, and non-standard hours and insecurity: the case of home care workers in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Human Resource Management, The. 26:2503-2522. 2015
- While Mothers Work Do Children Shirk? Determinants of Youth Obesity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 36:287-308. 2014
- Health and Disability as Determinants for Involuntary Retirement of People with Disabilities. Canadian Journal on Aging. 32:159-172. 2013
- Impact of retirement type on income for people with disabilities. Disability & Society. 28:338-352. 2013
- Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Hamilton, Ontario: An Intra-Urban Analysis. Social Indicators Research. 108:277-297. 2012
- Sense of Community Belonging and Health in Canada: A Regional Analysis. Social Indicators Research. 107:103-126. 2012
- Declining versus participating in employer-supported training in Canada*. International Journal of Training and Development. 15:271-289. 2011
Selection Practices in
C anadian Firms: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 19:435-437. 2011 - Walking to work in Canada: health benefits, socio-economic characteristics and urban-regional variations. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 11:212. 2011
- Weighting Large Datasets with Complex Sampling Designs: Choosing the Appropriate Variance Estimation Method. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 10:110-115. 2011
- Generating and Comparing Aggregate Variables for Use Across Datasets in Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 8:613-625. 2009
- Barriers to training access. Perspectives on Labour and Income. 10:14-25. 2009
- Low-Paid Workers and On-the-Job Training in Canada. Relations Industrielles. 63:5-29. 2008
- Television and the behaviour of adolescents: Does socio-economic status moderate the link?. Social Science and Medicine. 65:1324-1336. 2007
- Value orientations, income and displacement effects, and voluntary contributions. Experimental Economics. 4:183-195. 2001
- Are Immigrants’ Pay and Benefits Satisfaction Different than Canadian-born?. Relations Industrielles. 67:3-24.
- Dialing it in: A Missed Opportunity Regarding the Strategic Use of Telework?. Relations Industrielles. 69:550-574.
- Telework in Canada: Who Is Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic?. Relations Industrielles. 76:761-791.
scholarly editions
- Qui assure la formation? Les industries de haute technologie ou les etablissements de haute technologie? 2005
- Who Trains? High-tech Industries or High-tech Workplaces? 2005
- Repercussions du travail autonome sur la croissance de la productivite du travail : comparaison Canada-Etats-Unis 2003
- The Impact of Self-employment on Labour-productivity Growth: A Canada and United States Comparison 2003
- Value Orientations, Income and Displacement Effects, and Voluntary Contributions. Experimental Economics. 183-195. 2001
- Retirement Decisions of People with Disabilities: Voluntary or Involuntary
- Retirement Decisions of People with Disabilities: Voluntary or Involuntary