selected scholarly activity
- Transnational Social Policy. 43-61. 2017
- Introduction. 9-18. 2013
- The Missing Presence of Aboriginal Peoples from the Transnational Debate. 175-194. 2013
- Introduction. 1-10. 2013
- Transnational Social Support. 167-186. 2013
- Befriending refugee women: Refracted knowledge and shifting viewpoints. 101-112. 2008
- Socially Committed Discourse Analysis and Social Work Practice. 225-243. 2003
- Three complementary systems for coding the process of therapeutic dialogue.. 311-356. 2000
- Doing Technological Time in a Pediatric Hemodialysis Unit: A Ethnography of Children. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 722-722. 2012
- POLARITY AND IDENTITY - WORKING DISSENSUS IN SOCIAL-WORK. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society. A106-A106. 1984
journal articles
- Transnational histories of social work and social welfare – An introduction. Transnational Social Review. 6:236-241. 2016
- „Die Geschichte hat eine dunkle und eine helle Seite“. Sozial Extra. 40:30-38. 2016
- The circulation of knowledge and practices across national borders in the early twentieth century: a focus on social reform organisations. European Journal of Social Work. 18:495-510. 2015
- Catching the shimmers of the social: from the limits of reflexivity to methodological creativity. Qualitative Research. 15:419-436. 2015
- Transforming European welfare policies, social work and social care practices: a special issue from the Third European Conference for Social Work Research. European Journal of Social Work. 17:611-615. 2014
- Doing ‘technological time’ in a pediatric hemodialysis unit: An ethnography of children. Health & Place. 27:112-119. 2014
- Promoting Critical Reflexivity through Arts-Based Media: A Case Study. The British Journal of Social Work. 44:7-26. 2014
- Debating social work and otherness: introduction to the special issue. Nordic Social Work Research. 3:101-104. 2013
- Recognising the Other, understanding the Other: a brief history of social work and Otherness. Nordic Social Work Research. 3:120-129. 2013
- Rethinking youth violence and healing. Journal of Youth Studies. 16:847-863. 2013
- Disciplinary borders and borrowings: Social work knowledge and its social reach, a historical perspective. Social Work & Society. 10. 2012
- The Reworking of Spatial Attribution: People with Intellectual Disabilites and the Micropolitics of Dissensus. Review of Education, Pedagogy, & Cultural Studies, The. 34:123-135. 2012
- Researching Transnationalism in Social Work—Variations, Innovations, and Researchers' Locations. Transnational Social Review. 2:7-9. 2012
- The Material Presence of Early Social Work: The Practice of the Archive. The British Journal of Social Work. 41:625-644. 2011
- The Transnational Circulation of Model Programs for Children in the Early 20th Century in Toronto. Transnational Social Review. 1:25-38. 2011
- New Voices in Social Work. Qualitative Social Work. 6:387-395. 2007
- "They give reason a responsibility which it simply can't bear": Ethics, care of the self, and caring knowledge. Journal of Medical Humanities. 24:265-278. 2003
- Urbanité et immigration : étude de la dynamique communautaire franco-torontoise et des rapports d’inclusion et d’exclusion. Francophonies d'Amérique. 97-97. 2003
- Life History as Dialogical Activity: `If You Ask Me the Right Questions, I Could Tell You'. Current Sociology. 43:125-135. 1995
- Ethnic Identity, Intergroup Relations and Welfare Policy in the Canadian Context: A Comparative Discourse Analysis. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 22:121-147. 1995
- Book reviews. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 10:165-173. 1993
- THE 6 LANGUAGES OF SOCIAL-WORK. Social work. 36:530-534. 1991
- The Six Languages of Social Work. Social work. 36:530-534. 1991
- From Concepets to Practice. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 3:117-130. 1989
- Linking Between Social Workers and Mental Health Mutual-Aid Groups. Social Work in Health Care. 13:69-78. 1988
- Comparison of Self-Help Groups for Mental Health. Health & Social Work. 12:275-283. 1987
- A conceptual schema to assess the professional development of the child and youth care field. Child and Youth Care Forum. 15:124-137. 1986
- Doing 'Technological' Time in a Pediatric Hemodialysis Unit. International Journal of Whole Person Care. 1.
- Les stratégies narratives du récit et de la parole. Comment progresse et s’échafaude une méthode d’analyse. Sociologie et Societes. 25:125-135.
- L’évaluation des services d’établissement pour les personnes immigrantes et réfugiées : enjeux conceptuels et méthodologiques. Cahiers de recherche sociologique. 167-183.
- Une « intervention théorique » pour interroger le quotidien : Foucault et les pratiques de travail social. Nouvelles pratiques sociales. 16:80-91.