selected scholarly activity
- Process realism: flow paths and storage. 53-69. 2013
- Transpiration and evaporative partitioning at a boreal forest and shrub taiga site in a subarctic alpine catchment, Yukon territory, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 2023
- TEMPERATURE AS A HYDROLOGIC TRACER IN LAYERED SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENTS. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 2016
- A radiative–conductive–convective approach to calculate thaw season ground surface temperatures for modelling frost table dynamics. Hydrological Processes. 3954-3965. 2015
- The influence of spatial variability in snowmelt and active layer thaw on hillslope drainage for an alpine tundra hillslope. Hydrological Processes. 2628-2639. 2009
- Growing season energy and water exchange from an oil sands overburden reclamation soil cover, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 2847-2857. 2008
- Peat hydraulic conductivity in cold regions and its relation to pore size and geometry. Hydrological Processes. 2829-2837. 2008
- Field and laboratory estimates of pore size properties and hydraulic characteristics for subarctic organic soils. Hydrological Processes. 2560-2571. 2007
- The cold regions hydrological model: a platform for basing process representation and model structure on physical evidence. Hydrological Processes. 2650-2667. 2007
- Modelling the dynamics of the evapotranspiration process using genetic programming. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 563-578. 2007
- The use of inductive and deductive reasoning to model snowmelt runoff from northern mountain catchments. Proceedings of the iEMSs 3rd Biennial Meeting," Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software". 2006
- Intra‐basin variability of snowmelt water balance calculations in a subarctic catchment. Hydrological Processes. 1001-1016. 2006
- Evaluating runoff generation during summer using hydrometric, stable isotope and hydrochemical methods in a discontinuous permafrost alpine catchment. Hydrological Processes. 95-114. 2005
- Evaluating snowmelt runoff generation in a discontinuous permafrost catchment using stable isotope, hydrochemical and hydrometric data. Nordic Hydrology. 309-324. 2004
- Wolf Creek Research Basin water balance studies. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences). 195-204. 2004
- Dissolved organic carbon fluxes in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic alpine catchment. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 161-171. 2003
- Spatial variability of hillslope water balance, wolf creek basin, subarctic yukon. Hydrological Processes. 3113-3132. 2001
journal articles
- Long-term evaluation of evapotranspiration from a reclaimed boreal forest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Northern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 56. 2024
- Isotope hydrology of the intermontane Elk Valley, British Columbia: an assessment of water resources around coal mining operations. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. 60:1-25. 2024
- An open-source refactoring of the Canadian Small Lakes Model for estimates of evaporation from medium-sized reservoirs. Geoscientific Model Development. 17:4911-4922. 2024
- Synoptic sampling reveals spatial stability in flow and chemistry patterns despite large seasonal variability in a subarctic mountain catchment. Hydrological Processes. 38. 2024
- Seasonal controls on stream metal(loid) signatures in mountainous discontinuous permafrost. Science of the Total Environment. 908:167999-167999. 2024
- Multi‐year high‐frequency sampling provides new runoff and biogeochemical insights in a discontinuous permafrost watershed. Hydrological Processes. 37. 2023
- Upland reclamation promotes forest evaporative losses in the Boreal Plains of Canada: A comparison of carbon and water fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 325:109127-109127. 2022
- The hydrochemical evolution of a constructed peatland in a post-mining landscape six years after construction. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 39:100978-100978. 2022
Classifying annual daily hydrographs in Western North America using
t‐distributed stochastic neighbour embedding. Hydrological Processes. 36. 2022 - Optical properties of dissolved organic matter highlight peatland-like properties in a constructed wetland. Science of the Total Environment. 802:149770-149770. 2022
- Evapotranspiration and energy partitioning across a forest-shrub vegetation gradient in a subarctic, alpine catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 602:126790-126790. 2021
- Ten best practices to strengthen stewardship and sharing of water science data in Canada. Hydrological Processes. 35. 2021
- Hydrological functioning of a constructed peatland watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region: Potential trajectories and lessons learned. Ecological Engineering. 166:106236-106236. 2021
- Rapid shrub expansion in a subarctic mountain basin revealed by repeat airborne LiDAR. Environmental Research Communications. 3:071001-071001. 2021
- Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 25:1849-1882. 2021
- Energy and carbon fluxes from an oil sands pit lake. Science of the Total Environment. 752:141966-141966. 2021
- Stable isotopes of water reveal differences in plant – soil water relationships across northern environments. Hydrological Processes. 35. 2021
- Contrasting storage-flux-age interactions revealed by catchment inter-comparison using a tracer-aided runoff model. Journal of Hydrology. 590:125226-125226. 2020
- The biophysical climate mitigation potential of boreal peatlands during the growing season. Environmental Research Letters. 15:104004-104004. 2020
- The role of snow processes and hillslopes on runoff generation in present and future climates in a recently constructed watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region. Hydrological Processes. 34:3635-3655. 2020
- Characterization of contrasting flow and thermal regimes in two adjacent subarctic alpine headwaters in Northwest Canada. Hydrological Processes. 34:3252-3270. 2020
- Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change. 10:555-560. 2020
- Low methane emissions from a boreal wetland constructed on oil sand mine tailings. Biogeosciences. 17:667-682. 2020
- The influence of vegetation cover on evapotranspiration atop waste rock piles, Elk Valley, British Columbia. Hydrological Processes. 33:2594-2606. 2019
- Assessing inter-annual and seasonal patterns of DOC and DOM quality across a complex alpine watershed underlain by discontinuous permafrost in Yukon, Canada. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 23:3571-3591. 2019
- Heat transfer within frozen slopes in subarctic Yukon, Canada. Environmental Geotechnics. 6:420-429. 2019
- The initial three years of carbon dioxide exchange between the atmosphere and a reclaimed oil sand wetland. Ecological Engineering. 135:116-126. 2019
- Evaluating How Landform Design and Soil Covers Influence Groundwater Recharge in a Reclaimed Watershed. Water Resources Research. 55:6464-6481. 2019
- Spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff modelling and dynamics of storage and water ages in a permafrost-influenced catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 23:2507-2523. 2019
- Climate-phenology-hydrology interactions in northern high latitudes: Assessing the value of remote sensing data in catchment ecohydrological studies. Science of the Total Environment. 656:19-28. 2019
- Increases in salinity following a shift in hydrologic regime in a constructed wetland watershed in a post-mining oil sands landscape. Science of the Total Environment. 653:1445-1457. 2019
- A long-term hydrometeorological dataset (1993–2014) of a northern mountain basin: Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada. Earth System Science Data. 11:89-100. 2019
- Water table dynamics in a constructed wetland, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Hydrological Processes. 32:3824-3836. 2018
- Hydrogeology of a montane headwater groundwater system downgradient of a coal-mine waste rock dump: Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal. 26:2341-2356. 2018
- Monitoring ecosystem reclamation recovery using optical remote sensing: Comparison with field measurements and eddy covariance. Science of the Total Environment. 642:436-446. 2018
- The influence of mining on hydrology and solute transport in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Research Letters. 13:074012-074012. 2018
- Storage, mixing, and fluxes of water in the critical zone across northern environments inferred by stable isotopes of soil water. Hydrological Processes. 32:1720-1737. 2018
- Using stable isotopes to estimate travel times in a data‐sparse Arctic catchment: Challenges and possible solutions. Hydrological Processes. 32:1936-1952. 2018
- Estimates of water and solute release from a coal waste rock dump in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 601-602:543-555. 2017
- Interpreting Repeated Temperature‐Depth Profiles for Groundwater Flow. Water Resources Research. 53:8639-8647. 2017
- Forest water use in the initial stages of reclamation in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Hydrological Processes. 31:2781-2792. 2017
R un:A MATLAB toolbox for rainfall–runoff analysis. Hydrological Processes. 31:2670-2682. 2017 - Heat as a groundwater tracer in shallow and deep heterogeneous media: Analytical solution, spreadsheet tool, and field applications. Hydrological Processes. 31:2648-2661. 2017
- Chemical mass transport between fluid fine tailings and the overlying water cover of an oil sands end pit lake. Water Resources Research. 53:4725-4740. 2017
- Save northern high-latitude catchments. Nature Geoscience. 10:324-325. 2017
- The essential value of long‐term experimental data for hydrology and water management. Water Resources Research. 53:2598-2604. 2017
- Constructing fen peatlands in post-mining oil sands landscapes: Challenges and opportunities from a hydrological perspective. Earth-Science Reviews. 161:130-139. 2016
- Multi-year water balance assessment of a newly constructed wetland, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Hydrological Processes. 30:2739-2753. 2016
- Total and methyl mercury concentrations in sediment and water of a constructed wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Environmental Pollution. 213:628-637. 2016
- Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment. Environmental Research Letters. 11:034014-034014. 2016
- High-resolution profiling of the stable isotopes of water in unsaturated coal waste rock. Journal of Hydrology. 534:616-629. 2016
- Recent climatic, cryospheric, and hydrological changes over the interior of western Canada: a review and synthesis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 20:1573-1598. 2016
- A coupled hydrology–biogeochemistry model to simulate dissolved organic carbon exports from a permafrost‐influenced catchment. Hydrological Processes. 29:5383-5396. 2015
- A preliminary assessment of water partitioning and ecohydrological coupling in northern headwaters using stable isotopes and conceptual runoff models. Hydrological Processes. 29:5153-5173. 2015
- Regional scale selenium loading associated with surface coal mining, Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 532:791-802. 2015
- Comparison of threshold hydrologic response across northern catchments. Hydrological Processes. 29:3575-3591. 2015
- Tracer‐based assessment of flow paths, storage and runoff generation in northern catchments: a review. Hydrological Processes. 29:3475-3490. 2015
- The impact of reclamation cover depth on the performance of reclaimed shale overburden at an oil sands mine in Northern Alberta, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 29:2840-2854. 2015
- The Changing Cold Regions Network: Observation, diagnosis and prediction of environmental change in the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie River Basins, Canada. Science China Earth Sciences. 58:46-60. 2015
- Growing season water balance of wetland reclamation test cells, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Hydrological Processes. 28:4363-4376. 2014
- Hydrological sensitivity of a northern mountain basin to climate change. Hydrological Processes. 28:4191-4208. 2014
- Preface. Hydrological Processes. 28:4161-4162. 2014
- Analysis of hydrological seasonality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation–runoff polygon metrics. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 59:56-72. 2014
- Use of color maps and wavelet coherence to discern seasonal and interannual climate influences on streamflow variability in northern catchments. Water Resources Research. 49:6194-6207. 2013
- Canadian Geophysical Union – Hydrology Section. Hydrological Processes. 27:1843-1844. 2013
- The influence of hyporheic exchange on reach‐scale water budgets in a Precambrian Shield catchment, Quebec, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 27:1890-1900. 2013
- Catchments in the future North: interdisciplinary science for sustainable management in the 21st Century. Hydrological Processes. 27:635-639. 2013
- Catchments on the cusp? Structural and functional change in northern ecohydrology. Hydrological Processes. 27:766-774. 2013
- Change in winter climate will affect dissolved organic carbon and water fluxes in mid‐to‐high latitude catchments. Hydrological Processes. 27:700-709. 2013
- Erratum to: Hydroclimatic and hydrochemical controls on Plecoptera diversity and distribution in northern freshwater ecosystems. Hydrobiologia. 702:297-297. 2013
- Inferring groundwater contributions and pathways to streamflow during snowmelt over multiple years in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic environment (Yukon, Canada). Hydrogeology Journal. 21:67-77. 2013
- Cross‐regional prediction of long‐term trajectory of stream water DOC response to climate change. Geophysical Research Letters. 39. 2012
- Hydroclimatic and hydrochemical controls on Plecoptera diversity and distribution in northern freshwater ecosystems. Hydrobiologia. 693:39-53. 2012
- CGU‐HS Special Issue – Preface. Hydrological Processes. 26:1751-1751. 2012
- Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt in a shrub‐covered bog in eastern Ontario, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 26:1876-1890. 2012
- Impacts of climate change on soil moisture and evapotranspiration in reconstructed watersheds in northern Alberta, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 26:1321-1331. 2012
- Measurements and modelling of storage dynamics across scales. Hydrological Processes. 25:3831-3835. 2011
- CGU‐HS special issue—preface. Hydrological Processes. 25:2931-2931. 2011
- Evaluation of the heat pulse probe method for determining frozen soil moisture content. Water Resources Research. 47. 2011
- Water flow and storage in fractured, unsaturated sulphur blocks. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 48:810-825. 2011
- Exploring runoff processes using chemical, isotopic and hydrometric data in a discontinuous permafrost catchment. Nordic Hydrology. 41:508-519. 2010
- Inter‐comparison of hydro‐climatic regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity, resistance and resilience. Hydrological Processes. 24:3591-3602. 2010
- Comparison of three data-driven techniques in modelling the evapotranspiration process. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 12:365-379. 2010
- Catchment processes and heterogeneity at multiple scales—benchmarking observations, conceptualization and prediction. Hydrological Processes. 24:2203-2208. 2010
- Comparison of algorithms and parameterisations for infiltration into organic-covered permafrost soils. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 14:729-750. 2010
- Hydrology and water resources in Canadian geography. Canadian Geographer. 53:500-505. 2009
- Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Northern River Basins: Northern Watershed Ecosystem Response to Climate Change (North‐Watch) Workshop I: Climatic Drivers and Hydrological Regimes; Dorset, Ontario, Canada, 30 August to 3 September 2009. Eos. 90:414-414. 2009
- A generic system dynamics model for simulating and evaluating the hydrological performance of reconstructed watersheds. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 13:865-881. 2009
- Progress in Canadian Snow and Frozen Ground Hydrology, 2003-2007. Canadian Water Resources Journal. 34:127-138. 2009
- Towards an energy‐based runoff generation theory for tundra landscapes. Hydrological Processes. 22:4649-4653. 2008
- Evaluation of the algorithms and parameterizations for ground thawing and freezing simulation in permafrost regions. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113. 2008
- Influence of landscape aggregation in modelling snow-cover ablation and snowmelt runoff in a sub-arctic mountainous environment. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 53:725-740. 2008
- Progress in permafrost hydrology in the new millennium. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 19:237-254. 2008
- Anomalous 20th century tree growth, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geophysical Research Letters. 34. 2007
- Spiking modular neural networks: A neural network modeling approach for hydrological processes. Water Resources Research. 42. 2006
- Soil water storage and active-layer development in a sub-alpine tundra hillslope, southern Yukon Territory, Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 16:369-382. 2005
- Characterizing spatial and temporal variations in CO2 fluxes from ground surface using three complimentary measurement techniques. Journal of Hydrology. 311:80-90. 2005
- Freezing of Subarctic Hillslopes, Wolf Creek Basin, Yukon, Canada. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 37:1-10. 2005
- Snowmelt runoff from northern alpine tundra hillslopes: major processes and methods of simulation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 8:877-890. 2004
- Evaluation of Solar Radiation Prediction Models in North America. Agronomy Journal. 96:1500-1500. 2004
- Erratum: Evaluation of solar radiation prediction models in north America (Agronomy Journal (2004) 96 (391-397)). Agronomy Journal. 96:1500. 2004
- Evaluation of Solar Radiation Prediction Models in North America. Agronomy Journal. 96:391-391. 2004
- Statistical characterization of the spatial variability of soil moisture in a cutover peatland. Hydrological Processes. 18:41-52. 2004
- Hydrogeomorphic Relations Among Soil Pipes, Flow Pathways, and Soil Detachments Within A Permafrost Hillslope. Physical Geography. 23:95-114. 2002
- Slope runoff processes and flow generation in a subarctic, subalpine catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 253:110-129. 2001
- The role of soil pipes as a slope runoff mechanism, Subarctic Yukon, Canada. Journal of Hydrology. 233:206-222. 2000
- Hydrology of two slopes in subarctic Yukon, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 13:2549-2562. 1999
- Snowmelt Hydrology of Two Subarctic Slopes, Southern Yukon, Canada. Nordic Hydrology. 29:331-346. 1998
- The influence of permafrost and other environmental controls on stream thermal sensitivity across Yukon, Canada 2024
- An open source refactoring of the Canadian small lakes model for estimates of evaporation from medium sized reservoirs 2024
- Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology 2020
- The role of snow processes and hillslopes on runoff generation in present and future climates in a recently constructed watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region 2020
- Low methane emissions from a boreal wetland constructed on oil sand mine tailings 2019
- Assessing inter-annual and seasonal patterns of DOC and DOM quality across a complex alpine watershed underlain by discontinuous permafrost in Yukon, Canada 2019
- Spatially-distributed tracer-aided runoff modelling and dynamics of storage and water ages in a permafrost-influenced catchment 2019
- A long-term hydrometeorological dataset (1993–2014) of a northern mountain basin: Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada 2018
- Recent climatic, cryospheric, and hydrological changes over the interior of western Canada: a synthesis and review 2015
- Comparison of algorithms and parameterisations for infiltration into organic-covered permafrost soils 2009
- The role of catchment characteristics, discharge, and active layer thaw on seasonal stream chemistry across ten permafrost catchments