selected scholarly activity
- Public Engagement and Policy Entrepreneurship on Social Media in the Time of Anti-Vaccination Movements. 19-37. 2019
- Public Engagement and Policy Entrepreneurship on Social Media in the Time of Anti-Vaccination Movements. 38-56. 2017
- 14. Le Forum de consultation du Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être. 121-124. 2009
- Engaging the Public Voice in Health Care Decision-Making. Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare. 123-138. 2008
- Exploring the Influence of Patient Experience on Policymaking: A Case Study of Coproduction Processes for Mental Health System Improvement. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S22-S22. 2023
- 190:oral Stakeholder involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic response and preparedness plans: A synthesis of findings in 86 countries. Abstracts. A20.3-A21. 2022
- Social Values and Public Policy on Cancer Drug Funding Decisions for Children in Canada. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. S418-S419. 2018
- Societal Values and Child Health Priorities: Empirical Evidence for Paediatric Cancer Drug Policy. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. S69-S69. 2018
- How Values Inform the Health Policy Decision-Making Processes About Health-System Financing in Latin America? A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Value in Health. S138-S138. 2018
- The Role of Patient Experience in Health Policy Making: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S26-S26. 2017
- Competency Development to Meet Rural and Remote Mental Health Needs: A Case Study of Child and Youth Mental Health Policy in Yukon, Canada. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S29-S30. 2015
- "If we design it, they will come": A Case Study Analysis of Community Participation in Community Health Centres (CHCs) in Ontario. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 733-734. 2012
- The Adoption of a Community Participation Framework in Community Health Centres in Ontario: Using an Integrated Knowledge Translation Approach. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 776-777. 2012
- The Participation of Marginalized Communities in Local Health System Planning: The Development of a Conceptual Framework using Critical Interpretative Synthesis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 782-783. 2012
- Alternatives to project-specific consent for access to personal information for health research: Canadian public opinion. BMC Medical Ethics. S34-S35. 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada: How do policy effects shape prospects for reform?. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. S30-S30. 2007
- Do female primary care physicians practise preventive care differently from their male colleagues?. Canadian Family Physician. 2370-2379. 1996
journal articles
- Building Engagement-Capable Environments for Health System Transformation: Development and Early Implementation of a Capability Framework for Patient, Family and Caregiver Engagement in Ontario Health Teams.. Health Expectations. 27:e70083. 2024
- “With me and for me”: Perspectives of Service Users with Complex Health and Social Needs on Mental Health Care. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. 11:519-529. 2024
- Public perspectives on the benefits and harms of lung cancer screening: A systematic review and mixed-method integrative synthesis.. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 13558196241288984. 2024
- Public Deliberation for Ethically Complex Policies: The Case of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada.. Healthcare Policy. 20:83-93. 2024
- Public Engagement in Canadian Health Policy: Looking Back, Taking Stock and Charting the Future.. Healthcare Policy. 20:10-16. 2024
- Trends in Government-Initiated Public Engagement in Canadian Health Policy From 2000 to 2021.. Healthcare Policy. 20:17-35. 2024
- Whom Do I Trust to Represent Me? Long-Term Care Resident and Family Perspectives on Legitimate Representation.. Healthcare Policy. 20:48-61. 2024
- Public Engagement in Health Policy-Making for Older Adults: A Systematic Search and Scoping Review.. Health Expectations. 27:e70008. 2024
- Co-designing a participatory evaluation of older adult partner engagement in the mcmaster collaborative for health and aging. Research Involvement and Engagement. 10:58. 2024
- Patient perspectives on pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing for antidepressant prescribing in primary care: a qualitative description study. Journal of Community Genetics. 15:293-309. 2024
- Stakeholder participation in the COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response plans: A synthesis of findings from 70 countries. Health Policy. 142:105013-105013. 2024
- A global comparative analysis of the the inclusion of priority setting in national COVID-19 pandemic plans: A reflection on the methods and the accessibility of the plans. Health Policy. 141:105011-105011. 2024
- Framing Service User Involvement in Mental Health: A Qualitative Review. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 43:1-20. 2024
- Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end‐of‐life. Health Expectations. 27:e13942. 2024
- Patient partner perspectives on compensation: Insights from the Canadian Patient Partner Survey. Health Expectations. 27:e13971. 2024
- Evaluating the impact of engaging older adults and service providers as research partners in the co-design of a community mobility-promoting program: a mixed methods developmental evaluation study. Research Involvement and Engagement. 9:116. 2023
- Exploring meanings of expert and expertise in patient engagement activities: A qualitative analysis of a pan-Canadian survey. SSM: Qualitative Research in Health. 4:100342-100342. 2023
- Evaluating the impacts of patient engagement on a national health research network: results of a case study of the Chronic Pain Network. Research Involvement and Engagement. 9:73. 2023
- A Multilevel Framework for Complex Care: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2023:1-14. 2023
- Development of the Engage with Impact Toolkit: A comprehensive resource to support the evaluation of patient, family and caregiver engagement in health systems. Health Expectations. 26:1255-1265. 2023
- Access to novel drugs and therapeutics for children and youth: Eliciting citizens' values to inform public funding decisions. Health Expectations. 26:715-727. 2023
- Towards conceptualizing patients as partners in health systems: a systematic review and descriptive synthesis. Health Research Policy and Systems. 21:12. 2023
- Defining the Assisted Living Sector in Canada: An Environmental Scan. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23:1871-1877.e1. 2022
- Understanding patient partnership in health systems: lessons from the Canadian patient partner survey. BMJ Open. 12:e061465-e061465. 2022
- Understanding patient partnership in health systems: lessons from the Canadian patient partner survey (vol 12, e061465, 2022). BMJ Open. 12. 2022
- Understanding the Conceptualization and Operationalization of Trauma‐Informed Care Within and Across Systems: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Milbank Quarterly. 100:785-853. 2022
- Health technology assessment processes: a North-South comparison of the evaluation and recommendation of health technologies in Canada and Chile. International Journal of Health Governance. 27:312-328. 2022
- Barriers to Equitable Public Participation in Health-System Priority Setting Within the Context of Decentralization: The Case of Vulnerable Women in a Ugandan District. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11:1047-1057. 2022
- Designing and Implementing Deliberative Processes for Health Technology Assessment: A Good Practices Report of a Joint HTAi/ISPOR Task Force. Value in Health. 25:869-886. 2022
- Rates of health services use among residents of retirement homes in Ontario: a population-based cohort study. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 194:E730-E738. 2022
- The impact of COVID‐19 on patient engagement in the health system: Results from a Pan‐Canadian survey of patient, family and caregiver partners. Health Expectations. 25:744-753. 2022
- Priority setting and equity in COVID-19 pandemic plans: a comparative analysis of 18 African countries. Health Policy and Planning. 37:297-309. 2022
- Ethical and Social Values for Paediatric Health Technology Assessment and Drug Policy. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11:374-382. 2022
- Author Correction: Convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients with COVID-19: an open-label, randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine. 28:212-212. 2022
- Designing and Implementing Deliberative Processes for Health Technology Assessment: A Good Practices Report of a Joint HTAi/ISPOR Task Force. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 38:e37. 2022
- Diverse Discussion in Public Deliberation on Cancer Drug Funding. Journal of Deliberative Democracy. 18. 2022
- Reply to: Concerns about estimating relative risk of death associated with convalescent plasma for COVID-19. Nature Medicine. 28:53-58. 2022
- Developing a Canadian evaluation framework for patient and public engagement in research: study protocol. Research Involvement and Engagement. 7:10. 2021
- Do assisted living facilities that offer a dementia care program differ from those that do not? A population-level cross-sectional study in Ontario, Canada. BMC Geriatrics. 21:463. 2021
- Convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients with COVID-19: an open-label, randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine. 27:2012-2024. 2021
- Association Between Dementia Care Programs in Assisted Living Facilities and Transitions to Nursing Homes in Ontario, Canada: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 22:2115-2120.e6. 2021
- Metaphors of organizations in patient involvement programs: connections and contradictions. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 35:177-194. 2021
- Do Assisted Living Facilities That Offer a Dementia Care Program Differ from Those That Do Not? A Population-Level Cross-Sectional Study in Ontario, Canada 2021
- The Moral Foundations of Child Health and Social Policies: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Children. 8:43-43. 2021
- An institutional ethnographic analysis of public and patient engagement activities at a national health technology assessment agency. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 37:e37. 2021
- Priority setting during the COVID-19 pandemic: going beyond vaccines. BMJ Global Health. 6:e004686-e004686. 2021
- A framework for explaining the role of values in health policy decision-making in Latin America: a critical interpretive synthesis. Health Research Policy and Systems. 18:100. 2020
- Understanding health professional role integration in complex adaptive systems: a multiple-case study of physician assistants in Ontario, Canada. BMC Health Services Research. 20:365. 2020
- ‘The problem is small enough, the problem is big enough’: a qualitative study of health technology assessment and public policy on drug funding decisions for children. International Journal for Equity in Health. 19:45. 2020
- Priority measures for publicly reporting primary care performance: Results of public engagement through deliberative dialogues in 3 Canadian provinces. Health Expectations. 23:1213-1223. 2020
- Does moral reasoning influence public values for health care priority setting?: A population-based randomized stated preference survey. Health Policy. 124:647-658. 2020
- Understanding the Role of Values in Health Policy Decision-Making From the Perspective of Policy-Makers and Stakeholders: A Multiple-Case Embedded Study in Chile and Colombia. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 9:185-197. 2020
- Policy Agenda-Setting and Causal Stories: Examining How Organized Interests redefined the Problem of Refugee Health Policy in Canada. Healthcare Policy. 15:116-131. 2020
- Applying priority-setting frameworks: A review of public and vulnerable populations’ participation in health-system priority setting. Health Policy. 124:133-142. 2020
- Identifying approaches for synthesizing and summarizing information to support informed citizen deliberations in health policy: a scoping review. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 25:59-66. 2020
- Addressing the affordability of cancer drugs: using deliberative public engagement to inform health policy. Health Research Policy and Systems. 17:17. 2019
- Citizen perspectives on the use of publicly reported primary care performance information: Results from citizen‐patient dialogues in three Canadian provinces. Health Expectations. 22:974-982. 2019
- Supporting the evaluation of public and patient engagement in health system organizations: Results from an implementation research study. Health Expectations. 22:1132-1143. 2019
- Supporting women at average risk to make informed decisions about mammography when there is no “right” answer: a qualitative citizen deliberation study. CMAJ open. 7:E730-E737. 2019
- Evaluating community deliberations about health research priorities. Health Expectations. 22:772-784. 2019
- Who is in and who is out? A qualitative analysis of stakeholder participation in priority setting for health in three districts in Uganda. Health Policy and Planning. 34:358-369. 2019
- A Fresh Approach to Reform? A Policy Analysis of the Development and Implementation of Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions Strategy. Healthcare Policy. 14:29-42. 2019
- Ethical Challenges Related to Patient Involvement in Health Technology Assessment. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 35:253-256. 2019
- Evaluating Patient, Family and Public Engagement in Health Services Improvement and System Redesign. Healthcare Quarterly. 21:31-37. 2018
- Evaluating patient and public involvement in research. The BMJ. 363:k5147-k5147. 2018
- Members of Minority and Underserved Communities Set Priorities for Health Research. Milbank Quarterly. 96:675-705. 2018
- Patient and public engagement in research and health system decision making: A systematic review of evaluation tools. Health Expectations. 21:1075-1084. 2018
- ‘I just want to be able to make a choice’: Results from citizen deliberations about mammography screening in Ontario, Canada. Health Policy. 122:1364-1371. 2018
- Evidence-informed policymaking and policy innovation in a low-income country: does policy network structure matter?. Evidence & Policy. 14:381-401. 2018
- Uncertain times: A survey of Canadian women's perspectives toward mammography screening. Preventive Medicine. 112:209-215. 2018
- Measuring Children's Mental Health in Ontario: Policy Issues and Prospects for Change.. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 27:88-98. 2018
- Patient engagement in health technology assessment: what constitutes ‘meaningful’ and how we might get there. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 23:69-71. 2018
- OP82 Ethical Challenges Related To Engaging Patients And The Public In HTA. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 34:30-30. 2018
- Enabling the participation of marginalized populations: case studies from a health service organization in Ontario, Canada. Health Promotion International. 32:dav118-dav118. 2017
- Ethical Challenges at the Intersection of Policy and Practice in Humanitarian Contexts. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 32:S48-S49. 2017
- Questioning patient engagement: research scientists’ perceptions of the challenges of patient engagement in a cardiovascular research network. Patient Preference and Adherence. Volume 11:1573-1583. 2017
- Uncomfortable trade-offs: Canadian policy makers’ perspectives on setting objectives for their health systems. Health Policy. 121:9-16. 2017
- Primary Care Performance Measurement and Reporting at a Regional Level: Could a Matrix Approach Provide Actionable Information for Policy Makers and Clinicians?. Healthcare Policy. 12:33-51. 2016
- Why do policies change? Institutions, interests, ideas and networks in three cases of policy reform. Health Policy and Planning. 31:1200-1211. 2016
Supporting quality public and patient engagement in health system organizations: development and usability testing of the
P ublic andP atientE ngagementE valuationT ool. Health Expectations. 19:817-827. 2016 - PUBLIC AND PATIENT INVOLVEMENT IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT: A FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 32:256-264. 2016
- Do National Frameworks Help in Local Policy Development? Lessons from Yukon about the Evergreen Child and Youth Mental Health Framework. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 34:111-128. 2015
- The value of frameworks as knowledge translation mechanisms to guide community participation practice in Ontario CHCs. Social Science and Medicine. 142:223-231. 2015
- Conceptualizing the use of public involvement in health policy decision-making. Social Science and Medicine. 138:14-21. 2015
- Framing Incremental Expansions to Public Health Insurance Systems: The Case of Canadian Pharmacare. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 39:295-330. 2014
- Citizens' perspectives on personalized medicine: a qualitative public deliberation study. European Journal of Human Genetics. 21:1197-1201. 2013
- Panel Summary: Improving End-of-life Communication and Decision-making in Ontario 2013
- How Contexts and Issues Influence the Use of Policy‐Relevant Research Syntheses: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Milbank Quarterly. 91:604-648. 2013
- ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF CITIZEN DELIBERATIONS ON THE HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT PROCESS. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 29:282-289. 2013
- Ethics in Health Technology Assessment: Understanding Health Technologies as Policies. Healthcare Management Forum. 26:72-76. 2013
- Enhancing Citizen Engagement in Cancer Screening Through Deliberative Democracy. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 105:380-386. 2013
- Erratum: Assessing the impacts of citizen deliberations on the health technology process-Erratum (International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 19:3 (282-2289) Doi:.10.1017/S0266462313000299). International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 29:466. 2013
- Public Deliberation in Health Policy and Bioethics: Mapping an emerging, interdisciplinary field. Journal of Public Deliberation. 9:5. 2013
- Deliberative dialogues as a mechanism for knowledge translation and exchange in health systems decision-making. Social Science and Medicine. 75:1938-1945. 2012
- The Visible Politics of the Privatization Debate in Quebec. Healthcare Policy. 8:67-79. 2012
- A response to Martin on the role of citizens, publics and others in participatory processes. Social Science and Medicine. 74:1854-1855. 2012
- The unbearable lightness of citizens within public deliberation processes. Social Science and Medicine. 74:1843-1850. 2012
- The Future of Public Deliberation on Health Issues. Hastings Center Report. 42:27-29. 2012
- What Is Public Deliberation?. Hastings Center Report. 42:14-16. 2012
- Why and When Should We Use Public Deliberation?. Hastings Center Report. 42:17-20. 2012
- Analyzing the influence of institutions on health policy development in Uganda: a case study of the decision to abolish user fees.. African Health Sciences. 11:578-586. 2011
- The integration of citizens into a science/policy network in genetics: governance arrangements and asymmetry in expertise. Health Expectations. 14:261-271. 2011
- Integrating public input into healthcare priority-setting decisions. Evidence & Policy. 7:327-343. 2011
- Eliciting ethical and social values in health technology assessment: A participatory approach. Social Science and Medicine. 73:135-144. 2011
- Development of a framework for effective community engagement in Ontario, Canada. Health Policy. 101:59-69. 2011
- Moving cautiously: Public involvement and the health technology assessment community. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 27:43-49. 2011
- Advanced Practice Nursing in Canada: Overview of a Decision Support Synthesis. Nursing Leadership. 23:15-34. 2010
- Exploring the conundrum of the new knowledge production regime: an ethnographic case study on the governance and outcomes of a science/policy network in genetics. Science and Public Policy. 37:737-750. 2010
- Factors Enabling Advanced Practice Nursing Role Integration in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 23:211-238. 2010
- Utilization of Nurse Practitioners to Increase Patient Access to Primary Healthcare in Canada – Thinking Outside the Box. Nursing Leadership. 23:239-259. 2010
- “It all depends”: Conceptualizing public involvement in the context of health technology assessment agencies. Social Science and Medicine. 70:1518-1526. 2010
- Opportunities and Challenges in the Use of Public Deliberation to Inform Public Health Policies. American Journal of Bioethics. 9:24-25. 2009
- Public participation in health care priority setting: A scoping review. Health Policy. 91:219-228. 2009
- What does it mean to trust a health system?. Health Policy. 91:63-70. 2009
- Media Hyping and the "Herceptin Access Story": An Analysis of Canadian and UK Newspaper Coverage. Healthcare Policy. 4:e113-e128. 2009
- L’expérience citoyenne dans la gouvernance du système de santé et de services sociaux au Québec. Santé, Société et Solidarité. 8:45-50. 2009
- Alternatives to project-specific consent for access to personal information for health research: Insights from a public dialogue. BMC Medical Ethics. 9:18. 2008
- Alternatives to Project-specific Consent for Access to Personal Information for Health Research: What Is the Opinion of the Canadian Public?. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 14:706-712. 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada: how do policy legacies shape prospects for reform?. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 2:363-389. 2007
- Bringing ‘the public’ into health technology assessment and coverage policy decisions: From principles to practice. Health Policy. 82:37-50. 2007
- Balancing rigour and relevance: researchers’ contributions to children’s mental health policy in Canada. Evidence & Policy. 3:181-195. 2007
- Examining the role of context in the implementation of a deliberative public participation experiment: Results from a Canadian comparative study. Social Science and Medicine. 64:2115-2128. 2007
- Knowledge into action?. Health Policy. 80:158-171. 2007
- Are we expecting too much from print media? An analysis of newspaper coverage of the 2002 Canadian healthcare reform debate. Social Science and Medicine. 63:89-102. 2006
- Research use in children's mental health policy in Canada: Maintaining vigilance amid ambiguity. Social Science and Medicine. 61:1649-1657. 2005
- Joining the Conversation: Newspaper Journalists' Views on Working with Researchers. Healthcare Policy. 1:123-139. 2005
- From rhetoric to reality: including patient voices in supportive cancer care planning. Health Expectations. 8:195-209. 2005
- The journey of a novice physiotherapist: Adapting to the role in an acute care teaching hospital. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada. 57:145-153. 2005
- Family Perceptions of End-of-Life Care in Long-Term Care Facilities. Journal of Palliative Care. 20:297-302. 2004
- Will it make a difference if I show up and share? A citizens' perspective on improving public involvement processes for health system decision-making. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 9:205-212. 2004
- Managing under managed community care: the experiences of clients, providers and managers in Ontario’s competitive home care sector. Health Policy. 68:359-372. 2004
- Canadians Confront Health Care Reform. Health Affairs. 23:186-193. 2004
- The policy analysis of ‘values talk’: lessons from Canadian health reform. Health Policy. 67:15-24. 2004
- What is important to continuity in home care?. Social Science and Medicine. 58:177-192. 2004
- Does deliberation make a difference? Results from a citizens panel study of health goals priority setting. Health Policy. 66:95-106. 2003
- Deliberations about deliberative methods: issues in the design and evaluation of public participation processes. Social Science and Medicine. 57:239-251. 2003
- How Can Research Organizations More Effectively Transfer Research Knowledge to Decision Makers?. Milbank Quarterly. 81:221-248. 2003
- Participation in health care priority-setting through the eyes of the participants. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 7:222-229. 2002
- ‘The public is too subjective’: public involvement at different levels of health-care decision making. Social Science and Medicine. 54:1825-1837. 2002
- Examining the Role of Health Services Research in Public Policymaking. Milbank Quarterly. 80:125-154. 2002
- Obtaining public input for health‐systems decision‐making: Past experiences and future prospects. Canadian Public Administration. 45:70-97. 2002
- Primary care in Canada - Response. Health Affairs. 20:316-316. 2001
- Understanding the role of contextual influences on local health-care decision making: case study results from Ontario, Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 53:777-793. 2001
- Primary Care In Canada: So Much Innovation, So Little Change. Health Affairs. 20:116-131. 2001
- Book reviews. Health Expectations. 2:69-70. 1999
- Fielding standardized patients in primary care settings: lessons from a study using unannounced standardized patients to assess preventive care practices. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 10:199-206. 1998
- Provision of preventive care to unannounced standardized patients.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 158:185-193. 1998
- What factors influence primary care physicians' charges for their services? An exploratory study using standardized patients.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 158:197-202. 1998
- Do professions have a future? Perhaps, if they are not defensive or complacent. The BMJ. 315:382-382. 1997
- In Search of Informed Input: A Systematic Approach to Involving the Public in Community Decision Making. Healthcare Management Forum. 9:48-52. 1996
- Preventive care and barriers to effective prevention. How do family physicians see it?. Canadian Family Physician. 42:1693-1700. 1996
- Shifting Boundaries in Professional Care. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 89:364-371. 1996
- Do female primary care physicians practise preventive care differently from their male colleagues?. Canadian Family Physician. 42:2370-2379. 1996
- HIV testing practices of primary care physicians: an Ontario survey.. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 87:172-175. 1996
- Registering patients and paying capitation in family practice. The BMJ. 311:1317-1318. 1995
- Does the community want devolved authority? Results of deliberative polling in Ontario.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 153:403-412. 1995
- “L’information Sociosanitaire Quantitative: Des Chiffres, Encore des Chiffres!”. Le Réseau Informatique. 7:12-13. 1995
- Is Reasonable Access What We Want? Implications of, and Challenges to, Current Canadian Policy on Equity in Health Care. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. 23:629-653. 1993
- Alternative funding and delivery models. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 16:19-29. 1993
- A Critical Analysis of Studies of State Drug Reimbursement Policies: Research in Need of Discipline. Milbank Quarterly. 71:217-217. 1993
- Do health service organizations and community health centres have higher disease prevention and health promotion levels than fee-for-service practices?. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 142:575-581. 1990
- Ethical Dimensions of Population-Based Lung Cancer Screening in Canada: Key Informant Qualitative Description Study. Public Health Ethics.
- Patient experiences of treatment-resistant depression (TRD): A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis. PLOS Mental Health. 1:e0000128.
- Une expérience de consultation publique délibérative dans Charlevoix. Recherches sociographiques. 45:77-104.
- Engaging with Patients, Families and Caregivers to Support Ontario Health Teams 2020
- Panel Summary: Improving Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Care in Ontario 2015
- Panel Summary: Improving the Delivery of Complex Cancer Surgeries (Charlottetown) 2014
- Panel Summary: Improving the Delivery of Complex Cancer Surgeries in Canada (Edmonton) 2014
- Panel Summary: Improving the Delivery of Complex Cancer Surgeries (Hamilton) 2014
- Evidence Brief: Strengthening Public and Patient Engagement in Health Technology Assessment in Ontario 2014
- Citizen Brief: Improving Care and Support for People with Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Ontario 2014
- Panel Summary: Improving Care and Support for People with Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Ontario 2014
- Citizen Brief: Improving Access to Palliative Care in Ontario 2013
- Citizen Brief: Improving End-of-Life Communication and Decision-making in Ontario 2013
- Panel Summary: Improving Access to Palliative Care in Ontario 2013
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada [electronic resource] 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada [electronic resource] 2007
- Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada [electronic resource] 2007
- Managing under managed community care [electronic resource] 2003
- Managing under managed community care [electronic resource] 2003
- Managing under managed community care [electronic resource] 2003
- Managing under managed community care [electronic resource] 2003
- Deliberations about deliberative methods 2001
- Obtaining public input for health systems decisionmaking 2001
- Evaluating the impact of engaging older adults and service providers as research partners in the co-design of a community mobility-promoting program: A multi-method developmental evaluation study 2023
- Examining Health Service Rates Among Residents of Retirement Homes and Other Older Adult Populations in Ontario, Canada: A Population-Based Cohort Study 2021
- Understanding health professional role integration in complex adaptive systems: A multiple-case study of Physician Assistants in Ontario, Canada 2020
- Understanding health professional role integration in complex adaptive systems A multiple-case study of Physician Assistants in Ontario, Canada 2020
- The moral foundations of child health and social policies: A critical interpretive synthesis 2019
- Understanding health professional role integration in complex adaptive systems A multiple-case study of Physician Assistants in Ontario, Canada 2019