selected scholarly activity
- 8 Radiation protection. 287-314. 2022
- Radiation protection. 287-314. 2022
- Radiological Contaminants: Triage, Treatment and Medical Management of Exposed Persons. 337-377. 2013
- Radiation in the Environment, Sources of. 8467-8536. 2012
- An analysis of the GSR Part 7 EPR Requirements against the real-world experience of the response to the terrorist attacks on September 11 2001. Health Physics. 6-6. 2023
- Modelling the need for protective actions around Canadian nuclear generating stations. Health Physics. 67-67. 2023
- Optimization of Radiation Protection in Emergency Planning: What does this actually mean?. Health Physics. 67-67. 2023
- Use of Virtual Reality Technology for CANDU 6 Reactor Fuel Channel Operation Training. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 91-101. 2020
- Environmental radiation (Enrad) sampling robot. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Using a GUI when running multiple MCNP simulations of a whole-body counter. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- A preliminary assessment of radiation effects on American Flagfish. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1218-1222. 2015
- Determining the efficacy of nuclear security through computer simulation. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1244-1248. 2015
- Monte Carlo modeling of the Fastscan whole body counter response. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1126-1130. 2015
- Preliminary development and modelling of a next generation inspection system for CANDU pressure tubes. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 896-908. 2015
- Separation of the secondary electrons from the gamma radiation near the surface of an encapsulated gamma source using a magnetic field. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1180-1184. 2015
- TCT- 145 RADIATION PROTECT: A randomized trial to assess the effectiveness of a novel pelvic lead shield and a novel, non-lead surgical cap to reduce operator radiation exposure during coronary angiography or intervention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. B43-B44. 2014
- Determining transfer factors of non-human biota. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 1155-1159. 2013
- Experimental modeling of radioactive particle resuspension. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 458-462. 2013
- Material characterization of high density concrete using different analytical techniques to support licencing requirements for a class II radiation facility. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 1016-1027. 2013
- Simulation of a compact multi element tissue equivalent proportional counter response in low energy monoenergetic neutron fields. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 1080-1084. 2013
- Computational tabulation of the spatial origin of scoring secondary electron tracks in a wall-less tissue equivalent proportional counter under photon irradiation. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1446-1450. 2012
- A Mobile Robotic Platform for Generating Radiation Maps. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 407-416. 2012
- Mixed-Field Neutron-Gamma Dosimetry with an Electronic Personal Gamma Dosimeter. Nuclear Technology. 93-104. 2011
- Representation of a Low-Yield Nuclear Weapon Neutron Spectrum Using an (α,n) Neutron Source. Nuclear Technology. 89-92. 2011
- A strategy for creating probabilistic radiation maps in areas based on sparse data. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 655-656. 2010
- Use of stable isotopes as surrogates for radionuclides for security studies. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 919-922. 2009
- A non-intrusive neutron device for in situ detection of petroleum contamination in soil. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 217-220. 2007
- Mask modeling for dose rates from contaminated filters. 1st Joint Emergency Preparedness and Response/Robotic and Remote Systems Topical Meeting. 49-54. 2006
- Stimulation of endothelial progenitor cells with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor improves endothelial dysfunction in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 382A-383A. 2006
- Patient Characteristics in CD 20+ and CD 20− Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A Single Institution Analysis.. Blood. 4523-4523. 2005
- Non-ablative or reduced intensity conditioning regimens with volunteer unrelated donor progenitor cell transplantation.. Blood. 752A-753A. 2004
- Interaction of rhodium(i) bisphosphine complexes with semicarbazones to give orthometallated rhodium(iii) complexes. Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2707-2714. 2003
- Industrial radiography accident at the Yanango hydroelectric power plant. MEDICAL BASIS FOR RADIATION-ACCIDENT PREPAREDNESS. 267-281. 2002
- A cure for murine sickle cell disease (SCD) through stable mixed chimerism and tolerance induction after non-myeloablative conditioning and MHC-mismatched bone marrow transplantation.. Blood. 736A-736A. 2001
- A five year summary of radiological decommissioning activities at Canadian military facilities. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOPICAL MEETING ON RADIATION PROTECTION FOR OUR NATIONAL PRIORITIES: MEDICINE, THE ENVIRONMENT, AND THE LEGACY. 661-667. 2000
- Thermal neutron activation system for confirmatory nonmetallic land mine detection. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 553-564. 1998
- The new environmentalist. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 261-273. 1991
- A portable neutron device for void-fraction measurement in a small-diameter pipe. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 670-673. 1990
- A neutron steam-quality meter for a fluidized bed plant. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 1049-1055. 1990
journal articles
- A Perspective from Ontario Tech University Industrial Research Chairs on 20 Years of Capacity Building in Health Physics and Radiation Science. Health Physics. 126:280-291. 2024
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Biodosimetry with Human Teeth: A Crucial Technique for Acute and Chronic Exposure Assessment. Health Physics. 126:322-338. 2024
- Small Modular Reactors: Opportunities and Challenges as Emerging Nuclear Technologies for Power Production. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 9. 2023
- Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy for the detection of radiation exposure in dreissenid mussels. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 199:1626-1631. 2023
- Local Dose Coefficients for Radionuclide Contamination in Wounds. Health Physics. 125:159-174. 2023
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Measurements of Lifetime Doses in Teeth of Durham Region Residents, Ontario. Health Physics. 124:175-191. 2023
- The Dose Spiking Technique for Measuring Low Doses in Deciduous Teeth Enamel Using EPR Spectroscopy for Retrospective and Accident Dosimetry. Health Physics. 124:192-199. 2023
- Applicability of the Dose Spiking Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Method for the Quantitative Measurements of Low Doses in Alanine Dosimetry. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 9. 2023
- Methodology and Instrumentation for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Dosimetry With Tooth Enamel. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 9. 2023
- A Practical Method for EPR Dosimetry Using Alanine Powder. Health Physics. 123:325-331. 2022
- Seeing the Invisible: A VR Approach to Radiation Attenuation Visualization for Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Practices. IEEE Transactions on Games. 14:502-510. 2022
- Encapsulated Gamma Source Contact Dose Conversion Factors: Updating NCRP-40 Guidance. Health Physics. 120:131-144. 2021
- Consideration of Administrative Monetary Penalties in Nuclear Safety and Security. International Journal of Nuclear Security. 6. 2020
- Meeting radiation dosimetry capacity requirements of population-scale exposures by geostatistical sampling. PLoS ONE. 15:e0232008-e0232008. 2020
- The Role of Nuclear Forensics for Determining the Origin of Nuclear Materials Out of Regulatory Control and Nuclear Security. International Journal of Nuclear Security. 7. 2020
- Technical Communication During Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies With the Tools to Support International Assessment and Prognosis. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 5. 2019
- Nuclear emergencies and natural disasters. Journal of Emergency Management. 17:257-269. 2019
- A sequential nanopore-channel device for polymer separation. Journal of Chemical Physics. 149:174903. 2018
- On the Use of Location and Occupancy Factors for Estimating External Exposure From Deposited Radionuclides. Health Physics. 115:317-323. 2018
- Preliminary Determination of Activation Products for a Varian Truebeam Linear Accelerator. Health Physics. 113:227-233. 2017
- MCNP simulation of in-core dose rates for an offline CANDUVRreactor. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 3. 2017
- Probabilistic-based robotic radiation mapping using sparse data. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 4. 2017
- A simulator-based nuclear reactor emergency response training exercise. Journal of Emergency Management. 15:367-378. 2017
- Translocation Time through a Nanopore with an Internal Cavity Is Minimal for Polymers of Intermediate Length. Physical Review Letters. 117:247802. 2016
- Operational Testing of a Combined Hardware-Software Strategy for Triage of Radiologically-Contaminated Persons. Health Physics. 109:S176-S185. 2015
- Randomized Controlled Trial of Radiation Protection With a Patient Lead Shield and a Novel, Nonlead Surgical Cap for Operators Performing Coronary Angiography or Intervention. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. 8:e002384. 2015
- The Role of the Health Physicist in Nuclear Security. Health Physics. 108:468-476. 2015
- Experimental modeling of wind-driven bin-by-bin resuspension factors of freshly fallen radionuclides after an energetic release from a radiological dispersal device. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 1:011005. 2015
- Design of a Hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics–Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Methodology for Radioactive Particulate Resuspension Studies. Health Physics. 107:311-317. 2014
- Intercomparison of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes to model TEPC response in low-energy neutron and gamma-ray fields. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 161:257-260. 2014
- Investigation of internal radionuclide contamination from the analysis of nasal swabs and facial swipes. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 301:147-152. 2014
- Canadian Cardiovascular Society Position Statement on Radiation Exposure From Cardiac Imaging and Interventional Procedures. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 29:1361-1368. 2013
- Teaching problem-solving skills to nuclear engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education. 37:331-342. 2012
- The Day We Lost the H-Bomb—Cold War, Hot Nukes, and the Worst Nuclear Weapons Disaster in History. Health Physics. 99:816-817. 2010
- Combined hardware--software considerations for triage of internally contaminated personnel. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 142:24-28. 2010
- First response considerations for children exposed to a radiological dispersal device. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 142:63-67. 2010
- Fusion—The Energy of the Universe. Health Physics. 99:90-90. 2010
- Radiation Mechanics. Health Physics. 97:357-358. 2009
- Comparison of experimental and computational neutron spectroscopy at a 14MeV neutron generator facility. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements. 78:311-317. 2009
- In vitro dissolution study of uranium dioxide and uranium ore with different particle sizes in simulated lung fluid. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 279:209-218. 2009
- Radiation protection issues related to Canadian museum operations (Health Physics (2008) 94, SUPPL. 1, (S16-S20)). Health Physics. 94. 2008
- Radiation protection issues related to Canadian museum operations (vol 94, pg S16, 2008). Health Physics. 94:S83-S83. 2008
- Radiation Protection Issues Related to Canadian Museum Operations. Health Physics. 94:S16-S20. 2008
- Release Limits and Decontamination Efficacy for Tritium: Lessons Learned Outside Nuclear Power Operations. Health Physics. 93:S155-S159. 2007
- The Undergrowth of Science—Delusion, Self-Deception and Human Frailty. Health Physics. 93:330-330. 2007
- Detection and Localization of Money Bills Concealed Behind Wooden Walls Using Compton Scattering. Nuclear Technology. 150:196-202. 2005
- On the use of radiation scattering for the detection of landmines. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements. 73:7-19. 2005
- Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology. Health Physics. 87:437-437. 2004
- Effectiveness of custom neutron shielding in the maze of radiotherapy accelerators. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 107:233-238. 2003
- Experimental and computational determination of neutron dose equivalent around radiotherapy accelerators. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 107:225-232. 2003
- Neutron Production Associated with Radiotherapy Linear Accelerators using Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Mode. Health Physics. 85:S75-S77. 2003
- Landmine detection: the problem and the challenge. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 53:557-563. 2000
- An Environmental Radionuclide Baseline Study Near Three Canadian Naval Ports. Health Physics. 77:37-42. 1999
- Modeling Beam Asymmetry of the AN/UDM/1A 137Cs Calibration Source at a Radiac Calibration Facility. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 81:301-304. 1999
- Review of one-side approaches to radiographic imaging for detection of explosives and narcotics. Radiation Measurements. 29:581-591. 1998
- The development of a thermal neutron activation (TNA) system as a confirmatory non-metallic land mine detector. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 235:53-58. 1998
- Singapore's environment and food production. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 44:1-9. 1997
- 5-Nitro-3-(methoxymethyl)indole from the cyanation of 5-nitrogramine: mechanistic implications. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 56:871-872. 1991