subject area of
- A factorial emission-focused general equilibrium model for investigating composite effects of multiple environmental policies Journal Articles
- Area-level differences in the prices of tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems — A systematic review Journal Articles
- Cigarette tax avoidance and evasion: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation (ITC) Project Journal Articles
- Contraband Cigarette Purchasing from First Nation reserves in Ontario and Quebec: Findings from the 2002–2014 ITC Canada Survey Journal Articles
- Do cigarette prices near secondary schools vary by area-level socioeconomic status? Findings from a field study in Ontario and Québec, Canada Journal Articles
- Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey Journal Articles
- Estimates of the economic contributions of the bidi manufacturing industry in India Journal Articles
- High‐resolution behavioral economic analysis of cigarette demand to inform tax policy Journal Articles
- Left-digit price effects on smoking cessation motivation Journal Articles
- Levels and trends in cigarette contraband in Canada Journal Articles
- Prices, taxes and alcohol use: a systematic umbrella review Journal Articles
- Smoking in Context Journal Articles
- Support for a tax increase to provide unrestricted access to an Alzheimer's disease medication: a survey of the general public in Canada Journal Articles
- Tax-Deductible Provisions for Gluten-Free Diet in Canada Compared with Systems for Gluten-Free Diet Coverage Available in Various Countries Journal Articles
- Taxing free sugar: the devil is in the resulting distribution of gains and pains Journal Articles
- The General Publicʼs Willingness to Pay for Tax Increases to Support Unrestricted Access to an Alzheimerʼs Disease Medication Journal Articles
- The Impact of Prices and Taxes on the Use of Tobacco Products in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Articles
- The Silence in Hoch et al.’s Commentary about the Rationale for and Objective(s) of Canada’s Separate HTA Process for Cancer Drugs: The Importance of Transparency and Accountability when Allocating Taxpayers’ Dollars Journal Articles
- The effect of cigarette prices on smoking cessation in South Africa using duration analysis: 1970-2017. Journal Articles
- The equitable impact of sugary drink taxation structures on sugary drink consumption among Canadians: a modelling study using the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition Journal Articles
- The impact of tobacco prices on smoking onset: a methodological review Journal Articles
- Tobacco taxes and health care costs Journal Articles
- Trends and affordability of cigarette prices: ample room for tax increases and related health gains Journal Articles
- Using GRADE Evidence to Decision frameworks to support the process of health policy-making: an example application regarding taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages Journal Articles
- WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: development of an evidence based global public health treaty Journal Articles
- [The Impact of Prices and Taxes on the Use of Tobacco Products in Latin America and the Caribbean]. Journal Articles