subject area of
- A desiccant agent as an adjuvant to scaling and root planing improves clinical parameters in patients with chronic periodontitis and good prognosis up to 1 year after treatment Journal Articles
- Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy was not effective as an adjuvant treatment for deep periodontal pockets Journal Articles
- Boric acid probably increases clinical attachment level and reduces probing depth and intrabony defect depth when used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis Journal Articles
- Clarithromycin as adjunct to scaling and root planing reduces counts of periodontal pathogens, but there is no evidence of benefits on clinical outcomes after 6 months Journal Articles
- Factors affecting patients’ and potential patients’ choices among anaesthetics for periodontal recall visits Journal Articles
- Hyaluronic acid may result in benefits in clinical attachment levels and probing depth in patients undergoing periodontal treatment in the short term Journal Articles
- Local statins used as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment decrease residual pocket depth and increase clinical attachment level Journal Articles
- No benefits important to patients from the use of chlorhexidine rinse as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis Journal Articles
- Phytotherapy as adjunct to scaling and root planing may have negligible benefits in probing depth and clinical attachment in the short term Journal Articles
- Probiotics as adjuvant to scaling and root planing seem to improve periodontal parameters after 3 months of treatment Journal Articles
- There are probably no benefits from using ozone as an adjuvant to scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis Journal Articles
- There seem to be benefits from using local metformin as an adjuvant to scaling and root planing, but there is uncertainty about the magnitude Journal Articles
- Topical anesthetics may result in more pain and need for rescue anesthetics than infiltrative anesthetics in patients undergoing scaling and root planing Journal Articles
- Topical green tea may result in small benefit on pocket depth when used as adjuvant to scaling and root planing Journal Articles
- Treatment of periodontal disease for glycaemic control in people with diabetes Journal Articles
- Using amoxicillin plus metronidazole as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment results in little benefit, and there seems to be no difference among regimens Journal Articles