Research Personnel
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subject area of
'Relief of oppression': An organizing principle for researchers' obligations to participants in observational studies in the developing world Journal Articles
A conversation on health research collaborations and career with Dr. Gordon Guyatt: A commentary Journal Articles
A meta-research study of randomized controlled trials found infrequent and delayed availability of protocols Journal Articles
A mixed-methods survey and focus group study to understand researcher and clinician preferences for a Journal transparency Tool. Journal Articles
A scoping review shows that several nonvalidated budget planning tools for randomized trials are available Journal Articles
A taxonomy of demand-driven questions for use by evidence producers, intermediaries and decision-makers: results from a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
A tutorial on methodological studies: the what, when, how and why Journal Articles
Academic Information Security Researchers: Hackers or Specialists? Journal Articles
Administering multiple cumulative allergen challenges Journal Articles
Adoption of Electronic Personal Health Records in Canada: Perceptions of Stakeholders Journal Articles
Advancing Randomized Controlled Trials in Pediatric Critical Care: The Perspectives of Trialists Journal Articles
Advancing collaborations in health research and clinical trials in Sub-Saharan Africa: development and implementation of a biostatistical collaboration module in the Masters in Biostatistics Program at Stellenbosch University Journal Articles
An observational study found that authors of randomized controlled trials frequently use concealment of randomization and blinding, despite the failure to report these methods Journal Articles
Analysis of h-index and other bibliometric markers of productivity and repercussion of a selected sample of worldwide emergency medicine researchers Journal Articles
Attitudes and perceptions of medical researchers towards the use of artificial intelligence chatbots in the scientific process: an international cross-sectional survey. Journal Articles
Barriers and Facilitating Factors for Conducting Systematic Evidence Assessments in Academic Clinical Trials Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to healthcare professional behaviour change in clinical trials using the Theoretical Domains Framework: a case study of a trial of individualized temperature-reduced haemodialysis Journal Articles
Barriers to participation in biosampling-based translational research: A cross-sectional survey of Canadian critical care researchers Journal Articles
Basic science and medical education: dinosaurs, departments and definitions--a McMaster view. Conferences
Bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries: a survey of researchers Journal Articles
CIHR canadian HIV trials network HIV workshop: ethical research through community participation and strengthening scientific validity Journal Articles
Can knowledge exchange support the implementation of a health-promoting schools approach? Perceived outcomes of knowledge exchange in the COMPASS study Journal Articles
Central coordination as an alternative for local coordination in a multicenter randomized controlled trial: the FAITH trial experience Journal Articles
Challenges in Measuring Benefit of Clinical Research Training Programs—the ASH Clinical Research Training Institute Example Journal Articles
Clinician Investigator Training in Canada: A Review Journal Articles
Clinician trialist rounds: 28. When RCT participants are lost to follow-up. Part 1: Why even a few can matter Journal Articles
Clinician-trialist rounds: 11. When your grant gets turned down – part 1: remorse, anger, and reconciliation Journal Articles
Coenrollment in a Randomized Trial of High-Frequency Oscillation Conferences
Comparison of randomized controlled trials discontinued or revised for poor recruitment and completed trials with the same research question: a matched qualitative study Journal Articles
Concocting that Magic Elixir: Successful Grant Application Writing in Dissemination and Implementation Research Journal Articles
Conducting proportional meta-analysis in different types of systematic reviews: a guide for synthesisers of evidence Journal Articles
Consent in critical care trials: a survey of Canadian research ethics boards and critical care researchers Journal Articles
Co‐development of the ENVISAGE‐Families programme for parents of children with disabilities: Reflections on a parent–researcher partnership Journal Articles
Developing a model of collaborative research: the complexities and challenges of implementation Journal Articles
Developing consensus measures for global programs: lessons from the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Hypertension research program Journal Articles
Developing the Core Pillars of Training Global Cardiovascular Health
Researchers: Companionship, Light, and Fuel Journal Articles
Development of a risk-tailored approach and dashboard for efficient management and monitoring of investigator-initiated trials Journal Articles
Digital tools for trial recruitment and retention—plenty of tools but rigorous evaluation is in short supply Journal Articles
Discontinuation and non-publication of randomised clinical trials supported by the main public funding body in Switzerland: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Do Canadian Researchers and the Lay Public Prioritize Biomedical Research Outcomes Equally? A Choice Experiment Journal Articles
Embedding a culture of research in Canadian community hospitals: a qualitative study. Journal Articles
Encouraging additional research capacity as an intellectual enterprise: Extending Ernst's engagement Journal Articles
Evaluating deliberative dialogues focussed on healthy public policy Journal Articles
Evaluating the Utility and Privacy of Synthetic Breast Cancer Clinical Trial Data Sets Journal Articles
Evaluation of the international forum on evidence informed health policymaking: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 27 to 31 August 2012 Journal Articles
Examining the use of health systems and policy research in the health policymaking process in Israel: views of researchers Journal Articles
Expertise or performance? Questioning the rhetoric of contemporary narrative use in nursing Journal Articles
Exploring the experiences of substitute decision-makers with an exception to consent in a paediatric resuscitation randomised controlled trial: study protocol for a qualitative research study Journal Articles
Factors that influence community hospital involvement in clinical trials: A qualitative descriptive study Journal Articles
Gender differences in grant and personnel award funding rates at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research based on research content area: A retrospective analysis Journal Articles
Health systems and policy research evidence in health policy making in Israel: what are researchers’ practices in transferring knowledge to policy makers? Journal Articles
High-Quality Randomized Controlled Trials in Pediatric Critical Care: A Survey of Barriers and Facilitators* Journal Articles
How do researchers determine the difference to be detected in superiority trials? Results of a survey from a panel of researchers Journal Articles
How does integrated knowledge translation (IKT) compare to other collaborative research approaches to generating and translating knowledge? Learning from experts in the field Journal Articles
How is the use of research evidence in health policy perceived? A comparison between the reporting of researchers and policy-makers Journal Articles
How to Become a Successful Clinical Investigator Journal Articles
Identifying priorities and developing strategies for building capacity in amputation research in Canada Journal Articles
Identifying trial recruitment uncertainties using a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership – the PRioRiTy (Prioritising Recruitment in Randomised Trials) study Journal Articles
Identity Theft in the Academic World Leads to Junk Science Journal Articles
Impact of research investment on scientific productivity of junior researchers Journal Articles
Incorporating research evidence into decision-making processes: researcher and decision-maker perceptions from five low- and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Indigenous participation in pediatric Indigenous health research in Canada: a systematic review Journal Articles
Influence of statistician involvement on reporting of randomized clinical trials in medical oncology Journal Articles
Interrater Reliability of APACHE II Scores for Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Patients: A Prospective Blinded Study Journal Articles
Introduction to statistical simulations in health research Journal Articles
Investigational medicinal products, related costs and hospital pharmacy services for investigator-initiated trials: A mixed-methods study Journal Articles
Investigator-initiated trials are more impartial Journal Articles
Is Investigator Sex Associated With Female Underenrollment in Arrhythmia Trials? Journal Articles
Is there a role for physician involvement in introducing research to surrogate decision makers in the intensive care unit? (The Approach trial: a pilot mixed methods study) Journal Articles
Knowledge and motivations of researchers publishing in presumed predatory journals: a survey. Journal Articles
Lancet Steering Group on the occupied Palestinian territory Journal Articles
Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and recent developments on the communication of clinical trials, publishing practices, and research integrity: in conversation with Dr. David Moher Journal Articles
Living evidence and adaptive policy: perfect partners? Journal Articles
Managing multiple projects: a literature review of setting priorities and a pilot survey of healthcare researchers in an academic setting. Journal Articles
Maximizing research impacts on cancer prevention: An integrated knowledge translation approach used by the Canadian Population Attributable Risk of Cancer (ComPARe) study Journal Articles
Measuring the reliability of clinical data: the case for using three observers. Journal Articles
Methods and guidance on conducting, reporting, publishing and appraising living systematic reviews: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Methods, strategies and technologies used to conduct a scoping literature review of collaboration between primary care and public health Journal Articles
Motivators and Stressors for Canadian Research Coordinators in Critical Care: The MOTIVATE Survey Journal Articles
Navigating political minefields: Partnerships in organizational case study research Journal Articles
Nonregistration, discontinuation, and nonpublication of randomized trials: A repeated metaresearch analysis Journal Articles
Nurturing a culture of curiosity in family medicine and primary care Journal Articles
Obtaining and managing data sets for individual participant data meta-analysis: scoping review and practical guide Journal Articles
Obtaining informed consent for delivery room research: the investigators' perspective Journal Articles
Occupational therapists should be more involved in the Cochrane Collaboration: The example of the Australian Cochrane Musculoskeletal Review Group Journal Articles
Participating in Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trials: What’s the Relative Value? Journal Articles
Partnership experiences: Involving decision-makers in the research process Journal Articles
Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end‐of‐life Journal Articles
Pearls: Never Write a Research Grant Alone Journal Articles
Peer Research Assistantships and the Ethics of Reciprocity in Community-Based Research Journal Articles
Positive association between conflicts of interest and reporting of positive results in randomized clinical trials in dentistry Journal Articles
Practices and Attitudes of Swiss Stakeholders Regarding Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Funding Acquisition and Cost Management Journal Articles
Prediction of RECRUITment In randomized clinical Trials (RECRUIT-IT)—rationale and design for an international collaborative study Journal Articles
Preparing for patient partnership: A scoping review of patient partner engagement and evaluation in research Journal Articles
Prepublication data sharing Journal Articles
Priority-setting in public health research funding organisations: an exploratory qualitative study among five high-profile funders Journal Articles
Problems in setting up an executing large-scale psychiatric epidemiological studies. Journal Articles
Project management lessons learned from the multicentre CYCLE pilot randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Publication practices of sub-Saharan African Cochrane authors: a bibliometric study Journal Articles
Randomization Should Be Disclosed to Potential Research Subjects Journal Articles
Recruiting researchers. Journal Articles
Recruitment of Community-Based Samples: Experiences and Recommendations for Optimizing Success Journal Articles
Recruitment patterns in a large international randomized controlled trial of perioperative care in cancer patients Journal Articles
Reframing organizations in the digital age: A qualitative study exploring institutional social media adoption Journal Articles
Reframing organizations in the digital age: A qualitative study exploring institutional social media adoption involving emergency physicians and other researchers Journal Articles
Reliability of Trial Information Across Registries for Trials With Multiple Registrations Journal Articles
Reliability of routinely collected anthropometric measurements in primary care Journal Articles
Reliability of staging, prognosis, and comorbidity data collection in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) non‐Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) multicenter outcomes database Journal Articles
Reporting of planned statistical methods in published surgical randomised trial protocols: a protocol for a methodological systematic review Journal Articles
Research Collaboration in Pediatric Critical Care Randomized Controlled Trials: A Social Network Analysis of Coauthorship* Journal Articles
Research qualifications in medicine: what is the importance? Journal Articles
Resource use and costs of investigator-sponsored randomized clinical trials in Switzerland, Germany, and the United Kingdom: a metaresearch study. Journal Articles
Retrospective assessment of resource use and costs in two investigator-initiated randomized trials exemplified a comprehensive cost item list Journal Articles
Return of Results Policies for Genomic Research: Current Practices and the Hearts in Rhythm Organization (HiRO) Approach Journal Articles
Section of researchers' Blueprint for Family Medicine Research Success 2012-2017: laying the foundation for our future. Journal Articles
Setting priorities in global child health research investments: addressing values of stakeholders. Journal Articles
Shadow and substance: values and knowledge. 1996. Journal Articles
Sharing interim trial results by the Data Safety Monitoring Board with those responsible for the trial’s conduct and progress: a narrative review Journal Articles
Sharing of Lessons Learned From Multisite Research Journal Articles
Standardization of electroencephalography for multi-site, multi-platform and multi-investigator studies: insights from the canadian biomarker integration network in depression Journal Articles
Taking tissue seriously means taking communities seriously Journal Articles
The Africa Center for Biostatistical Excellence: a proposal for enhancing biostatistics capacity for sub‐Saharan Africa Journal Articles
The Complexity of Conducting a Multicenter Clinical Trial: Taking It to the Next Level Stipulated by the Federal Agencies Journal Articles
The Professional Benefits for Volunteer Research Assistants in a Pediatric Emergency Department Journal Articles
The Purpose, Design, and Promise of Medical Education Research Labs Journal Articles
The Relevance of Neuroscience Research Networks for Brazilian Science Journal Articles
The Scholarly Influence of Orthopaedic Research According to Conventional and Alternative Metrics Journal Articles
The Use of Triangulation in Qualitative Research Journal Articles
The Work Disability Prevention CIHR Strategic Training Program: Program Performance After 5 Years of Implementation Journal Articles
The Young Investigator Retreat of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group: mentorship and self-discovery Journal Articles
The applicability and transferability of public health research from one setting to another: a survey of maternal health researchers Journal Articles
The choice of the noninferiority margin in clinical trials was driven by baseline risk, type of primary outcome, and benefits of new treatment Journal Articles
The crucible of COVID-19: what the pandemic is teaching us about health research systems Journal Articles
The ethical challenges and opportunities of implementing engagement strategies in health research Journal Articles
The evolution of radiobiology through the work of women scientists: the work of Christiane Ferradini Journal Articles
The greater involvement of people living with AIDS principle: theory versus practice in Ontario's HIV/AIDS community-based research sector Journal Articles
The impact of gender on scientific writing: An observational study of grant proposals. Journal Articles
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived publication pressure among academic researchers in Canada Journal Articles
The learning environment and the clinician scientist. Journal Articles
The practice of ‘doing’ evaluation: lessons learned from nine complex intervention trials in action Journal Articles
The quest for a framework for sustainable and institutionalised priority-setting for health research in a low-resource setting: the case of Zambia Journal Articles
The rationales for and challenges with employing arts-based health services research (ABHSR): a qualitative systematic review of primary studies. Journal Articles
The value of hackathons in integrated knowledge translation (iKT) research: Waterlupus Journal Articles
Tool for the Meaningful Consideration of Language Barriers in Qualitative Health Research Journal Articles
Tracking the Use and Impact of a Community Social Report: Where Does the Information Go? Journal Articles
Training cameroonian researchers on pragmatic knowledge translation trials: a workshop report Journal Articles
Training scholars in dissemination and implementation research for cancer prevention and control: a mentored approach Journal Articles
Use of health systems and policy research evidence in the health policymaking in eastern Mediterranean countries: views and practices of researchers Journal Articles
Use of post-graduate students' research in evidence informed health policies: a case study of Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda Journal Articles
Using Problem-Based Case Studies to Learn About Knowledge Translation Interventions: An Inside Perspective Journal Articles
Using evidence to decision frameworks led to guidelines of better quality and more credible and transparent recommendations Journal Articles
We need more-nuanced approaches to exploring sex and gender in research Journal Articles
What makes public health studies ethical? Dissolving the boundary between research and practice Journal Articles
When research seems like clinical care: a qualitative study of the communication of individual cancer genetic research results Journal Articles
Working Through Ethics Review of Big Data Research Projects: An Investigation into the Experiences of Swiss and American Researchers Journal Articles
“Is There Anything Else You Would Like to Add?”: The Ethics of (Not) Addressing Research Participants' Top Concerns in Public Health Emergency Health Research Journal Articles