subject area of
- Acquired double pylorus. Journal Articles
- Determinants of occurrence and volume of transpyloric flow during gastric emptying of liquids in dogs: importance of vagal input. Journal Articles
- Effects of GLP-1 on gastric emptying, antropyloric motility, and transpyloric flow in response to a nonnutrient liquid. Journal Articles
- Effects of posture on gastric emptying of nonnutrient liquids and antropyloroduodenal motility Journal Articles
- Electromechanical coupling across the gastroduodenal junction. Journal Articles
- II. Gastric motility: lessons from mutant mice on slow waves and innervation Journal Articles
- Inhibitory effects and mechanisms of intestinal electrical stimulation on gastric tone, antral contractions, pyloric tone, and gastric emptying in dogs Journal Articles
- Lack of pyloric interstitial cells of Cajal explains distinct peristaltic motor patterns in stomach and small intestine Journal Articles
- Mechanics of pulsatile transpyloric flow in the pig. Journal Articles
- Mediators and enteric nerve pathways controlling gastric emptying Journal Articles
- Modulation of pumping function of gastric body and antropyloric contractions Journal Articles
- Modulation of pyloric motor activity via adrenergic receptors. Journal Articles
- Post-Operative Impact of Nasogastric Tubes on length of stay in infants with pyloric Stenosis (POINTS): A prospective randomized controlled pilot trial Journal Articles
- Preservation of normal gastric emptying following gastric surgery by use of a muscle bridge Journal Articles
- Pyloroplasty does not disrupt liquid phase gastric emptying or CCK-induced satiety Journal Articles
- Relation of pyloric motility to pyloric opening and closure in healthy subjects. Journal Articles
- Role of antral intramural neural pathways in control of gastric emptying in the pig. Journal Articles
- Role of nitric oxide mechanisms in control of pyloric motility and transpyloric flow of liquids in conscious dogs. Journal Articles
- Simple atrophic gastritis and gastric carcinoma Journal Articles
- The Pylorus: Take It or Leave It? Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pylorus-Preserving versus Standard Whipple Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic or Periampullary Cancer Journal Articles
- The Vagus Nerve: A Tonic Inhibitory Influence Associated With Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Murine Model Journal Articles
- The effect of naloxone on lipid-induced pyloric motor response in humans Journal Articles
- Unique distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal in the feline pylorus Journal Articles