subject area of
- A Bayesian destructive weighted Poisson cure rate model and an application to a cutaneous melanoma data Journal Articles
- A comparison of alternative models of prescription drug utilization Journal Articles
- A cure rate survival model under a hybrid latent activation scheme Journal Articles
- Adiposity measures and their validity in estimating risk of hypertension in South Asian children: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
- Adverse Events Associated With Prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Among Poor and Elderly Persons Journal Articles
- An increased rate of falling leads to a rise in fracture risk in postmenopausal women with self-reported osteoarthritis: a prospective multinational cohort study (GLOW) Journal Articles
- Antipsychotic drug use in pregnancy: high dimensional, propensity matched, population based cohort study Journal Articles
- Bayesian cure rate models induced by frailty in survival analysis Journal Articles
- Cardiovascular risk and bipolar disorder: factors associated with a positive coronary calcium score in patients with bipolar disorder type 1 Journal Articles
- Citation bias favoring statistically significant studies was present in medical research Journal Articles
- Computational Models of Millisecond Level Duration Tuning in Neural Circuits Journal Articles
- Decoding and modelling of time series count data using Poisson hidden Markov model and Markov ordinal logistic regression models Journal Articles
- Destructive weighted Poisson cure rate models Journal Articles
- Developmental Outcomes of Very Preterm Infants with Tracheostomies Journal Articles
- Effect of different asthma treatments on risk of cold-related exacerbations Journal Articles
- Enzyme Evolution Explained (Sort Of) Journal Articles
- Epidemiology of work-related injuries requiring hospitalization among sawmill workers in British Columbia, 1989–1997 Journal Articles
- Expectation maximization-based likelihood inference for flexible cure rate models with Weibull lifetimes Journal Articles
- Factors Underlying the Temporal Increase in Maternal Mortality in the United States Journal Articles
- Financial Incentives of Experience Rating in Workers' Compensation Journal Articles
- Fracture Risk in Living Kidney Donors: A Matched Cohort Study Journal Articles
- Gender differences in grant and personnel award funding rates at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research based on research content area: A retrospective analysis Journal Articles
- Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Influenza Vaccination in Adults Journal Articles
- Homogeneity/Heterogeneity Hypotheses for Standardized Mortality Ratios Based on Minimum Power‐divergence Estimators Journal Articles
- Impact of diabetes, obesity and hypertension on preterm birth: Population-based study Journal Articles
- Increasing incidence of paediatric inflammatory bowel disease in Ontario, Canada: evidence from health administrative data Journal Articles
- Insight Into Health Care Services: A Characterization of Emergency Room Visits and Economic Hazards in the United States Journal Articles
- Intimate partner violence is associated with incident HIV infection in women in Uganda Journal Articles
- Ion Solvation in Liquid Mixtures: Effects of Solvent Reorganization Journal Articles
- Joint modeling of zero-inflated longitudinal measurements and time-to-event outcomes with applications to dynamic prediction. Journal Articles
- Likelihood inference for COM-Poisson cure rate model with interval-censored data and Weibull lifetimes Journal Articles
- Locating irregularly shaped clusters of infection intensity Journal Articles
- Low Use of Oral Anticoagulant Prescribing for Secondary Stroke Prevention Journal Articles
- Methodological issues in the development of theCanadian Cancer Incidence Atlas Journal Articles
- Methodology for Treatment Evaluation in Patients With Cancer Metastatic to Bone Journal Articles
- Methods for confidence interval estimation of a ratio parameter with application to location quotients Journal Articles
- Modelling Geographic Variations in West Nile Virus Journal Articles
- Mortality among Subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Asthma at Two Respiratory Disease Clinics in Ontario Journal Articles
- Oral Anticoagulation Treatment in the Elderly Journal Articles
- Population Muscle Strength Predicts Olympic Medal Tallies: Evidence from 20 Countries in the PURE Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
- Predicting Physical Activity of First-Year University Students: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Journal Articles
- Predictors of clinical events occurring during hospital stay among elderly patients admitted to medical wards in Italy Journal Articles
- Pressurized honeycombs as soft-actuators: a theoretical study Journal Articles
- Proportional hazards under Conway–Maxwell-Poisson cure rate model and associated inference Journal Articles
- Racialized and gendered disparities in occupational exposures among Chinese and white workers in Toronto Journal Articles
- Radiographic asbestosis is not a prerequisite for asbestos-associated lung cancer in Ontario asbestos-cement workers Journal Articles
- Radon and cancer mortality among underground uranium miners in the Příbram region of the Czech Republic Journal Articles
- Rates of claims for cumulative trauma disorder of the upper extremity in Ontario workers during 1997. Journal Articles
- Reduction in Mortality following Elective Major Hip and Knee Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
- Regression: Poisson Journal Articles
- Relaxed Poisson cure rate models Journal Articles
- Risk of pregnancy-related hypertension within five years of exposure to bacteria-contaminated drinking water Conferences
- Role of CD4/CD8 ratio on the incidence of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy followed up for more than a decade Journal Articles
- Secular Trends in Occurrence of Acute Venous Thromboembolism: The Worcester VTE Study (1985-2009) Journal Articles
- Socioeconomic status and incidence of sudden cardiac arrest Journal Articles
- Statistical modeling of patterns in annual reproductive rates Journal Articles
- The Association Between Chronic Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Ischemic Heart Disease Journal Articles
- The Effect of Surfactant on Birthweight-Specific Neonatal Mortality Rate, New York City Journal Articles
- The Role of a Health Protection Scheme in Health Services Utilization Among Community-Dwelling Older Persons in Ghana Journal Articles
- The fishy count Poisson Journal Articles
- The impact of operative time and hypothermia in acute burn surgery Journal Articles
- Trends in opioid use and dosing among socio-economically disadvantaged patients. Journal Articles
- Vascular surgical intervention for complications of cardiovascular radiology: 13 years' experience in a single centre. Journal Articles
- Weather, Water Quality and Infectious Gastrointestinal Illness in Two Inuit Communities in Nunatsiavut, Canada: Potential Implications for Climate Change Journal Articles