Nerve Net
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A Principle for Learning Egocentric-Allocentric Transformation Journal Articles
A myogenic motor pattern in mice lacking myenteric interstitial cells of Cajal explained by a second coupled oscillator network Journal Articles
A neural network model of hippocampal–striatal–prefrontal interactions in contextual conditioning Journal Articles
A preliminary study on the effects of acute ethanol ingestion on default mode network and temporal fractal properties of the brain Journal Articles
A simple mathematical model of second-messenger mediated slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Journal Articles
Activation in the anterior left auditory cortex associated with phonological analysis of speech input: localization of the phonological mismatch negativity response with MEG Journal Articles
Assessment of afferent gut--brain function using cerebral evoked responses to esophageal stimulation. Journal Articles
Association of abnormal semantic processing with delusion-like ideation in frequent cannabis users: an electrophysiological study Journal Articles
Bilateral primary motor cortex circuitry is modulated due to theta burst stimulation to left dorsal premotor cortex and bimanual training Journal Articles
Boredom, sustained attention and the default mode network Journal Articles
Brain mechanisms for preparing increasingly complex sensory to motor transformations Journal Articles
Brain source localization based on fast fully adaptive approach Conferences
CNTN5-/+or EHMT2-/+human iPSC-derived neurons from individuals with autism develop hyperactive neuronal networks Journal Articles
Classifying heterogeneous presentations of PTSD via the default mode, central executive, and salience networks with machine learning Journal Articles
Cognitive Deterioration and Functional Compensation in ALS Measured with fMRI Using an Inhibitory Task Journal Articles
Cognitive, affective, and conative theory of mind (ToM) in children with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Compensation through Functional Hyperconnectivity: A Longitudinal Connectome Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Computational modeling and empirical studies of hippocampal neurogenesis-dependent memory: Effects of interference, stress and depression Journal Articles
Connectivity Changes Following Episodic Future Thinking in Alcohol Use Disorder. Journal Articles
Corticolimbic Interactions Associated with Performance on a Short-Term Memory Task Are Modified by Age Journal Articles
Cross-regional cortical synchronization during affective image viewing Journal Articles
Crossmodal influences in somatosensory cortex: Interaction of vision and touch Journal Articles
Deficits in executive function and suppression of default mode network in obesity Journal Articles
Defining regions of interest using cross-frequency coupling in extratemporal lobe epilepsy patients Journal Articles
Development of Glutamatergic Proteins in Human Visual Cortex across the Lifespan Journal Articles
Diversity in action: exchange of perspectives and reflections on taxonomies of individual differences Journal Articles
Does Joe influence Fred's action? Not if Fred has autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Dynamic task-linked switching between brain networks – A tri-network perspective Journal Articles
Energy-Minimization Bias: Compensating for Intrinsic Influence of Energy-Minimization Mechanisms Journal Articles
Excitability of canine colon circular muscle disconnected from the network of interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Expert face processing requires visual input to the right hemisphere during infancy Journal Articles
Exploring brain connectivity changes in major depressive disorder using functional‐structural data fusion: A CAN‐BIND‐1 study Journal Articles
Frontal–parietal event-related potential changes associated with practising a novel visuomotor task Journal Articles
Functional and structural neuroimaging studies of delayed reward discounting in addiction: A systematic review. Journal Articles
Functional connectivity and quality of life in young adults with cerebral palsy: a feasibility study Journal Articles
Functional connectivity of the vigilant-attention network in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Journal Articles
Functionality versus dimensionality in psychological taxonomies, and a puzzle of emotional valence Journal Articles
Generation, Coordination, and Evolution of Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication Journal Articles
How Can Brain Activity and Hypnosis Inform Each Other? Journal Articles
Indices of repetitive behaviour are correlated with patterns of intrinsic functional connectivity in youth with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Influence of endogenous estradiol, progesterone, allopregnanolone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate on brain resting state functional connectivity across the menstrual cycle Journal Articles
Learning-stage dependent Fos expression in the rat brain during acquisition of an olfactory discrimination task Journal Articles
Mechanism for Selective Synaptic Wiring of Rod Photoreceptors into the Retinal Circuitry and Its Role in Vision Journal Articles
Modulation of Cortical-Limbic Pathways in Major Depression Journal Articles
Monetary Reward Processing in Obese Individuals With and Without Binge Eating Disorder Journal Articles
Non-dominant hand movement facilitates the frontal N30 somatosensory evoked potential Journal Articles
Optimizing the experimental design for ankle dorsiflexion fMRI Journal Articles
Poststroke acute dysexecutive syndrome, a disorder resulting from minor stroke due to disruption of network dynamics Journal Articles
Prefrontal cortex regulates inhibition and excitation in distributed neural networks Journal Articles
Purinergic Signalling Mediates Aberrant Excitability of Developing Neuronal Circuits in the Fmr1 Knockout Mouse Model Journal Articles
Relationship between individual differences in functional connectivity and facial-emotion recognition abilities in adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Resting State Functional Connectivity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury at the Acute Stage: Independent Component and Seed-Based Analyses Journal Articles
Social networking sites use and the morphology of a social-semantic brain network Journal Articles
Spiritual experiences are related to engagement of a ventral frontotemporal functional brain network: Implications for prevention and treatment of behavioral and substance addictions Journal Articles
Spontaneous spatial navigation circuitry in schizophrenia spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Synaptic and intrinsic homeostasis cooperate to optimize single neuron response properties and tune integrator circuits Journal Articles
Synaptic, transcriptional and chromatin genes disrupted in autism Journal Articles
Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network Journal Articles
Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation Journal Articles
Task‐relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory‐guided movement Journal Articles
The Contribution of Noise to Contrast Invariance of Orientation Tuning in Cat Visual Cortex Journal Articles
The Dissociative Subtype of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Unique Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Basolateral and Centromedial Amygdala Complexes Journal Articles
The Functional Connectivity Landscape of the Human Brain Journal Articles
The Link between Facial Feedback and Neural Activity within Central Circuitries of Emotion—New Insights from Botulinum Toxin–Induced Denervation of Frown Muscles Journal Articles
The effects of cannabis abstinence on cognition and resting state network activity in people with multiple sclerosis: A preliminary study Journal Articles
The reorganized brain: How treatment strategies for stroke and amblyopia can inform our knowledge of plasticity throughout the lifespan Journal Articles
The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal–amygdala neural circuitry during positive‐social emotion regulation Journal Articles
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Different Current Directions Activates Separate Cortical Circuits Journal Articles
Triple network resting-state functional connectivity patterns of alcohol heavy drinking Journal Articles
Trophic Regulation of Nerve Sprouting Journal Articles
Unique insula subregion resting-state functional connectivity with amygdala complexes in posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
Urinary tetrahydrocannabinol is associated with poorer working memory performance and alterations in associated brain activity Journal Articles
Viewing facial expressions of pain engages cortical areas involved in the direct experience of pain Journal Articles
Visual imagery deficits, impaired strategic retrieval, or memory loss: disentangling the nature of an amnesic person’s autobiographical memory deficit Journal Articles
White Matter Indices of Medication Response in Major Depression: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study Journal Articles