Microsatellite Repeats
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A Multicenter Phase II Study of “Adjuvant” Irinotecan Following Resection of Colorectal Hepatic Metastases Journal Articles
A rapid, reliable, and inexpensive method for detection of di- and trinucleotide repeat markers and disease loci from dried blood spots Journal Articles
Application of DNA markers to identify the individual‐specific hosts of tsetse feeding on cattle Journal Articles
Autism and the X chromosome: No linkage to microsatellite loci detected using the affected sibling pair method Journal Articles
Centrotemporal sharp wave EEG trait in rolandic epilepsy maps to Elongator Protein Complex 4 (ELP4) Journal Articles
Characterization and isolation of microsatellite loci from the endangered North Atlantic right whale Journal Articles
Characterization of Androgenetic/Biparental Mosaic/Chimeric Conceptions, Including Those With a Molar Component Journal Articles
Characterization of Class I– and Class II–Like Major Histocompatibility Complex Loci in Pedigrees of North Atlantic Right Whales Journal Articles
Cloning, sequencing and characterization of the tilapia insulin gene Journal Articles
Colonization history and ancestry of northeastern coyotes Journal Articles
Combining direct and indirect genetic methods to estimate dispersal for informing wildlife disease management decisions Journal Articles
Detecting recent speciation events: the case of the finless porpoise (genus Neophocaena) Journal Articles
Determining causes of genetic isolation in a large carnivore (Ursus americanus) population to direct contemporary conservation measures Journal Articles
Differential permeability of rivers to raccoon gene flow corresponds to rabies incidence in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Diversity and origins of Indian multi‐triazole resistant strains of Aspergillus fumigatus Journal Articles
Ecological and physical barriers shape genetic structure of the Alpine porcini (Boletus reticuloceps) Journal Articles
Evaluating the effects of historic bottleneck events: an assessment of microsatellite variability in the endangered, North Atlantic right whale Journal Articles
Evidence for genetic monogamy and female‐biased dispersal in the biparental mouthbrooding cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus from Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
Evidence for size and sex‐specific dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Journal Articles
Evidence of a Founder Effect for the Protein C Gene 3363 Inserted C Mutation in Thrombophilic Pedigrees of French Origin Journal Articles
Evidence of unique genetic diversity in Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from Cameroon Journal Articles
Factors affecting germline mutations in a hypervariable microsatellite: A comparative analysis of six species of swallows (Aves: Hirundinidae) Journal Articles
Fine-Scale Ecological and Genetic Population Structure of Two Whitefish (Coregoninae) Species in the Vicinity of Industrial Thermal Emissions Journal Articles
Fine-scale genetic structuring on Manacus manacus leks. Journal Articles
Gain-of-function mutations in IFIH1 cause a spectrum of human disease phenotypes associated with upregulated type I interferon signaling Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal cancers and neurofibromatosis type 1 features in children with a germline homozygous MLH1 mutation Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses of Discrete Geographic Samples of a Golden Chanterelle in Canada Reveal Evidence for Recent Regional Differentiation Journal Articles
Genetic analysis of historic western Great Lakes region wolf samples reveals earlyCanis lupus/lycaonhybridization Journal Articles
Genetic structure and triazole resistance among
Aspergillus fumigatus
populations from remote and undeveloped regions in Eastern Himalaya Journal Articles
Genetic structuring in a relictual population of screaming hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus) in Argentina revealed by a set of novel microsatellite loci Journal Articles
Genome sequence and rapid evolution of the rice pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae PXO99A Journal Articles
Identification of interstitial maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) (14) and complete maternal UPD(20) in a cohort of growth retarded patients Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in plainfin midshipman fish Journal Articles
Lack of expansion of triplet repeats in the FMR1, FRAXE, and FRAXF loci in male multiplex families with autism and pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
Limited evidence of fungicide-driven triazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Linkage and association analysis in pedigrees from different populations Journal Articles
Microsatellite DNA Mutations in Double-Crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) Associated with Exposure to PAH-Containing Industrial Air Pollution Journal Articles
Molecular Analysis of Phyllodes Tumors Reveals Distinct Changes in the Epithelial and Stromal Components Journal Articles
Oral‐facial‐digital syndrome VII is oral‐facial‐digital syndrome I: A clarification Journal Articles
Population Genetic Structure of Aldabra Giant Tortoises Journal Articles
Prevalence of specific and phylogenetically closely related genotypes in the population of Candida albicans associated with genital candidiasis in China Journal Articles
Rapid screening of microsatellite markers for polymorphisms using SYBR
Green I and a DNA sequencer Journal Articles
Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis Conferences
Spatial patterns of neutral and functional genetic variations reveal patterns of local adaptation in raccoon (Procyon lotor) populations exposed to raccoon rabies Journal Articles
Speech and language impairment and oromotor dyspraxia due to deletion of 7q31 that involves FOXP2 Journal Articles
Stabilizing selection on microsatellite allele length at arginine vasopressin 1a receptor and oxytocin receptor loci Journal Articles
Sympatric wolf and coyote populations of the western Great Lakes region are reproductively isolated Journal Articles
Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi's iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events Journal Articles
Trinucleotide repeats at the FRAXF locus: Frequency and distribution in the general population Journal Articles
Tumor Microsatellite-Instability Status as a Predictor of Benefit from Fluorouracil-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer Journal Articles
What in Earth? Analyses of Canadian soil populations of Aspergillus fumigatus. Journal Articles
Within‐group relatedness is correlated with colony‐level social structure and reproductive sharing in a social fish Journal Articles