subject area of
- Agnathia-otocephaly complex in a fetus with maternal use of topical 1% salicylate Journal Articles
- Chlorhexidine gel probably reduces the incidence of alveolar osteitis after mandibular third-molar extraction Journal Articles
- Chlorhexidine reduces the risk of developing alveolar osteitis after mandibular third-molar extractions Journal Articles
- Concentrated growth factor seems to have benefits in outcomes after extraction of partially impacted third molars Journal Articles
- Craniofacial and dental findings in cystinosis Journal Articles
- Diagnosis and Management of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Systematic Review and International Consensus Journal Articles
- Early Homo and associated artefacts from Asia Journal Articles
- Early orthodontic treatment produces short-term dental and skeletal changes in patients with Class III malocclusions Journal Articles
- Efficacy of adjuvant laser therapy in reducing postsurgical complications after the removal of impacted mandibular third molars Journal Articles
- Evolution of the speech‐ready brain: The voice/jaw connection in the human motor cortex Journal Articles
- Good long-term prognosis of splinted anterior mandibular teeth in patients who adhere to supportive periodontal therapy Journal Articles
- Hardware complications in oromandibular defects: Comparing scapular and fibular based free flap reconstructions Journal Articles
- Imaging methods add extra variability to risk assessment and treatment decisions when planning for third-molar extraction Journal Articles
- Immediate loading probably lowers the survival rate of single mandibular implants supporting mandibular overdentures compared with delayed loading Journal Articles
- Implant stability slightly improved and was no different when placing 2 versus 4 implants to support mandibular overdentures Journal Articles
- Insufficient evidence for preferring 2% articaine over 4% articaine in patients undergoing mandibular premolar or molar extractions Journal Articles
- Intensive morphometric analysis of enormous alterations in skeletal bone system with micro-CT for AHNAK−/− mice Journal Articles
- Is Adjuvant Laser Therapy Effective for Preventing Pain, Swelling, and Trismus After Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
- Large uncertainty regarding how splinted and unsplinted maxillary implant–retained overdentures compare owing to limitations in systematic review addressing this question Journal Articles
- Lateral pterygoid muscle activity in mandibular retrognathism and response to mandibular advancement surgery Journal Articles
- Limitations in systematic review comparing the outcomes of single implant mandibular overdentures with complete conventional dentures render it unuseful in making clinical decisions Journal Articles
- Mandibular atrophy may not affect the masticatory performance, swallowing, and oral health–related quality of life of patients receiving 2-implant–supported overdentures Journal Articles
- Metagenomics to Paleogenomics: Large-Scale Sequencing of Mammoth DNA Journal Articles
- Methodological and reporting issues in a systematic review do not allow for drawing conclusions about bone loss when comparing complete dentures with overdentures Journal Articles
- Mini implants seem to have good prognosis when used to support complete overdentures Journal Articles
- Muscle activity during mandibular movements in normal and mandibular retrognathic subjects Journal Articles
- New radiometric ages for the BH-1 hominin from balanica (Serbia): Implications for understanding the role of the balkans in middle pleistocene human evolution (PLoS ONE) Journal Articles
- No evidence of differences in patient satisfaction between premolar and molar implant–supported mandibular removable partial dentures Journal Articles
- Oromandibular Reconstruction with the Radial-Forearm Osteocutaneous Flap: Experience with 60 Consecutive Cases Journal Articles
- Premolar extraction as part of orthodontic treatment may result in a small increase in retromolar space and improve third-molar angulation Journal Articles
- Resilient liner-retained overdentures seem to have a lower rate of mechanical complications than clip-retained overdentures in patients with 2 implant–supported bar-retained overdentures Journal Articles
- Response to Comments on “Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis of the Jaw: A Systematic Review and International Consensus” Journal Articles
- Secondary Versus Primary Closure Techniques for the Prevention of Postoperative Complications Following Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
- Single mandibular implant to support complete dentures probably improves patients’ satisfaction, regardless of the loading protocol used Journal Articles
- Surgical uprighting of mandibular second molars: A single-group retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
- The Fate of the Osteotomized Free Radial Forearm Osteocutaneous Flap in Mandible Reconstruction Journal Articles
- The Free Vascularized Anterior Rib Graft Journal Articles
- The Surgical Correction of Pierre Robin Sequence Journal Articles
- The free medial scapular osteofasciocutaneous flap for head and neck reconstruction Journal Articles
- There seem to be no important differences between the 1-year outcomes of mandibular overdentures supported by 2 implants placed in the canine region and in the premolar region when the canine region is not an option Journal Articles
- There seem to be no important differences in mandibular third-molar extraction postoperative complications between envelope and triangular flaps Journal Articles
- Trial does not show any benefits of low-level laser therapy in pain, swelling, and mandibular movements in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery Journal Articles
- Vertical ridge augmentation in the atrophic mandible may result in bone augmentation and implant survival and success Journal Articles