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subject area of
A longitudinal view of successful aging with HIV: role of resilience and environmental factors Journal Articles
Achieving holistic, quality-of-life focused care: description of a Compassion Care Community initiative in Canada Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes: a scoping review Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes: a scoping review protocol. Journal Articles
Brief report: Social comparison, hypercompetitiveness, and indirect aggression: Associations with loneliness and mental health Journal Articles
Community Support, Community Values: The Experiences of Lesbians Diagnosed with Cancer Journal Articles
Does urban greenness reduce loneliness and social isolation among Canadians? A cross-sectional study of middle-aged and older adults of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Effects of a community health promotion program on social factors in a vulnerable older adult population residing in social housing Journal Articles
Emotional State of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from the Cognitive and Social Well-Being (CoSoWELL) Corpus Journal Articles
Evaluation of Measurement Properties and Differential Item Functioning in the English and French Versions of the University of California, Los Angeles, Loneliness Scale‐6: A Scleroderma Patient‐Centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Study Journal Articles
Examining the association between loneliness and emergency department visits using Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging (CLSA) data: a retrospective cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Experiences of residents of long-term-care homes with the use of socially assistive technologies and the effectiveness of these technologies: a mixed methods systematic review protocol Journal Articles
Factors influencing discrepancies in self-reported memory and performance on memory recall in the Canadian Community Health Survey—Healthy Aging, 2008–09 Journal Articles
Friendly Visiting Programs for Older People Experiencing Social Isolation: A Realist Review of what Works, for whom, and under what Conditions Journal Articles
Impact of Loneliness on Brain Health and Quality of Life Among Adults Living With HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Increased prevalence of loneliness and associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Innovations in suicide assessment and prevention during pandemics Journal Articles
Loneliness and perceived social support in pregnancy and early postpartum of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Loneliness and resilience are associated with nutrition risk after the first wave of COVID-19 in community-dwelling older Canadians Journal Articles
Long-term care home residents’ experiences with socially assistive technologies and the effectiveness of these technologies: a mixed methods systematic review Journal Articles
Long‐term effects of peer victimization on social outcomes through the fourth decade of life in individuals born at normal or extremely low birthweight Journal Articles
Management of social isolation and loneliness in community-dwelling older adults: protocol for a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Journal Articles
Moderators of Loneliness Trajectories in People with Systemic Sclerosis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A SPIN COVID-19 Cohort Longitudinal Study Journal Articles
National Prevalence of Social Isolation and Loneliness in Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Perspectives of people living with dementia and their care partners about the impact on social health when participating in a co‐designed Dementia café Journal Articles
Physical activity and predictors of loneliness in community-dwelling older adults: The role of social connectedness Journal Articles
Retrospective cross-sectional study examining the association between loneliness and unmet healthcare needs among middle-aged and older adults using the Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Short-Term Impact of Social Distancing Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cognitive Function and Health Perception of Brazilian Older Adults: A Pre-Post Study Journal Articles
Shyness and Timidity in Young Adults Who Were Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight Journal Articles
Social Isolation in Later Life: The Importance of Place, Disadvantage and Diversity Journal Articles
Social cure in the time of COVID-19: Social identity and belongingness predict greater well-being and academic motivation in university students Journal Articles
Social factors in frequent callers: a description of isolation, poverty and quality of life in those calling emergency medical services frequently Journal Articles
Subjective social isolation or loneliness in older adults residing in social housing in Ontario: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
The impact of the Caremongering social media movement: A convergent parallel mixed‐methods study Journal Articles
The interRAI COVID-19 vulnerability screener: Results of a health surveillance initiative for vulnerable adults in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
The role of family and friend social support in reducing emotional distress among HIV-positive women Journal Articles
Trajectory of psychosocial symptoms among home care patients with cancer at end‐of‐life Journal Articles
Understanding Social and Emotional Loneliness among Black Older Adults: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
‘If It Was Easy Somebody Would Have Fixed It’: An Exploration of Loneliness and Social Isolation Amongst People Who Frequently Call Ambulance Services Journal Articles
“You’re Not Understood, and You’re Isolated”: A Narrative Account of Loneliness by Black Older Adults in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles