subject area of
- A survey of physicians show a one-third reduction in harmful outcomes to be a clinically important difference for statin therapy Journal Articles
- Changes in harm avoidance and incompleteness across group CBT for OCD and their relationship with symptom change. Journal Articles
- Clinical guideline for homeless and vulnerably housed people, and people with lived homelessness experience Journal Articles
- Community-based HIV education and prevention workers respond to a changing environment Journal Articles
- Development of a taxonomy of interventions to organise the evidence on consumers’ medicines use Journal Articles
- Distribution of Harm Reduction Kits in a Specialty HIV Hospital Journal Articles
- HIV prevalence amongst injecting drug users in Iran: A systematic review of studies conducted during the decade 1998–2007 Journal Articles
- Health programmes and services addressing the prevention and management of infectious diseases in people who inject drugs in Canada: a systematic integrative review Journal Articles
- Hospital policy as a harm reduction intervention for people who use drugs Journal Articles
- Illicit drug use while admitted to hospital: Patient and health care provider perspectives Journal Articles
- Living with addiction: The perspectives of drug using and non-using individuals about sharing space in a hospital setting Journal Articles
- Modeling Hepatitis C Elimination Among People Who Inject Drugs in New Hampshire Journal Articles
- Philanthropic donor perspectives about providing harm reduction services for people living with HIV/AIDS in a hospital setting Journal Articles
- Reducing medical cannabis use risk among Veterans: A descriptive study. Journal Articles
- Road to Recovery: protocol for a mixed-methods prospective cohort study evaluating the impact of a new model of substance use care in a Canadian setting. Journal Articles
- Self-portrayal concerns and their relation to safety behaviors and negative affect in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
- Stakeholder preferences for supervised consumption site design, staff, and ancillary services: A scoping review of feasibility studies Journal Articles
- The associations of supervised consumption services with the rates of opioid‐related mortality and morbidity outcomes at the public health unit level in Ontario (Canada): A controlled interrupted time‐series analysis Journal Articles
- The effectiveness of substance use interventions for homeless and vulnerably housed persons: A systematic review of systematic reviews on supervised consumption facilities, managed alcohol programs, and pharmacological agents for opioid use disorder Journal Articles
- Visualizing harm reduction: Methodological and ethical considerations Journal Articles
- “They're causing more harm than good”: a qualitative study exploring racism in harm reduction through the experiences of racialized people who use drugs Journal Articles