subject area of
- An evaluation of behavioural endpoints: The pharmaceutical pollutant fluoxetine decreases aggression across multiple contexts in round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus ) Journal Articles
- Ecotoxicity of plastic leachates on aquatic plants: Multi-factor multi-effect meta-analysis. Journal Articles
- Ecotoxicological effects of salicylic acid in the freshwater fish Salmo trutta fario: antioxidant mechanisms and histological alterations Journal Articles
- Ecotoxicology of Glyphosate, Its Formulants, and Environmental Degradation Products Chapters
- Emerging investigator series: use of behavioural endpoints in the regulation of chemicals Journal Articles
- Environmental Risks of Pharmaceutical Mixtures in Aquatic Ecosystems: Reflections on a Decade of Research Journal Articles
- Essential components and pathways for developing Indigenous community‐based monitoring: Examples from the Canadian oil sands region Journal Articles
- Evidence of citation bias in the pesticide ecotoxicology literature Journal Articles
- Examination of recent hydroelectric dam projects in Canada for alignment of baseline studies, predictive modeling, and postdevelopment monitoring phases of aquatic environmental impact assessments Journal Articles
- Improving environmental risk assessments of chemicals: Steps towards evidence-based ecotoxicology Journal Articles
- Short-Term Effects of the Anti-sea Lice Therapeutant Emamectin Benzoate on Clam Worms (Nereis virens) Journal Articles
- Statistical reporting deficiencies in environmental toxicology Journal Articles
- Taxonomic Chauvinism in Pesticide Ecotoxicology Journal Articles
- Testing biomarker feasibility: a case study of Laeonereis culveri (Nereididae, Annelida) exposed to sewage contamination in a subtropical estuary Journal Articles
- Toxicity of biosolids‐derived triclosan and triclocarban to six crop species Journal Articles
- Use of prospective and retrospective risk assessment methods that simplify chemical mixtures associated with treated domestic wastewater discharges Journal Articles