subject area of
- An electrochemical DNA sensor based on a layers–film construction modified electrode Journal Articles
- Chitosan-DNA nanoparticles: synthesis and optimization for long-term storage and effective delivery. Journal Articles
- Differentiation of neural stem cells in three-dimensional growth factor-immobilized chitosan hydrogel scaffolds Journal Articles
- Effects of chemical amendments on aquatic floc structure, settling and strength Journal Articles
- Electrophoretic deposition of hydroxyapatite–CaSiO3–chitosan composite coatings Journal Articles
- Enhancing osseointegration and mitigating bacterial biofilms on medical-grade titanium with chitosan-conjugated liquid-infused coatings Journal Articles
- High-Throughput Synthesis, Analysis, and Optimization of Injectable Hydrogels for Protein Delivery Journal Articles
- In situ-gelling hydrophobized starch nanoparticle-based nanoparticle network hydrogels for the effective delivery of intranasal olanzapine to treat brain disorders Journal Articles
- In situ-gelling starch nanoparticle (SNP)/O-carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCh) nanoparticle network hydrogels for the intranasal delivery of an antipsychotic peptide Journal Articles
- Multilayered silicone oil droplets of narrow size distribution: Preparation and improved deposition on hair Journal Articles
- Neurologic and Histologic Tests Used to Measure Neuroprotective Effectiveness of Virus-Derived Immune-Modulating Proteins Chapters
- Probing the Nanostructure, Interfacial Interaction, and Dynamics of Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles by Multiscale Solid-State NMR Journal Articles
- Repeated oral administration of chitosan/DNA nanoparticles delivers functional FVIII with the absence of antibodies in hemophilia A mice Journal Articles
- Studies on the Properties and Co-immobilization of Manganese Peroxidase Conferences
- Surface modifications of Nitinol for biomedical applications Journal Articles
- The enzyme-sensitive release of prodigiosin grafted β-cyclodextrin and chitosan magnetic nanoparticles as an anticancer drug delivery system: Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies Journal Articles
- The influence of chitosan content in cationic chitosan/PLGA nanoparticles on the delivery efficiency of antisense 2′-O-methyl-RNA directed against telomerase in lung cancer cells Conferences
- Thermo-responsive and mucoadhesive gels for the treatment of cystinosis Conferences
- Thermo-sensitivity and erosion of chitosan crosslinked poly[N-isopropylacrylamide-co-(acrylic acid)-co-(methyl methacrylate)] hydrogels for application to the inferior fornix Journal Articles
- Treatment of lung cancer via telomerase inhibition: Self-assembled nanoplexes versus polymeric nanoparticles as vectors for 2′-O-Methyl-RNA Journal Articles
- Uterine packing with chitosan-covered gauze compared to balloon tamponade for managing postpartum hemorrhage Journal Articles