subject area of
- A miniature bird-borne passive air sampler for monitoring halogenated flame retardants Journal Articles
- Amino acid-specific isotopes reveal changing five-dimensional niche segregation in Pacific seabirds over 50 years Journal Articles
- An isotopic investigation of mercury accumulation in terrestrial food webs adjacent to an Arctic seabird colony Journal Articles
- Comparison of Gull Feces-Specific Assays Targeting the 16S rRNA Genes of Catellicoccus marimammalium and Streptococcus spp Journal Articles
- Comparison of Microbial and Chemical Source Tracking Markers To Identify Fecal Contamination Sources in the Humber River (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and Associated Storm Water Outfalls Journal Articles
- Distribution and potential significance of a gull fecal marker in urban coastal and riverine areas of southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
- Library-dependent and library-independent microbial source tracking to identify spatial variation in faecal contamination sources along a Lake Ontario beach (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles
- Mercury, legacy and emerging POPs, and endocrine-behavioural linkages: Implications of Arctic change in a diving seabird Journal Articles
- Microbial Source Tracking Using Quantitative and Digital PCR To Identify Sources of Fecal Contamination in Stormwater, River Water, and Beach Water in a Great Lakes Area of Concern Journal Articles
- Phylogenetic Diversity and Molecular Detection of Bacteria in Gull Feces Journal Articles
- Potential disruption of thyroid hormones by perfluoroalkyl acids in an Arctic seabird during reproduction Journal Articles
- Resting costs too: the relative importance of active and resting energy expenditure in a sub-arctic seabird Journal Articles
- Spatial and temporal variations of halogenated flame retardants and organophosphate esters in landfill air: Potential linkages with gull exposure Journal Articles
- Stable Mercury Trends Support a Long-Term Diet Shift Away from Marine Foraging in Salish Sea Glaucous-Winged Gulls over the Last Century Journal Articles