Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks
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Associated Departments
research area of
Becker, Sue,
Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour,
McMaster Institute for Music & the Mind
Cannon, Jonathan,
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour,
Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (Internal)
Connolly, John,
Professor Emeritus, Linguistics and Languages,
VoxNeuro, Inc. (
Fink, Lauren,
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour,
Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (Internal)
MacKillop, James,
Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences,
St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
Trainor, Laurel,
Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour,
Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia