Sarah Styler
Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Dr. Styler leads the P.A.R.T.I.C.L.E.S. (pesticides, art, road dust, traffic, interdisciplinary, combustion, light, equity, surfaces) research group, which currently consists of five excellent graduate students, one stellar undergraduate trainee, and one fantastic postdoctoral researcher.

As our name suggests, we are interested in a wide range of environmentally related topics:

* chemistry on atmospheric surfaces, including desert/urban dust, wildfire particulate matter, urban surfaces, and cultural heritage objects;
*air quality, climate, and health impacts of atmospheric processes;
* pollutant transformations in complex environmental matrices;
* interdisciplinary engagement (e.g., high-throughput reactor design, art conservation science);
* environmental justice (e.g., collaboration with community partners to identify disparities in pollutant exposure)

We are always looking for enthusiastic undergraduate and graduate students to join our team. As of Spring 2022, please contact us through the standardized form on the P.A.R.T.I.C.L.E.S. website if you are interested in finding out more about the work we do and how it might fit with your own interests and goals.
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