selected scholarly activity
- Impact of Motorboat Noise on Vocalizations of Nesting Plainfin Midshipman Fish. 887-899. 2024
- Social and reproductive behaviors: Parental care in fishes. 616-625. 2024
- Impact of Motorboat Noise on Vocalizations of Nesting Plainfin Midshipman Fish. 1-13. 2023
- Parental Care in Cichlid Fishes. 541-586. 2021
- Hermit crabs - information gathering by the hermit crab, pagurus bernhardus: Sizing Up the Prize: Information gathering in fish resource contests. 232-236. 2018
- Hermit Crabs - Information Gathering by the Hermit Crab, Pagurus bernhardus. 222-243. 2018
- Patterns of parental care in vertebrates. 62-80. 2012
- Parental Care in Fishes. 670-677. 2011
- SOCIAL AND REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIORS | Parental Care in Fishes. 670-677. 2011
- Cooperative Behaviour in Fishes. 437-484. 2008
- Cooperative Behaviour in Fishes. 437-484. 2008
- Joint Predation Activity in Lake Tanganyikan Fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. S270-S270. 2023
- Two closely related cichlids with divergent social systems differ in socially relevant behaviours and molecular pathways. Integrative and Comparative Biology. E154-E154. 2014
- Social status, sperm and stress: Reproductive suppression in a cooperative fish. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology. S77-S78. 2007
- Dominance status, sex and gene expression: The case of the masculinized female brain.. Hormones and Behavior. 87-87. 2005
- Sex specific hormone fluctuations in relation to mating system in a cichlid fish.. Hormones and Behavior. 97-97. 2005
- Social modulation of androgen levels in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika.. Hormones and Behavior. 110-110. 2004
journal articles
- Twenty years in the making: long term population dynamics of an invasive fish in a contaminated ecosystem. Biological Invasions. 27. 2025
- Boat noise reduces vocalization rate and alters vocal characteristics in wild plainfin midshipman fish.. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 212:117563. 2025
- Swimming capacity and behaviour of juvenile round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 34. 2025
- EthoCRED: a framework to guide reporting and evaluation of the relevance and reliability of behavioural ecotoxicity studies.. Biological Reviews. 2024
- Impacts of caffeine on fathead minnow behaviour and physiology. Aquatic Toxicology. 273:106982-106982. 2024
- Status-dependent metabolic effects of social interactions in a group-living fish. Biology Letters. 20:20240056. 2024
- Boat noise impedes vocalizations of wild plainfin midshipman fish. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 203:116412-116412. 2024
- Social regulation of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin systems in a wild group-living fish. Hormones and Behavior. 161:105521-105521. 2024
- Colorful facial markings are associated with foraging rates and affiliative relationships in a wild group-living cichlid fish. Current Zoology. 70:70-78. 2024
- Correction: Behavioral and physiological evidence that increasing group size ameliorates the impacts of social disturbance. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227:jeb246900. 2024
- Alternative reproductive tactics in goby fishes of the Caspian Sea. Journal of Fish Biology. 103:1252-1263. 2023
- Modelling the impacts of male alternative reproductive tactics on population dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 20:20230359. 2023
- Benefits of intertidal development and large egg size in a marine toadfish. Marine Biology. 170. 2023
- Subtle fisheries gear model differences substantially influence catch rates of an invasive fish. Fisheries Research. 258:106524-106524. 2023
- The evolution of monogamy in cichlids and marine reef fishes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10. 2022
- Galanin expression varies with parental care and social status in a wild cooperatively breeding fish. Hormones and Behavior. 146:105275-105275. 2022
- Context-dependent effects of anthropogenic noise on nest defence in a singing toadfish. Animal Behaviour. 191:105-115. 2022
- Impacts of wastewater treatment plants on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in summer and winter. Science of the Total Environment. 820:153224-153224. 2022
- Temperature modulates the impacts of wastewater exposure on the physiology and behaviour of fathead minnow. Chemosphere. 294:133738-133738. 2022
- Tracking the early stages of an invasion with biotelemetry: behaviour of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Canada’s historic Rideau Canal. Biological Invasions. 24:1149-1173. 2022
- Antioxidant capacity differs across social ranks and with ascension in males of a group-living fish. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology. 265:111126-111126. 2022
- Territorial behaviour and conflict management in a semi-social cichlid fish, Neolamprologus caudopunctatus. Behaviour. 159:781-805. 2022
- Rapid spatial learning in cooperative and non-cooperative cichlids. European Journal of Pharmacology. 194:104550-104550. 2022
- Nonmating behavioural differences between male tactics in the invasive round goby. Animal Behaviour. 182:227-237. 2021
- Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation. 263:109175-109175. 2021
- Low-amplitude noise elicits the Lombard effect in plainfin midshipman mating vocalizations in the wild. Animal Behaviour. 181:29-39. 2021
- Rank- and sex-specific differences in the neuroendocrine regulation of glucocorticoids in a wild group-living fish. Hormones and Behavior. 136:105079-105079. 2021
- A comparison of passive and active gear in fish community assessments in summer versus winter. Fisheries Research. 242:106016-106016. 2021
- Learning performance is associated with social preferences in a group-living fish. European Journal of Pharmacology. 191:104464-104464. 2021
- Siblings matter: Family heterogeneity improves associative learning later in life. Ethology. 127:897-907. 2021
- Exposure to wastewater effluent disrupts hypoxia responses in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Environmental Pollution. 284:117373-117373. 2021
- Galanin and prolactin expression in relation to parental care in two sympatric cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 309:113785-113785. 2021
- Understanding fish cognition: a review and appraisal of current practices. Animal Cognition. 24:395-406. 2021
- Fish living near two wastewater treatment plants have unaltered thermal tolerance but show changes in organ and tissue traits. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 47:522-533. 2021
- Tactic-specific antimicrobial activity suggests a parental care function for accessory glands in a marine toadfish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 288:20202873. 2021
- Municipal wastewater as an ecological trap: Effects on fish communities across seasons. Science of the Total Environment. 759:143430-143430. 2021
- Consequences of nest site selection vary along a tidal gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90:528-541. 2021
- Glucocorticoids do not promote prosociality in a wild group-living fish. Hormones and Behavior. 127:104879-104879. 2021
- Context-dependent consequences of color biases in a social fish. Behavioral Ecology. 31:1410-1419. 2020
- Foraging behaviour of four avian species feeding on the same temporarily available prey. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 98:581-590. 2020
- Learning performance is influenced by the social environment in cichlid fishes.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 74:215-227. 2020
- Social memory and quantity discrimination: A cross cichlid species comparison.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 74:207-214. 2020
- Variation in external morphology between the native and invasive populations of the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae). Zoomorphology. 139:361-371. 2020
- Parental Males of the Plainfin Midshipman Are Physiologically Resilient to the Challenges of the Intertidal Zone. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology. 93:111-128. 2020
- Indirect cue of paternity uncertainty does not affect nest site selection or parental care in a Pacific toadfish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 74. 2020
- Behavioral and physiological evidence that increasing group size ameliorates the impacts of social disturbance.. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020
- Emerging investigator series: use of behavioural endpoints in the regulation of chemicals. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. 22:49-65. 2020
- Thermal tolerance depends on season, age and body condition in imperilled redside dace Clinostomus elongatus. Conservation Physiology. 8:coaa062. 2020
- Parental care and neuropeptide dynamics in a cichlid fish Neolamprologus caudopunctatus. Hormones and Behavior. 116:104576-104576. 2019
- Metabolic implications of exposure to wastewater effluent in bluegill sunfish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 224:108562-108562. 2019
- Social buffering of stress in a group-living fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 286:20191626-20191626. 2019
- Alternative reproductive tactics, an overlooked source of life history variation in the invasive round goby. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76:1562-1570. 2019
- Municipal wastewater effluent affects fish communities: A multi-year study involving two wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Pollution. 252:1730-1741. 2019
- Submissive behaviour is mediated by sex, social status, relative body size and shelter availability in a social fish. Animal Behaviour. 155:131-139. 2019
- Cannibalism of young is related to low paternity and nest take-overs in an intertidal fish. Animal Behaviour. 153:41-48. 2019
- Confounding social and mating systems predictably lead to biased results when examining the evolution of cooperative breeding in cichlids: A response to Tanaka et al.. Ethology. 125:409-414. 2019
- Visual threat signals influence social interactions in a cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour. 151:177-184. 2019
- Author Correction: Direct benefits and evolutionary transitions to complex societies. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 3:500-500. 2019
- Differential investment in male accessory glands: lessons from a marine fish with alternative reproductive tactics. Marine Biology. 166. 2019
- Physiological Regulation of Growth during Social Ascension in a Group-Living Fish. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology. 92:211-222. 2019
Sperm maturation and male tactic‐specific differences in ejaculates in the plainfin midshipman fish
Porichthys notatus . Journal of Fish Biology. 94:434-445. 2019 - Nesting on high: reproductive and physiological consequences of breeding across an intertidal gradient. Evolutionary Ecology. 33:21-36. 2019
- Proximity to wastewater effluent alters behaviour in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis machrochirus). Behaviour. 156:1495-1517. 2019
- Growth and otolith morphology vary with alternative reproductive tactics and contaminant exposure in the round goby Neogobius melanostomus. Journal of Fish Biology. 93:674-684. 2018
- The plainfin midshipman’s soundscape at two sites around Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 603:189-200. 2018
- Direct and indirect effects of chemical contaminants on the behaviour, ecology and evolution of wildlife. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 285:20181297-20181297. 2018
- Stress axis regulation during social ascension in a group-living cichlid fish. Hormones and Behavior. 103:121-128. 2018
- From cannibal to caregiver: tracking the transition in a cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour. 139:9-17. 2018
- Phenotypic traits and resource quality as factors affecting male reproductive success in a toadfish. Behavioral Ecology. 29:496-507. 2018
- Metabolic Costs of Exposure to Wastewater Effluent Lead to Compensatory Adjustments in Respiratory Physiology in Bluegill Sunfish. Environmental Science and Technology. 52:801-811. 2018
- The Preference for Social Affiliation Renders Fish Willing to Accept Lower O2Levels. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology. 91:716-724. 2018
- Altered expression of metabolites and proteins in wild and caged fish exposed to wastewater effluents in situ. Scientific Reports. 7:17000. 2017
- Reduced anxiety is associated with the accumulation of six serotonin reuptake inhibitors in wastewater treatment effluent exposed goldfish Carassius auratus. Scientific Reports. 7:17001. 2017
- Exposure to wastewater effluent affects fish behaviour and tissue-specific uptake of pharmaceuticals. Science of the Total Environment. 605-606:578-588. 2017
- Social motivation and conflict resolution tactics as potential building blocks of sociality in cichlid fishes. European Journal of Pharmacology. 141:152-160. 2017
- Diet and foraging of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in a contaminated harbour. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 20:252-264. 2017
- An evaluation of behavioural endpoints: The pharmaceutical pollutant fluoxetine decreases aggression across multiple contexts in round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus ). Chemosphere. 175:401-410. 2017
- Isotocin neuronal phenotypes differ among social systems in cichlid fishes. Royal Society Open Science. 4:170350-170350. 2017
- Direct benefits and evolutionary transitions to complex societies.. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1:137. 2017
- A test of male infanticide as a reproductive tactic in a cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science. 4:160891-160891. 2017
- In situ exposure to wastewater effluent reduces survival but has little effect on the behaviour or physiology of an invasive Great Lakes fish. Aquatic Toxicology. 184:37-48. 2017
- Accurate resource assessment requires experience in a territorial fish. Animal Behaviour. 123:249-257. 2017
- Otolith morphology varies between populations, sexes and male alternative reproductive tactics in a vocal toadfish Porichthys notatus. Journal of Fish Biology. 90:311-325. 2017
- Within‐group relatedness is correlated with colony‐level social structure and reproductive sharing in a social fish. Molecular Ecology. 25:4001-4013. 2016
- No evidence for larger brains in cooperatively breeding cichlid fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 94:373-378. 2016
- Species-specific patterns of nonapeptide brain gene expression relative to pair-bonding behavior in grouping and non-grouping cichlids. Hormones and Behavior. 80:30-38. 2016
- The influence of status and the social environment on energy stores in a social fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 88:1321-1334. 2016
- Cannibalism, competition, and costly care in the plainfin midshipman fish,Porichthys notatus. Behavioral Ecology. 27:628-636. 2016
- Impacts of direct and indirect paternity cues on paternal care in a singing toadfish. Behavioral Ecology. 27:1507-1514. 2016
- Postcopulatory consequences of female mate choice in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics. Behavioral Ecology. 27:312-320. 2016
- Social cichlid fish change behaviour in response to a visual predator stimulus, but not the odour of damaged conspecifics. European Journal of Pharmacology. 121:21-29. 2015
- Is there convergence in the molecular pathways underlying the repeated evolution of sociality in African cichlids?. Hormones and Behavior. 75:160-168. 2015
- Motivation but not body size influences territorial contest dynamics in a wild cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour. 107:19-29. 2015
- Reproductive sharing in relation to group and colony-level attributes in a cooperative breeding fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 282:20150954-20150954. 2015
- Group response to social perturbation: impacts of isotocin and the social landscape. Animal Behaviour. 105:55-62. 2015
Evidence for alternative male morphs in a
T anganyikan cichlid fish. Journal of Zoology. 296:116-123. 2015 - Courting and fighting quietly: a lack of acoustic signals in a cooperative Tanganyikan cichlid fish. Hydrobiologia. 748:87-97. 2015
- Diet and cannibalism in plainfin midshipmanPorichthys notatus. Journal of Fish Biology. 86:1396-1415. 2015
- Sex and social status affect territorial defence in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus savoryi. Hydrobiologia. 748:75-85. 2015
- Brain nonapeptide levels are related to social status and affiliative behaviour in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science. 2:140072-140072. 2015
- Dominance network structure across reproductive contexts in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Current Zoology. 61:45-54. 2015
- Aggression and sociality: conflicting or complementary traits of a successful invader?. Behaviour. 152:127-146. 2015
- Social status influences responses to unfamiliar conspecifics in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behaviour. 152:1821-1839. 2015
- Erratum to: Persistence of an invasive fish (Neogobius melanostomus) in a contaminated ecosystem. Biological Invasions. 16:2463-2463. 2014
- Persistence of an invasive fish (Neogobius melanostomus) in a contaminated ecosystem. Biological Invasions. 16:2449-2461. 2014
- Seasonal plasticity in telencephalon mass of a benthic fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 85:1785-1792. 2014
- A comparative study of an innate immune response in Lamprologine cichlid fishes. Die Naturwissenschaften. 101:839-849. 2014
- Factors influencing cannibalism in the plainfin midshipman fish. Animal Behaviour. 96:159-166. 2014
- Effects of chronic, parental pharmaceutical exposure on zebrafish (Danio rerio) offspring. Aquatic Toxicology. 151:124-134. 2014
- Cooperative males reduce incubation in response to cues of female–female competition. Ibis. 156:446-451. 2014
- Critical body residues, Michaelis–Menten analysis of bioaccumulation, lethality and behaviour as endpoints of waterborne Ni toxicity in two teleosts. Ecotoxicology. 23:147-162. 2014
- Comparing population level sexual selection in a species with alternative reproductive tactics. Behavioral Ecology. 25:1524-1533. 2014
- Competition and cuckoldry: estimating fitness of alternative reproductive tactics in plainfin midshipman. Behaviour. 151:1209-1227. 2014
- Isotocin and sociality in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. Behaviour. 151:1389-1411. 2014
- Strategic and tactical fighting decisions in cichlid fishes with divergent social systems. Behaviour. 151:47-71. 2014
- The cortisol stress response in male round goby (Neogobius melanostomus): effects of living in polluted environments?. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 96:723-733. 2013
- Corticosteroid receptor gene expression is related to sex and social behaviour in a social fish. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology. 164:438-446. 2013
- High degree of paternity loss in a species with alternative reproductive tactics. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 67:399-408. 2013
- Network structure is related to social conflict in a cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour. 85:395-402. 2013
- Probing aggressive motivation during territorial contests in a group-living cichlid fish. European Journal of Pharmacology. 92:47-51. 2013
- Effects of isotocin on social responses in a cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour. 84:753-760. 2012
- Altered Prey Responses in Round Goby from Contaminated Sites. Ethology. 118:812-820. 2012
- Behavior as biomarker? Laboratory versus field movement in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from highly contaminated habitats. Ecotoxicology. 21:1003-1012. 2012
- Does proximity to aquatic pollution affect reproductive traits in a wild‐caught intertidal fish?. Journal of Fish Biology. 80:2374-2383. 2012
- Mating systems in cooperative breeders: the roles of resource dispersion and conflict mitigation. Behavioral Ecology. 23:521-530. 2012
- Parental effects on animal personality. Behavioral Ecology. 23:242-245. 2012
- Is there a role for aggression in round goby invasion fronts?. Behaviour. 149:685-703. 2012
- Laboratory and field evidence of sex-biased movement in the invasive round goby. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65:2239-2249. 2011
- Lunar and diurnal cycles in reproductive physiology and behavior in a natural population of cooperatively breeding fish. Journal of Zoology. 285:66-73. 2011
- Sex differences in group-joining decisions in social fish. Animal Behaviour. 82:229-234. 2011
- Rules of engagement for resource contests in a social fish. Animal Behaviour. 82:93-99. 2011
- The evolution of cooperative breeding in the African cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. Biological Reviews. 86:511-530. 2011
- Fight for your breeding right: hierarchy re-establishment predicts aggression in a social queue. Biology Letters. 7:190-193. 2011
- Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature. 471:E1-E4. 2011
- Effects of maternal stress on egg characteristics in a cooperatively breeding fish. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology. 158:22-29. 2011
- Characterization of vitellogenin gene expression in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 29:2751-2760. 2010
- Impact of contaminant exposure on resource contests in an invasive fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 64:1947-1958. 2010
- Invasion dynamics of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario. Biological Invasions. 12:3861-3875. 2010
- Signatures of contamination in invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus): A double strike for ecosystem health?. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73:1755-1764. 2010
- Lateralization in response to social stimuli in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. European Journal of Pharmacology. 85:68-71. 2010
- The effects of familiarity and social hierarchy on group membership decisions in a social fish. Biology Letters. 6:301-303. 2010
- Demography and substrate affinity of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Hamilton Harbour. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 36:115-122. 2010
- The Stress Response of the Highly Social African CichlidNeolamprologus pulcher. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology. 82:720-729. 2009
- Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in plainfin midshipman fish. Hereditas. 146:204-207. 2009
- Liver size reveals social status in the African cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Journal of Fish Biology. 75:1-16. 2009
- Multiple male reproductive morphs in the invasive round goby (Apollonia melanostoma). Journal of Great Lakes Research. 35:302-308. 2009
- Sperm performance under hypoxic conditions in the intertidal fish Porichthys notatus. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 87:464-469. 2009
- Androgens and dominance: Sex-specific patterns in a highly social fish (Neolamprologus pulcher). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 161:202-207. 2009
- Mixed parentage in Neolamprologus pulcher groups. Journal of Fish Biology. 74:1129-1135. 2009
- Female promiscuity promotes the evolution of faster sperm in cichlid fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106:1128-1132. 2009
- The role of genetic relatedness among social mates in a cooperative breeder. Behavioral Ecology. 19:816-823. 2008
- Costs and benefits of polygyny in the cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Animal Behaviour. 75:1771-1779. 2008
- The relative sensitivity of sperm, eggs and embryos to copper in the blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 147:441-449. 2008
- Female-mediated causes and consequences of status change in a social fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 275:929-936. 2008
- Sex and status in a cooperative breeding fish: behavior and androgens. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62:785-794. 2008
- Differential responses to territory intrusions in cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour. 75:595-604. 2008
- Cooperating in the face of uncertainty: A consistent framework for understanding the evolution of cooperation. European Journal of Pharmacology. 76:152-159. 2007
- Reproductive-Tactic-Specific Variation in Sperm Swimming Speeds in a Shell-Brooding Cichlid1. Biology of Reproduction. 77:280-284. 2007
- Evidence for size and sex‐specific dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology. 16:2974-2984. 2007
- Masculinized dominant females in a cooperatively breeding species. Molecular Ecology. 16:1349-1358. 2007
- Male and female cooperatively breeding fish provide support for the “Challenge Hypothesis”. Behavioral Ecology. 17:149-154. 2006
- Production and appreciation of humor as sexually selected traits. Evolution and human behavior. 27:121-130. 2006
- Sex differences in rates of territory joining and inheritance in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour. 71:449-456. 2006
- Life history evolution in cichlids 1: revisiting the evolution of life histories in relation to parental care. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19:66-75. 2006
- Life history evolution in cichlids 2: directional evolution of the trade-off between egg number and egg size. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19:76-84. 2006
- Life history evolution in cichlids 2: directional evolution of the trade-off between egg number and egg size. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19:76-84. 2006
- Male reproductive suppression in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Behavioral Ecology. 17:25-33. 2006
- The influence of humor on desirability. Evolution and human behavior. 27:29-39. 2006
- Relatedness and helping in fish: examining the theoretical predictions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 272:1593-1599. 2005
- Competitive Interactions between Round Gobies and Logperch. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 31:68-77. 2005
- The physiological effects of social status in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Journal of Fish Biology. 65:1080-1095. 2004
- Dispersal patterns and status change in a co‐operatively breeding cichlidNeolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural observations. Journal of Fish Biology. 65:91-105. 2004
- Evidence for genetic monogamy and female‐biased dispersal in the biparental mouthbrooding cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus from Lake Tanganyika. Molecular Ecology. 12:3173-3177. 2003
- Helping opportunities and space segregation in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Behavioral Ecology. 14:749-756. 2003
- Reproductive biology of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 66:169-179. 2003
- Faithful fish: territory and mate defence favour monogamy in an African cichlid fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 52:326-331. 2002
- Introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 357:237-240. 2002
- Sperm size of African cichlids in relation to sperm competition. Behavioral Ecology. 12:726-731. 2001
- Correlates of group size in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish ( Neolamprologus pulcher ). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 50:134-140. 2001
- Manipulating the need for help in a cooperatively breeding cichlid: Space competition affects helpers' ability to respond. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 46:164. 2000
- Parental behaviour in Kentish plovers: who cares?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 14:293-294. 1999
- A field survey of the bredding habits of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a biparental mouthbrooding cichlid in Lake Tanganyika. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 55:333-338. 1999
- The overlooked signaling component of nonsignaling behavior. Behavioral Ecology. 10:209-212. 1999
- Evolutionary transitions in parental care in cichlid fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 265:2265-2272. 1998
- On the evolutionary pathway of parental care in mouth–brooding cichlid fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 265:2217-2222. 1998
- Individual Recognition in a Cooperatively Breeding Cichlid: Evidence from Video Playback Experiments. Behaviour. 135:369-386. 1998
- Paying to stay or paying to breed? Field evidence for direct benefits of helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behavioral Ecology. 9:432-438. 1998
- An Evolutionary Model of Parental Care in St. Peter's Fish. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 184:423-431. 1997
- The benefits of uniparental versus biparental mouth brooding in Galilee St. Peter's fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 50:371-381. 1997
- The benefits of uniparental versus biparental mouth brooding in Galilee St. Peter's fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 50:371-381. 1997
- Reproductive rates, operational sex ratios and mate choice in St. Peter's fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 39:107-116. 1996
- The costs of parental care in Galilee St Peter's fish,Sarotherodon galilaeus. Animal Behaviour. 50:1-7. 1995
- Sex-Role Reversal in the Black-Chinned Tilapia, Sarotherodon Melanotheron (RÜPpel) (Cichlidae). Behaviour. 132:861-874. 1995
- Temperature- and ontogeny-dependent metabolism in invasive early juvenile round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Frontiers in Fish Science. 2:1489837.