selected scholarly activity
- Christian face representations are rated more positively than Muslim face representations. Journal of Vision. 3684-3684. 2022
- Opposing aftereffects are still measurable after a one-week delay. Journal of Vision. 2094-2094. 2021
- Face Aftereffect formation is influenced by the diversity of the training set. Journal of Vision. 251-251. 2020
- Opposing Aftereffects across a Caucasian Male face set and a face set that was diverse by gender and ethnicity. Journal of Vision. 252-252. 2020
- Religious-Contingent Aftereffects for Christian and Muslim Faces. Journal of Vision. 155b-155b. 2019
- Sexualization leads to the visual processing of bodies as objects. Journal of Vision. 58b-58b. 2019
- Human faces capture attention and attract first saccades without longer dwell times. Journal of Vision. 169-169. 2018
- The development of emotion perception strategies in children.. Journal of Vision. 567-567. 2018
- The development of chasing detection: Do 4-year-olds show evidence of a pop-out effect for chasing stimuli?. Journal of Vision. 941-941. 2017
- Body Perception and the Sexualized-Body-Inversion-Hypothesis. Journal of Vision. 1399-1399. 2016
- Effects of social stimuli on covert attentional orienting and saccaddic eye-movements during visual search. Journal of Vision. 1266-1266. 2015
- Attention Capture and Faces: An Eye-Tracking Study. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 303-303. 2014
- Facial identity is encoded relative to the norm in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Vision. 683-683. 2014
- Adding Context to a Surprise Face: The Surprising Case of Surprise. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 272-272. 2012
- Do Human Hands Capture Attention?. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 269-269. 2012
- The brain basis of emotional aftereffects: An ERP study. Journal of Vision. 1175-1175. 2012
- Visual expectation paradigm and keypress identification compared: Mapping emotion category boundaries. Journal of Vision. 938-938. 2010
- Does the perception of speed influence the perception of animacy?. Journal of Vision. 798-798. 2010
- Intact biological motion processing in adults with autism. Journal of Vision. 624-624. 2010
- The influence of eye and mouth position on judgments of face orientation. Journal of Vision. 149-149. 2010
- Evidence for a directional anisotropy in the perception of speed and animacy associated with reading-related habitual eye movements. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 313-313. 2008
- Remembering faces: How pregnancy impacts cognition. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 261-261. 2008
- Surprise! Context dependent categorical perception of emotion. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 304-304. 2008
- The role of illumination perception in color constancy.. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. S525-S525. 2000
journal articles
- Face perception and social cognitive development in early autism: A prospective longitudinal study from 3 months to 7 years of age.. Child Development. 96:104-121. 2025
- Religious labels and food preferences, but not country of origin, support opposing face aftereffects. Acta Psychologica. 247:104328-104328. 2024
- A category contingent aftereffect for faces labelled with different religious affiliation is seen 7 days after adaptation. Perception. 52:297-311. 2023
- Belief that addiction is a discrete category is a stronger correlate with stigma than the belief that addiction is biologically based. Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 18:3. 2023
- Opposing aftereffects between a White male face set and a diverse face set. Perception. 52:5-20. 2023
- Distinct Biological Motion Perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 52:4843-4860. 2022
- Opposing Aftereffects between a White Male Face Set and a Diverse Face Set. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2022
- The development of template-based facial expression perception from 6 to 15 years of age.. Developmental Psychology. 58:96-111. 2022
- “Go Faster!”: Adults’ Essentialist Representation of Gender and National Identity, but Not Race, Is Revealed by Cognitive Demand. Journal of Cognition and Development. 23:20-39. 2022
- Longer looking to agent with false belief at 7 but not 6 months of age. Infant and Child Development. 30:e2263. 2021
- An explicit religious label impacts visual adaptation to Christian and Muslim faces. Religion, Brain and Behavior. 11:261-280. 2021
- Children’s Perception of Animacy: Social Attributions to Moving Figures. Perception. 50:387-398. 2021
- Early Attention to Animacy: Change-Detection in 11-Month-Olds. Evolutionary Psychology. 19:147470492110282-147470492110282. 2021
- Canadian children’s concepts of national groups: A comparison with children from the United States.. Developmental Psychology. 56:2102-2109. 2020
- Toddlers Categorically Perceive Emotional Facial Expressions Along a Happy–Sad Continuum. Perception. 49:822-834. 2020
- Personality and opponent processes: Shyness, sociability, and visual afterimages to emotion.. Emotion. 20:605-612. 2020
- Early Attentional Capture of Animate Motion: 4-Year-Olds Show a Pop-Out Effect for Chasing Stimuli. Perception. 48:228-236. 2019
- Human faces capture attention and attract first saccades without longer fixation. Visual Cognition. 27:158-170. 2019
- Individual differences in emotional expression discrimination are associated with emotion label production in toddlers. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 15:506-516. 2018
- Brief Report: Attentional Cueing to Images of Social Interactions is Automatic for Neurotypical Individuals But Not Those with ASC. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48:3233-3243. 2018
- Sixteen-month-old infants are sensitive to competence in third-party observational learning. Infant Behavior and Development. 52:114-120. 2018
- Disambiguating auditory information causes priming, but not aftereffects, in the perception of ambiguous faces. Vision Research. 146-147:1-8. 2018
- Children with autism spectrum disorder have an exceptional explanatory drive. Autism. 20:744-753. 2016
- Emotion Perception or Social Cognitive Complexity: What Drives Face Processing Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder?. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 46:615-623. 2016
- Adults with autism spectrum disorder show evidence of figural aftereffects with male and female faces. Vision Research. 115:104-112. 2015
- Brief Report: Infants Developing with ASD Show a Unique Developmental Pattern of Facial Feature Scanning. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45:2618-2623. 2015
- Categorical perception along the happy–angry and happy–sad continua in the first year of life. Infant Behavior and Development. 40:95-102. 2015
- Norm-based coding of facial identity in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Vision Research. 108:33-40. 2015
- Investigating the category boundaries of emotional facial expressions: Effects of individual participant and model and the stability over time. Personality and Individual Differences. 74:146-152. 2015
- Infants use contextual contingency to guide their interpretation of others’ goal-directed behavior. Cognitive Development. 31:69-78. 2014
- Strategies for Perceiving Facial Expressions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 44:1018-1026. 2014
- Afterimage induced neural activity during emotional face perception. Brain Research. 1549:11-21. 2014
- Video Self-Modeling Is an Effective Intervention for an Adult with Autism. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine. 2014:1-6. 2014
- Evidence of a nesting psychology during human pregnancy. Evolution and human behavior. 34:390-397. 2013
- The Influences of Face Inversion and Facial Expression on Sensitivity to Eye Contact in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 43:2536-2548. 2013
- Do hands attract attention?. Visual Cognition. 21:647-672. 2013
- Comparing face processing strategies between typically-developed observers and observers with autism using sub-sampled-pixels presentation in response classification technique. Vision Research. 79:27-35. 2013
- Context-Dependent Categorical Perception of Surprise. Perception. 42:294-301. 2013
- Cognitive Reorganization during Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: An Evolutionary Perspective. Evolutionary Psychology. 10:659-687. 2012
- IQ Predicts Biological Motion Perception in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 42:557-565. 2012
- Fathers show modifications of infant-directed action similar to that of mothers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 111:367-378. 2012
- Visual Afterimages of Emotional Faces in High Functioning Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 42:221-229. 2012
- Categorical perception of emotional facial expressions in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 110:434-443. 2011
- Intention Perception in High Functioning People with Autism Spectrum Disorders Using Animacy Displays Derived from Human Actions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 41:1053-1063. 2011
- Recognition of Novel Faces after Single Exposure is Enhanced during Pregnancy. Evolutionary Psychology. 9:47-60. 2011
- The Ghosts in the Computer: The Role of Agency and Animacy Attributions in “Ghost Controls”. PLoS ONE. 6:e26429-e26429. 2011
- Mapping Emotion Category Boundaries Using a Visual Expectation Paradigm. Perception. 39:1514-1525. 2010
- On the use and misuse of the “Two Children” brainteaser. Pragmatics and Cognition. 18:165-174. 2010
- The face in the crowd effect: Threat-detection advantage with perceptually intermediate distractors. Visual Cognition. 17:1205-1217. 2009
- A threat-detection advantage in those with autism spectrum disorders. Brain and Cognition. 69:472-480. 2009
- Eye Direction, Not Movement Direction, Predicts Attention Shifts in Those with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 38:1958-1965. 2008
- Converging evidence of configural processing of faces in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders. Visual Cognition. 16:859-891. 2008
- Reading-Related Habitual Eye Movements Produce a Directional Anisotropy in the Perception of Speed and Animacy. Perception. 37:1609-1611. 2008
- Individuals with Autism can Categorize Facial Expressions. Child Neuropsychology. 14:419-437. 2008
- Dissociating the perception of speed and the perception of animacy: a functional approach. Evolution and human behavior. 29:335-342. 2008
- Scan Path Differences and Similarities During Emotion Perception in those With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 38:1371-1381. 2008
- The use of aftereffects in the study of relationships among emotion categories.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 34:27-40. 2008
- Actual and illusory differences in constant speed influence the perception of animacy similarly. Journal of Vision. 7:5-5. 2007
- Differences in discrimination of eye and mouth displacement in autism spectrum disorders. Vision Research. 47:2099-2110. 2007
- Evidence of a divided-attention advantage in autism. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 24:505-515. 2007
- A Longitudinal Study of Pretend Play in Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37:1024-1039. 2007
- The ‘Reading the Mind in the Voice’ Test-Revised: A Study of Complex Emotion Recognition in Adults with and Without Autism Spectrum Conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37:1096-1106. 2007
- Emotional Responsivity in Children with Autism, Children with Other Developmental Disabilities, and Children with Typical Development. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37:553-563. 2007
- Rules versus Prototype Matching: Strategies of Perception of Emotional Facial Expressions in the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37:187-196. 2007
- The Perception of Animacy in Young Children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 36:983-992. 2006
- Rituals are rational for the imperfect experimentalist. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 29:628-629. 2006
- Looking for loss in all the wrong places: loss avoidance does not explain cheater detection. Evolution and human behavior. 27:417-432. 2006
- A retrospective journal-based case study of an infant with autism and his twin. Neurocase. 11:129-137. 2005
- The effect of social role on theory of mind reasoning. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 95:91-103. 2004
- Cognitive underpinnings of pretend play in autism.. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 33:289-302. 2003
- It's adaptations all the way down. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 25:526-+. 2002
- Lightness Constancy: A Direct Test of the Illumination-Estimation Hypothesis. Psychological Science. 13:142-149. 2002
- Reading the mind in the voice: a study with normal adults and adults with Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism.. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 32:189-194. 2002
- A mathematician, a physicist and a computer scientist with Asperger syndrome: Performance on folk psychology and folk physics tests. Neurocase. 5:475-483. 1999
- Evaluation of ERS SAR data for prediction of fire danger in a Boreal region. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 9:183-183. 1999
- Veblen's evolutionary programme: a promise unfulfilled. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 22:463-477. 1998
- Transaction cost economics - Williamson,OE, Masten,SE. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. 153:581-582. 1997
- Color constancy compared: Experiments with real images and color monitors. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 38:2206-2206. 1997
- Institutions and Social Conflict, Jack Knight. Cambridge University Press, 1992, 234 + xiii pages.. Economics and Philosophy. 11:370-375. 1995
- Preparatory Postural Positions and Body Composition Measurement by Bioelectrical Impedance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 61:206-209. 1990
- Changes in intelligence across pregnancy and the postpartum period. Human Ethology Bulletin. 35:91-105.
- Cheater detection is preserved in autism spectrum disorders.. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. 3:105-117.
- Social Attention is Measurably and Increasingly Atypical Across the First Six Months in the Broader Autism Phenotype. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy. 03.
- The trouble with textbooks is the monetization of science. Human Ethology Bulletin. 35:49-52.
- Weak Central Coherence Contributes to Social Perceptual Deficits in autism. Journal of Autism. 7:2-2.
- Belief that addiction is a discrete category is a stronger correlate with stigma than the belief that addiction is biologically based 2022
- Belief that addiction is a discrete category is a stronger correlate with stigma than the belief that addiction is biologically based 2022
- Priming genetic explanations for addiction weakens the relationship between biological essentialism and stigma 2022