selected scholarly activity
- Buyer countervailing power: a survey of the theory and experimental evidence. 160-182. 2009
- Some factors affecting demand withholding in posted-offer markets. 33-48. 2001
journal articles
- Do higher insurance premiums provoke larger reported losses? An experimental study. Journal of Risk and Insurance. 2024
- Gender and beauty price discrimination in produce markets. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 97:101825-101825. 2022
- Compliance with social distancing: Theory and empirical evidence from Ontario during COVID‐19. Canadian Journal of Economics, The. 55:705-734. 2022
- Do Religious Contexts Elicit More Trust and Altruism? Decision-Making Scenario Experiments. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion. 01:2050002-2050002. 2020
- Tat will tell: Tattoos and time preferences. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 166:566-585. 2019
- Costly superstitious beliefs: Experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Psychology. 69:30-43. 2018
- The truth about tattoos. Economics Letters. 172:143-147. 2018
- Cooperation through coordination in two stages. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 154:206-219. 2018
- Costly Superstitious Beliefs: Experimental Evidence. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2018
- The Truth About Tattoos. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2018
- Time Preferences of Older People With Mild Cognitive Impairment. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2018
- Clever enough to tell the truth. Experimental Economics. 20:130-155. 2017
- Tat Will Tell: Tattoos and Time Preferences. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2017
- First-mover advantage in best-of series: an experimental comparison of role-assignment rules. International Journal of Game Theory. 45:933-970. 2016
- The role of critical mass in establishing a successful network market: An experimental investigation. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 58:101-110. 2015
- Are Good-Looking People More Employable?. Management science. 61:1760-1776. 2015
- The Impact of Including, Adding, and Subtracting a Tax on Demand. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 7:95-118. 2015
- Clever Enough to Tell the Truth. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2015
- Honest on Mondays: Honesty and the temporal separation between decisions and payoffs. European Economic Review. 65:126-135. 2014
- When Do Large Buyers Pay Less? Experimental Evidence. The Journal of Industrial Economics. 61:108-137. 2013
- Which Way to Cooperate. Economic Journal. 122:1042-1068. 2012
- Are income and consumption taxes ever really equivalent? Evidence from a real-effort experiment with real goods. European Economic Review. 56:1200-1219. 2012
- First-Mover Advantage in Two-Sided Competitions: An Experimental Comparison of Role-Assignment Rules. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2012
- Are Good-Looking People More Employable?. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2011
- Introduction to the special issue on experiments in industrial organization. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 29:1-3. 2011
- Coordination and Critical Mass in a Network Market: An Experimental Investigation. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2010
- In search of welfare-improving gifts. European Economic Review. 53:445-460. 2009
- When do Large Buyers Pay Less? Experimental Evidence. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2009
- Do buyer‐size discounts depend on the curvature of the surplus function? Experimental tests of bargaining models. RAND Journal of Economics. 38:747-767. 2007
- Does It Pay To Pray? Costly Ritual and Cooperation. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, The. 7. 2007
- 99: are retailers best responding to rational consumers? Experimental evidence. Managerial and Decision Economics. 27:459-475. 2006
- Cooperation and the in-group-out-group bias: A field test on Israeli kibbutz members and city residents. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 60:147-163. 2006
- Tax and subsidy incidence equivalence theories: experimental evidence from competitive markets. Journal of Public Economics. 89:1519-1542. 2005
- Buyer Countervailing Power: A Survey of the Theory and Experimental Evidence. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2005
- On Ritual and Cooperation. Current Anthropology. 45:529-531. 2004
- The Self‐serving Bias and Beliefs about Rationality. Economic Inquiry. 42:237-246. 2004
- Religious Ritual and Cooperation: Testing for a Relationship on Israeli Religious and Secular Kibbutzim. Current Anthropology. 44:713-722. 2003
- Reasonable reasons for waiting. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 16:147-157. 2003
- Competitive Equilibrium and Classroom Pit Markets. Journal of Economic Education. 34:123-137. 2003
- Buyer Countervailing Power versus Monopoly Power: Evidence from Experimental Posted-Offer Markets. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2002
- Tax and Subsidy Incidence Equivalence Theories: Experimental Evidence from Competitive Markets. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2001
- The Self-Serving Bias and Beliefs about Rationality. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2001
- Some factors affecting demand withholding in posted-offer markets. Economic Theory. 16:529-544. 2000
- The Deadweight Loss of Christmas: Comment. The American Economic Review. 90:319-324. 2000
- Gift giving with emotions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 39:399-420. 1999
- Book Reviews. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, The. 7:451-453. 1998
- Correspondence. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 12:243-247. 1998
- More Is Better, But Fair Is Fair: Tipping in Dictator and Ultimatum Games. Games and Economic Behavior. 23:247-265. 1998
- The Impact of Tax Exclusive and Inclusive Prices on Demand. Finance and Economics Discussion Series. 2012:1-43.
- Heterogeneity in the Support for Mandatory Masks Unveiled 2021
- Compliance with Social Distancing: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Ontario during COVID-19 2020
- Good-Looking Prices 2020
- Insurable Losses, Pre-filled Claims Forms and Honesty in Reporting 2020
- Clever Enough to Tell the Truth 2016
- Screening for Honesty 2014
- Honest on Mondays: Honesty and the Temporal Distance between Decisions and Payoffs 2013
- Waiting to Cooperate? 2013
- The Impact of Tax Exclusive and Inclusive Prices on Demand 2012
- The Impact of Tax Exlusive and Inclusive Prices on Demand 2012
- Which Way to Cooperate 2011
- Are Income and Consumption Taxes Ever Really Equivalent? Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment with Real Goods 2010
- Do Religious Contexts Elicit More Trust and Altruism? An Experiment on Facebook 2010
- Are Income and Consumption Taxes Ever Really Equivalent? Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment with Real Goods 2008
- Do Buyer-Size Discounts Depend on the Curvature of the Surplus Function? Experimental Tests of Bargaining Models 2003
- Does it Pay to Pray? Evaluating the Economic Return to Religious Ritual 2003
- 99: Are Retailers Best Responding to Rational Consumers? Experimental Evidence 2002
- Just How Cooperative are Kibbutz Members? Field Experiments on Israeli Kibbutzim and in Israeli Cities 2002
- The Strategies Behind their Actions: A New Method to Infer Repeated-Game Strategies and an Application to Buyer Behavior 2002
- Here's Something You Never Asked For, Didn't Know Existed, and Can't Easily Obtain: A Search Model of Gift Giving 2001