Karen Rowa
Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

I am a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, the Clinical Director of the Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic at St. Joseph's Healthcare, and the Provincial Clinical Lead of the Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program. I co-lead a research lab with Dr. Randi McCabe where we investigate a variety of topics related to the assessment, understanding, and treatment of anxiety and related disorders. Current projects include investigating barriers to care for racialized clients with anxiety (led by Arij Alarachi and Inaya Tariq), investigating long-term outcomes of Generalized Anxiety Disorder post-CBT (led by Sydney Parkinson), investigating the impact of resilience on CBT for anxiety disorders (led by Rei Jamalifar), and studying a Family Accommodation Reduction intervention for loved ones of adults with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (with Dr. Noam Soreni).

Our lab is also conducting project SAGA - Sex and Gender Across the Anxiety Disorder, utilizing retrospective data from a large clinical database to better understand gender and sex differences in the expression of anxiety and related disorders.
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