authors Baganizi, E Alary, M Guèdèmè, A Padonou, F Davo, N Adjovi, C van Dyck, E Germain, M Joly, JR Mahony, James Benson
has subject area 06 Biological Sciences (FoR) 11 Medical and Health Sciences (FoR) 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences (FoR) Benin (MeSH) Chlamydia Infections (MeSH) Female (MeSH) Gonorrhea (MeSH) HIV Infections (MeSH) Humans (MeSH) Neisseria gonorrhoeae (MeSH) Sex Work (MeSH) Virology (Science Metrix)
keywords Benin Chlamydia Infections Female Gonorrhea HIV Infections Humans Neisseria gonorrhoeae Sex Work