- BACKGROUND: Inflammatory pseudotumors of the bladder are rare in newborns. Considering the potential for malignancy, invasive diagnostic assessment and therapeutic surgical excision have been described as the approach of choice. CASE REPORT: We present a case of urethral catheter-related injury causing multifocal lesions simulating inflammatory pseudotumors of the bladder, diagnosed in a newborn presenting with persistent priapism. This case is distinct by virtue of its very rapid spontaneous regression of the bladder wall lesions within 4 days. CONCLUSIONS: Our neonatal case, along with previously described pediatric pseudotumor of the bladder, show the potential for spontaneous regression of these lesions and emphasizes the importance of balancing the potential risks and benefits of aggressive diagnostic or therapeutic interventions. Frequent diagnostic imaging and close follow-up should be considered as an alternative in young pediatric populations.