Critical reproductive behaviors in Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite are affected by thermal variability and mean temperature.
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Animals can respond differently to shifting thermal variability versus thermal averages, both of which are changing due to climate warming. How these thermal variables affect parental care behaviors can reveal the ability of parents to modify their behaviors to meet the competing demands of their offspring's thermal needs and self-maintenance, which becomes critical in suboptimal thermal conditions. Further, the time frame used to examine the interplay between temperature and behavioral shifts (e.g., seasonal patterns in care vs. drivers of individual care decisions) can provide different information about the plasticity of parental care behavior. We investigated the relationship between thermal means, thermal variability, and incubation behaviors across multiple timescales in Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite. Both species decreased off-bout length during periods of high thermal variability, a novel finding among studies of avian parental behavior. Further relationships between thermal endpoints (mean vs. variation) and behavior differed depending on the temporal scale. For instance, total daily time spent off the nest was not influenced by daily average temperature, yet individual off-bout duration increased with increasing average temperature in the 2 h prior to the off-bout. These results provide evidence that thermal-behavioral relationships differ across scales and likely represent a bird's ability to modify their incubation strategy to rapidly respond to the immediate thermal environment (altering individual off-bout length based on temperature) to meet self-maintenance needs while resulting in a similar outcome for their nest (total daily off-bout time). However, longer off-bout durations during high temperature events can come with reproductive costs, sometimes resulting in acute offspring mortality when eggs or chicks experience lethal temperatures.