Exposure to air pollutants and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis measured by magnetic resonance imaging: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal Articles uri icon

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  • OBJECTIVES: Long-term exposure to air pollution has been associated with higher risk of cardiovascular mortality. Less is known about the association of air pollution with initial development of cardiovascular disease. Herein, the association between low-level exposure to air pollutants and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in adults without known clinical cardiovascular disease was investigated. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis within a prospective cohort study. SETTING: The Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds Cohort Study; a pan-Canadian cohort of cohorts. PARTICIPANTS: Canadian adults (n = 6645) recruited between 2014-2018 from the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia, were studied, for whom averages of exposures to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were estimated for the years 2008-2012. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Carotid vessel wall volume (CWV) measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS: In adjusted linear mixed models, PM2.5 was not consistently associated with CWV (per 5 μg/m3 PM2.5; adjusted estimate = -8.4 mm3; 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) -23.3 to 6.48; p = 0.27). A 5 ppb higher NO2 concentration was associated with 11.8 mm3 lower CWV (95% CI -16.2 to -7.31; p<0.0001). A 3 ppb increase in O3 was associated with 9.34 mm3 higher CWV (95% CI 4.75 to 13.92; p<0.0001). However, the coarse/insufficient O3 resolution (10 km) is a limitation. CONCLUSIONS: In a cohort of healthy Canadian adults there was no consistent association between PM2.5 or NO2 and increased CWV as a measure of subclinical atherosclerosis by MRI. The reasons for these inconsistent associations warrant further study.

publication date

  • 2024