Compilation of Apatite Fission-Track Data from the Northeast Atlantic Realm: A Jigsaw Puzzle with Missing Pieces Journal Articles uri icon

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  • Abstract The northeast (NE) Atlantic is one of the best-studied geological regions in the world, incorporating a wide array of geological phenomena including extensional tectonism, passive margin development, orogenesis, and breakup-related volcanism. Apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronology has been an important tool in studying the onshore evolution of the NE Atlantic for several decades. Unfortunately, large regional-scale studies are rare, making it difficult to study geological processes across the whole region. In this work, a compilation of published AFT data is presented from across Fennoscandia, the British Isles, East Greenland, and Svalbard, with the goal of providing an accessible overview of the data and how this vast body of work has improved our understanding of the region’s evolution. Alongside a review of previous literature, interpolated maps of fission track age and mean track length (MTL) highlight regional trends in the data that may result from major first-order processes and areas of low sample density that should be targeted for future study. Additionally, in the absence of metadata required for thermal history modeling, apparent exhumation rate estimates are calculated from available elevation profiles and the timing of major exhumation events inferred from “boomerang plots” of fission track ages against MTL values. Across Fennoscandia, data suggests that the opening of the NE Atlantic and exhumation of the margin have clearly played a major role in the thermal history of the upper crust. The remaining areas of Britain, Ireland, East Greenland, and Svalbard all present more complex trends consistent with a combination of the NE Atlantic’s opening and the interplay between specific bedrock geology of sampling sites and localized geological processes. Areas of low sample density include southern Britain, NE Britain, southeast Greenland, southern Svalbard, and Eastern Fennoscandia, each of which provides the natural laboratory required to answer many unresolved questions.


  • Jess, Scott
  • Gröger, Heike
  • Hendriks, Bart
  • Peace, Alexander
  • Schiffer, Christian

publication date

  • April 30, 2024