Fragmentation, rotation and outflows in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23033+5951. A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE Preprints uri icon

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  • Bosco, F
  • Beuther, H
  • Ahmadi, A
  • Mottram, JC
  • Kuiper, R
  • Linz, H
  • Maud, L
  • Winters, JM
  • Henning, T
  • Feng, S
  • Peters, T
  • Semenov, D
  • Klaassen, PD
  • Schilke, P
  • Urquhart, JS
  • Beltrán, MT
  • Lumsden, SL
  • Leurini, S
  • Moscadelli, L
  • Cesaroni, R
  • Sánchez-Monge, Á
  • Palau, A
  • Pudritz, Ralph Egon
  • Wyrowski, F
  • Longmore, S
  • team, the CORE

publication date

  • July 9, 2019