Rogue waves in the KdV-type models Journal Articles uri icon

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  • <p>In this study, we investigate the rogue-wave-type phenomena in the physical systems described by the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)-like equation in the form $ u_t + [u^m \sgn{u}]_x + u_{xxx} = 0 $ with the arbitrary real coefficient $m>0$. The periodic waves (sinusoidal or cnoidal) described by this equation have been shown to suffer from the modulational instability if $m \ge 3$; the modulational growth results in the formation of rogue waves similar to the Peregrine, Kuznetsov-Ma or Akhmediev breathers known for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. In this work we focus on the rogue wave occurrence in ensembles of soliton-type waves. First of all, the characteristics of the solitary waves are investigated depending on the power $m$. The existence of solitary waves with exponential tails, as well as algebraic solitons and compactons has been shown for different ranges of the parameter $m$ values. Their energetic stability is discussed. Two solitary wave/breathers interactions are studied as elementary acts of the soliton/breather turbulence. It is demonstrated that the property of attracting solitons/breathers is a necessity condition for the formation of rogue waves. Rigorous results are obtained for the integrable versions of the KdV-type equations. Series of numerical simulations of the rogue wave generation has been conducted for different values of $m$. The obtained results are applied to the problems of surface and internal waves in the ocean, and to elastic waves in the solid medium.</p><p>The research is supported by the RNF grant 19-12-00253.</p>


  • Pelinovsky, Efim
  • Kokorina, Anna
  • Slunyaev, Alexey
  • Talipova, Tatiana
  • Didenkulova, Ekaterina
  • Tarasova, Tatiana
  • Pelinovsky, Dmitry E

publication date

  • March 3, 2021