The public library in the life of the community: Understanding social workers’ roles in Hamilton Public Library Community Engaged Research uri icon

  • Overview


  • Public libraries across Canada have become places of respite and sanctuary for increasing numbers of community members contending with housing insecurity, food insecurity, mental health issues, income pressures, and substance use. Hamilton Public Library (HPL) has witnessed a significant increase in patrons with complex social challenges and unmet needs accessing the library, particularly their Central Branch in the downtown core. HPL responded to these growing needs by funding two part-time on-site social work positions in partnership with Hamilton Public Health Services. Although social work positions in public libraries are an emerging partnership practice across North America, little research centred in Canadian contexts describes social workers' roles in public libraries or explores how different stakeholders understand the social work position. Leaders at HPL have identified a need to investigate the different ways in which public libraries across Canada are responding to library patrons' complex needs and to understand the nuances of the library-social work position at HPL.