authors Liu, W Imbriani, G Buchmann, L Chen, Alan D’Auria, JM D’Onofrio, A Engel, S Gialanella, L Greife, U Hunter, D Hussein, A Hutcheon, DA Olin, A Ottewell, D Rogalla, D Rogers, J Romano, M Roy, G Terrasi, F
has subject area 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences (FoR) 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics (FoR) 0299 Other Physical Sciences (FoR) Nuclear & Particles Physics (Science Metrix)
published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Journal
keywords COLLISIONS CROSS-SECTIONS DRAGON ELECTRON-CAPTURE Instruments & Instrumentation Nuclear Science & Technology Physical Sciences Physics Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particles & Fields Science & Technology Technology charge state distributions gases low energy heavy ions