authors Kahl, D Hashimoto, T Duy, NN Kubono, S Yamaguchi, H Binh, DN Chen, Alan Cherubini, S Hayakawa, S He, JJ Ishiyama, H Iwasa, N Khiem, LH Kwon, YK Michimasa, S Nakao, T Ota, S Teranishi, T Tokieda, H Wakabayashi, Y Yamada, T Zhang, LY
presented at event ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES 2013: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG12) Conference
keywords Astronomy & Astrophysics ELASTIC-SCATTERING MG-22 O-14 Physical Sciences RADIOACTIVE NUCLEAR BEAMS SEPARATOR CRIB STATES SYSTEM Science & Technology TRACKING PROPORTIONAL CHAMBER X-RAY-BURSTS X-ray bursts active target alpha p-process hi-flight RIBs nuclear clusters resonant scattering rp-process